
Chapter 25 - "No One Ever Calls Me Micajah."-02

Seneca gives him a sidelong glance and then returns to chewing her breakfast in silence.

"Oh puhlease!" He sighs over-dramatically. "Even Aleph here has forgiven me. Haven't you, Aleph?" He asks me, raising his eyebrows pointedly. I contemplate whether to tell on him for a second, but I decide against it.

"Yeah," I acquiesce, nodding through a bite.

Seneca glances at me dubiously, her liquid silver eyes roaming over my face with precision. She turns to Beta Ezra and looks at him silently, still chewing. Beta Ezra is vibrating with such anticipation, I guess that the suspense music, "Dun, dun, dudunn!" is playing in his mind.

"I'll think about it," She says finally, making him blow out air in a dramatic fashion.

A unique pair of friends they are.

I smile to myself.

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