
My Circle

This is a true story of my life. Growing up as a kid, I was the apple of my mother eyes. I only known my Mom to be my only parent because she made me believed that my Dad was no more only because she and my Dad had separated long before I was even born. My Mom was pregnant with me when she and my Dad went their separate ways, she never told my Dad that she was pregnant with me because my Dad had another woman. My Mom give birth to me on the 22nd of June 1998. Things were tough with her but she never asked my Dad for help, she was lucky to find a Job as a security lady, with that job my Mom was able to send me to school from my elementary to senior high level. To our first apartment, our house got burn which led us to become poorest then before, we had to put on clothes that were used from family and friends but as time went by my Mom got another job which was paying her more than her previous Job. I got to know my Dad at the age of 11years when my Mom was already happy with her life. Getting to know my Dad was one of the best day of my life, My Dad is loving and caring and he's the best Dad ever. There are lots of difficulty I went through growing up as a kid, I never had the love of a Dad and I never had toys, clothing, best of vacations and a full time meals like other kids does. I am the only child for my Mom. I have siblings from my Dad's side, we are six(6) children two boys and four girls from daddy. My family and I are living in Liberia and I'm proud to be a Liberian.

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My Circle

My name is Barnetta M Kollie.

Daughter of Rita H Bowah and Joseph Q Kollie. I am a mother of one kid.

Growing up as kid I never experienced the love of a Dad, my only parent was my Mom. During my childhood days, I faced lots of difficulties and challenges. My Mom kept me as secret from my Dad when they went their separate ways. I never knew who my Dad was until I was Eleven, my Mom introduced me to my Dad as his daughter but he couldn't believed it because he never knew anything about my Mom being pregnant with me when they separated. We did Paternity test and the result came positive, that made me happier and my Dad was very excited too. While growing up as a kid, I never had what other kids had. I never had a father love, I never had toys, good clothes, vacations and a full time meals. My life wasn't better but I was happy because I had my Mom doing her best to see a smile on my face. My Dad came in the right time when my Mom wasn't able to pay my school fees and other bills. I never had the best of life because of many reasons and some of these reasons are my mom and dad not being together, me not getting my father's love, me not wearing the best of clothes, me not getting the best of education like other kids, me not having the best of meals and having kid out of wedlock. I've been searching for Job to give myself, my child and my family a better life but things are very difficult in my country Liberia. I hope and pray that one day God will bless me with a Job to sustain my family.