
Chapter 59 - "Everything Is Wrong With A Guy Blushing."

I gape at Seneca in open shock

How could she leave out this important detail?!

"You are, by no means my brother, Alpha Daemon. So stop with the false comments," Seneca snaps, her tone so cold and biting, I almost feel sorry for the guy at the other end.

"Not your brother?! How can you say that, Sister? You are the only sibling I have!" He exclaims in mock anger, and places his hands on his hips, glaring at Seneca with an expression so hurt and earnest, I'd have asked Seneca to apologize to him, if it weren't him who stirred all the trouble.

"I am the only daughter of my Mother and Father! So don't you dare pull this Brother bullshit," Seneca sneers furiously, taking a step closer to him in anger.

All false humor drops from his previously playful expression in a second, and he glares at Seneca too, taking a step forward and getting in her face as well.

Uh oh.

This might not end well.