

New day arrived...

And on this day Eric and Alvara went to a school to get enrolled in it. and he even got admission as he is a bright kid. Time passed by, Eric and Jenna both forget about each other. Eric did his best in his school and years fly like seconds. Soon he passed from his institution and got enrolled in college and passed that too with flying colors. Whereas Jenna's college was also a university, so when she passes her college level she will directly transformed to their university. Eric by coincidence enrolled himself in the same university as Jenna. Right now both are just mere strangers. Their meeting in their childhood, both of them do not remember it, as they were just kids at that time and never met after that.

Again years passed and soon time flew and Jenna also passed her college and now both of them are university students. Jenna is a bold and confident girl, on the other hand, Eric used to cover his eyes with his hairs. As he is an Alpha, not a common one but a rare one, so time to time his eyes glow indicating that his wolf got control over his body, his wolf has golden eyes. So he just to cover them, he used his that hairstyle now. Nobody had seen his eyes till now except his mother Alvara. Eric also made 2 friends, who were surprisingly hidden alphas too. They also wear scent blockers just like him. Jenna also has 2 good friends who are omegas. They are like closest friends. The same goes with Eric.

If we talk about appearances, Eric is a rare Alpha so of course he is the masculine one, with a buildup body that seems like he made while going gym or something, but it is because of his alpha side. He has the most dominant aura even with his eyes covered, most handsome man in that area. Even though people think he is a beta but his personality shouts that he is a dominant alpha. At present time he is 22 years old.

If we talk about Jenna, she is a rare omega, and because of it she is the most beautiful girl, the town has ever seen. People stop and stare at her beauty when she passes through them. She is currently 19 years old, she will turn 20 this year and her full omega form will be unlocked. The way she talks and walks people kind of get lost in her beauty. She is a kind, well-behaved girl.

Aside of them if we talk about Jenna's Mother, Elizabeth. She did not let any other man touch her, including Beck. She is loyal to her mate and she has this feeling that her alpha is alive somewhere, so by trusting her senses she is keeping her loyalty with him. But Beck told her that her mate is dead and he is the one who killed him with a smirk on his face, so she is not clear whether her mate is alive or not.

Now at present time Beck is talking to a person in an unknown place inside the forest, that person is in not good condition and yes that person is an alpha, and Beck is talking his anger out on him.

"You..... YOU because of you Elizabeth never loved me" Beck said in anger.

"W..who said t..to keep your.... hopes up" that man replies with a smirk on his face.

"oh then how about I kill you today" Beck replied.

That unknown person then replied in a serious tone "BECK, open your.... eyes.... you are messing with... nature, Alphas can never die... even if I die today... then tomorrow another alpha will born... just how many alphas... huh how many will you kill? huh?".

"Nature.. huh... you said. Buddy, I have already changed it, now it's your turn to die" Beck replied with a smirk then he pointed a gun towards that unknown person, then he continue saying " well well... how about we go on an hunt".

On this all the Alphas who were captured there, start shouting with pain in their voices "Don't dare to hurt our leader Edward! We can die for him! and even kill for him!".

"Oh, little wolfs have become brave huh! but first, save yourselves losers" Beck said while rolling his eyes.

They all got sad on this and turned their faces down with shame, why if u ask, as alphas they are most strong ones, it its because the cage they are in makes them weak, it makes them so weak they cannot do anything even moving here or there is a great task for them.

"its ok" said Edward, as he stand up "just try to protect yourselves" he said with a sad smile.

"But leader..." alphas said.

"Such a sweet master, oh sorry leader" Beck said with a joyful expression and told his men to take Edward with them behind him and they all left that room.

"Now my dear run for your life" Beck said as his men leave Edward on the gate, Edward had no choice but to run as if he stayed there Beck would kill him in seconds, so he started running away from there. As he got a little away from him Beck aimed at him. But today luck was on Edward's side as it started raining heavily and because of it, the drug due to which Edward was weak started getting off, it showed the power of nature. It is now raining so heavily that taking an aim to shoot is difficult, but in determination to kill Edward, beck starts shooting aimlessly from his gun, while on the other side Edward slip and falls on the bushes and a painful sound left his mouth, by hearing that Beck thought that Edward dies and in joy in went in and announced in joy "YOUR LEADER IS DEAD NOW, KILLED BY ME" after saying this Beck start laughing while all alphas present there start crying in sadness.

On the other side with Edward, after few minute when he got sure that no one is firing, he got up in that heavy rain and start running for his life, and in hope of finding his family. Yes he is Elizabeth's husband and Jenna's biological father, Edward.