
Part 1 : My animated life

"Do you really have to go?, is it really necessary?, what if something bad happens to you? How can I live knowing that you're no longer here? Please Haruto don't go"

"You know I have to fight for my people mazuki? If I don't do it who will"

"This war started because of me, let's just run away so it will end"

"Mizuki... we can't keep running away from our problems, you know one day will come that we will have to face it"

"I know, but does it really have to be today? Please  Haruto" she begins to cry

Haruto looks at her with sadness in his eyes, he see's how red Mizuki eyes had become, he sits down beside her and tries to console her, he pulls her closer to him and rest her head on his chest, running his fingers through her hair.

"Give me two days to return, I promise I'll be back. Nothing can happen to almighty Haruto"  he smirks "you know I can control my powers very well. I'm not called the prince of the sun for nothing"

Mizuki raises her head and looks at Haruto in the eyes and saw Haruto confidence that he was surely going to return from the war.

"But what if something bad happ..."

"That's enough. Don't you trust me?"

"Yes, I do trust you"

Haruto takes Mizuki hands and then kisses it. Then they both looked at each other and then began to kiss each other on the lips

"Don't open the door for anyone, and wait for my return"

Haruto gets up, Takes his horse and then left. Mizuki begins to pray for her ancestors to protect Haruto.

                  (The next day)

Mizuki hears a loud knock on the door, and tries her best to see who was at the door, then she hears someone's voice

"I think she's here, knock the door down" he ordered

The guards gathers together and used their powers that enabled them to control the weather to create a powerful wind which enabled them to knock the door down. Mizuki began to think of a way to escape but there was no way out

"There's the traitor arrest her"

"Please, please, let me go, do you know who I am?" Mizuki cries out "I am the princess of the moon, how dear you touch me. I'll tell the king about this" she struggles

"We were ordered by the king himself, you can no longer be the princess of the moon, we can't have a traitor ruling our kingdom. Guards take her away"

"No please, let me go . Haruto where are you!!!!!" She screams"

                       (At the palace)

"Mizuki must be executed, she committed treason"

"You want me to kill my own daughter? The crown princess?"

"Your highness , this kingdom will not stand by and watch a traitor rule us"

"But... But how can I kill my own daughter? I just...."

"The other criminals who committed treason were all killed my king and they all had families of their own.I'm sure your people will not accept your unfair judgment"

Mizuki enters the room, and went on her knees and began to plead for forgiveness

"Father! Father! You can't let them do this to me" Mizuki says crying

"You disobeyed me, and now you beg for forgiveness. I clearly told you to stay away from Haruto but you choose to side your enemy and betray your people. Because of that a fair judgement must be passed"

"Father! Haruto is not the enemy, he..."

"Mizuki will be hung to death, to pay for her crimes"

"Father!!!!"Mizuki cries and shouts her fathers name.

The king turns his face away because he could to bear to see Mizuki cry. He gets up from the throne and went to his room. The guards picked up Mazuki from the floor and took her to the dungeon

                          (In the kings room)

The king fell on the floor in front of his late wife picture and began to cry. He felt really guilty for what was about to happen to his daughter and he could do nothing about it.

"My queen, please forgive me. I am not able to protect our crown princess, my crown princess" The king says with so much pain "what am I suppose to do? I am the king and yet I'm not able to save my own daughter.what is the point of even being a king?"

                         (At the dungeon)

Mizuki was in pain because she was seriously beaten up. Her face was swollen and her lips were bleeding, her legs were also broken.

"Haruto, where are you? I don't know if I'll be able to see you tomorrow." a tear drop drops from her eyes and slides down her face"


To be continued

"omg" Emma Williams blows her nose with the tissue paper beside her "that was so touching I wonder when the next episode will be out".

I guess you thought the story was about them? But no this story is about me and I was watching my favorite anime named Mizuki and Haruto.

My life is not as interesting as the anime I was just watching, but I've always wished something magical will happen in my life. My name is Emma Williams and I'm a total nobody.

My dad.. well I know nothing about him. My mum got pregnant in the university and then had me. Because of me she wasn't able to finish her studies, but my mum doesn't recent me. Although we are not a complete family we are still happy.

I also have an twin brother, he is a complete somebody his name is John Williams almost everybody loves him, he is tall, very handsome, light skinned, pink lips, he has everything even the brains. He won a lot of competitions, our house is filled with all his trophies, I can't even count.

Unlike me I have nothing, I don't even think he is really my twin brother,No wonder our names doesn't even match. I'm short, not so pretty, and I don't even have the brains. I never bring good grades home, my mum says I took after her.

My love life is a total zero too. I'm 19 and I haven't been in a single relationship. Anytime I confess my love to a guy they always tell me they prefer pretty girls. Unlike my brother, he doesn't have to confess love to any girl, they all confess to him and he just selects who he prefers. I wish I was more like my brother sometimes or I could be as pretty as Mizuki.

"Emma!! You'll be late for school, come out" My mum screams

"I'm coming!! , don't worry I won't be late. Brother is driving me"

"Your brother has already left for school, he said he has an exam this morning so he had to leave early"

"What??! When how will i go to school?"

"Don't worry, I already asked the neighbor if her son could take you"

"Don't tell me you mean Tony fredward"

"Yeah that's his name, why?"

"Oh no.. not him."

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