
My Beast Boyfriend

Most believed the beast is ment to kill, Absorbs, distruct and destroy but a girl from a small town village proves them wrong, as the advantures goes on she belived the Beast is the one keeping people safe from other Creatures, Their journey together ended up falling for eachother.

milliyfah · Fantasía
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42 Chs

The Hunter

Early in the morning the next day, Tine was the first one to wake up, she took a piece of paper and started drawing a picture of a man with a hood and a mask on the market. Belle woke up and saw her drawing, "Pictures again what are you trying to discover now...?" (Belle yawns) "Great your'e up, come on we have to go get some answers" Tine said to Belle. Caroline woke up and sitted down the bed as she whips her hair back. "Show off" Belle spoke. Tine stood up and pinned the photo on the wall, "And who's the lucky guy?" Caroline asks. "No one come on we have to get going before Harry suspects us" They all went to prepare and meantime later they walked outside the house. They directly went to that man's barn and saw him feeding the horses, there was three cupson the table outside. (He knew we were going to come) Belle said, the turned around and walked towards them. (You seem prepared hunter) Caroline said, "Jason" That man said "Well Jason you have a lot to tell us today don't you think?" Tine spoke Jason laughing while gjving them the cup of coffee. "You guys just arrivedin Midlands yesterday yet you seem very curious about whats been happening" "Please Jason tell us about last night. What we saw" Tine spoke "What you saw was the reality of humanity, you walk downhere with everybody else during the day but most of them are'nt really normal people, tonight everyone lock themselves in their houses quietly, some are praying for the night to pass, because what you saw was the Beast and my dear ones, The beast hunts tonight" They were shocked hearing that from Jason. "They say that he was a very young boy cursed, he turned and killedhis parents, people and siblings, he was getting stronger and stronger everyday until he became a complete beast.Everyone here is aware of the beast there is this folk that state "Beast only turns when there's darkness" once it makes it prey, it never misses" "And you are like people's hero or something Jason?" Caroline asked "I'm no hero, when I was young my father and brother and most of the villagers used to be hunters, they hunted that beast for centries but unfortunately they were all killed, most of them had families to return to, but no one was left behind. Everynight it comes back knocking door by door, eating animals, absorbs people blood and destroy. This small town village may seem peace in day light but tonight no one is stepping out to help you once you are marked as a prey. That is the reason why people always pray day never ends. I don't intend to be anyone's hero but I do hunt that beast because of my father and brother, I'm just seeking answers because I never get a chance of fighting that beast hand to hand, I always see it from a far and it flews away" "Well what kind of a mess" Belle spoke. "Jason do you think that beast is killing fof fun, or because of hunger?" Tine asked "With that face of yours girl, is gonna get you killed If you want to survive down here, you have to be sharp and strong" "Do you think there are other people like you now? I mean hunters and what about beast and creatures?" Caroline asked "I don't know about hunters but long time ago there were creautes different kind, but they fleed away soon as the beast showed up and they are very rare to find" "Do you think you can get an extda hand?" Belle asked politely Jason stares at them. "Who? You? You guys better do your daily actiivities as normal people, don't get involve you will get hurt, make sure to stay away from the dark tonight, no matter what you hear lock your doors and windows" Jason said while standing up, he started practising the sword fight. Harry showed up and saw his sisters with a stranger "What are you guys doing here?" Harry asks nicey to his sisters "Trying to get to know the town, and it seems we got the nice man for the job" Belle answers "Well I think this man is tired lf your qjestions today, now why don't you be kind enough to let him practise and head home now" The three sisters stood up and walked away leaving their brother with Jason. "So what do they call you, master shifu?" Harry asked satirely Jason started laughing "What's so funny?" "You seem furious and anguish" Jason putted away his sword and started walking towards the cows slowly. "I wi be keeling my eyes on you" Harry shouted at him. Sometimes later in the woods at the edge of the cliff a man was standing staring at the town he was using his powers to hear from a far distance,the sounds of people's activities, thoughts,heartbeating and so much more, The same man who was wearing the black clothes hood and mask. Tonight that day Tine was on her bed staring at the picture ln the wal, Belle and Caroline were sleeping "Who are you really?" She was asking herself she started sneeking out trying to find answers she seeks Harry was sleeping Tine passed by his room quietly holding a plain paper and a pencil. She wanted to see what is going on with her own eyes she climbed up the roof and hide under the roof tag as she await for something to happen. "Come on, show yourself" Her eyes were sharp staring the village town waiting for the beast. Suddenly a creature landed down just right infront of her eyes, she hurrly closed her mouth with her hand to stop breathing, as she was seeing Donkey's toes. The creaute was hunting through the smell, it started make strange vlices and flew away, Tine squeezed her self and got out as she was busy trying to find out where that creature went, withouf realisng thaf it was standing jusg right behind her as she heard a huge breathe behind her, she slowly turned around and saw it's face she started screaming while trying to run away. That creater held her once it wanted to use it's nails on her a knife was thrown and slay that creature's hand and letted go of Tine as she falls down hardly. Tine turned to see who helped she saw the same man from her picture. That man was fighting the creature as Tine was trying to get a perfect view. Suddenly that man turned into a beast Tine was shocked