
Chapter 41 - "What Are You Sorry For?"-03

"I don't know what you are talking ab — "

"And make her sad, — "

"Please stop it— "

"You were never there for her! Not when she cried last night —"


"And not when her father — "

"Shut your damned mouth, Ezra!"

Both of us fall silent when Seneca interrupts us. I turn around only to find her standing in front of an open door that I didn't notice was there before. She's wearing an enormous robe that engulfs her, and a towel is slung over her shoulder. Tiny little rivulets of water trickle down her face, rolling down her neck and into the slightly deep neckline of her robe —

Don't think about that Micajah!

Her hair is wet as well, the color of it a dark maroon-ish brown due to its soaked state.

Was she in the bathroom the whole time?