
Chapter 37 - "Sniffles And Whimpers." |Part II|-01

"So let's move this picture to the next page, it will make it look less congested," I suggest and Nicole nods, removing the paper clip.

Thunder rolls across the sky, sending a flash of lightning. Rain hammers against the roof, the sound of it powerful and majestic, showing just how powerful Mother Nature is. Tonight it seems like Earth is unleashing her anger, because the downpour seems to be going on forever.

I hope the city doesn't get flooded like that Indian one.

The closed curtains light up for a second, like someone just clicked the flash of the world's biggest camera, before dimming. I rub my cold forearms in an attempt to warm it, and search for the glue stick in the clustered table full of things, but it's nowhere in sight.

Guess I left it in my room.

"I'll go fetch the glue stick," I stare and stand up, stretching my joints, when the door bursts open.