
Don't Kill the Saintess I Guess?

"That was easier than expected," he said, "now I only need to take care of-"

But before he could finish his sentence, he heard someone coughing, and turned around to see that Lilia had gotten up, she had used her magic to heal herself while he was fighting.

"I-It's you..." she mumbled, her voice weak.

"Oh, hello there," Max replied, not knowing what to say.

"T-thank you for saving me... I thought I'd die..." She smiled, happy that she was still breathing.

But Max was confused, "saving her?" why did she even think he was there to save her, that would be silly.

"No problem," he replied, approaching the girl with his dagger still in hand, wanting to finish the job before his divination bugged him about it.

But to his biggest surprise, a red panel appeared in front of him, almost like it was interfering with his quest.

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