
My Adorable Little Bun

Her life wasn’t bad. Her mama, papa, and older brother pampered and adored her. Her family wasn’t struggling to make ends meet as they owned the most popular bakery in the capital city of the Starlight Kingdom. All she wanted was a peaceful life, but accidentally meet a legendary creature and became a tamer. But did she tame the creature or her soon to be husband? Let’s find out! ;) DO NOT REPOST COVER!! I drew my own cover!!! Hiiii~~~~ I’m new to writing stuff and this is my first book . I know that my grammar is wack, so any criticism are welcomed!!!! Enjoy the book!! :)

Megawatts1023 · Historia
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58 Chs


The next few weeks wasn't that pleasant. One evening Megan opened the bakery's mail box for any letters, she saw a letter with her name on it from an unknown sender. She went upstairs to her room and opened the letter. They were dead threats telling her to leave the Duke or else. Of course Megan didn't think of it as much and threw the parchment in her trash can. However, the next day Megan was taking out the trash and saw something horrific. She let out a screeching scream as she saw a pig laying on a pool of its own blood in her backyard.

Theodore heard his sister screamed and ran out. He saw the pig and already knew what this was about. "I'll clean it up, don't get your hands dirty" he said clenching his jaws. "Megan, have you offend anyone or are they the petty one?"

"They're the petty one" Megan replied. "Victon is on the case to get the fly that's pestering me, but it's been a week and he haven't meet with me."

"Do you want me to give him a visit? Or do you want to go instead?" Theodore asked as he stuff the pig into a trash bag.

"I will go... but can you tell me the directions?"

Theodore told her to go through the central market then head south. "Before you go, take this dagger to protect yourself just in case. If possible, keep it in your boots." He held a sharp hand-sized dagger and gave it to Megan.

"Thank you Theodore" Megan smiled as she hugged her brother.


"Pig? A corpse of a pig in her backyard?" Victon said raising a brow.

"Yes, Your Highness. Only I came to report because the Young Miss was getting ready to go somewhere" the knight bowed.

"Oliver, who did you find?" Victon asked coldly.

"Your Highness, it was the daughter of Viscount Watson, Bessie Watson" Oliver answered.

"I assumed you got some reports on Viscount Watson?" Victon asked.

Oliver gave Victon his reports on the dirt of the Viscount. "Viscount Watson has been gambling illegally and also evaded his taxes for four years now. He is in a trading business, but I have documents there saying he imports firearms and selling them illegally."

"You can have the week off" Victon said as he was satisfied he could have this whole family in prison.

"Thank you Your Highness" Oliver then left with a broad smile.

"Return to your post" Victon said to the other knight.

"A lady born into an aristocratic family have less manners than a bug" Victon murmured to himself. "Targeting Megan so she would have a chance with me, she thinks she can even catch my attention?"

'You want attention? Fine. Thinking you can touch the Duke's girlfriend and leave unscathed? Pray for yourself Watsons' Victon thought with his face becoming darker with fury.


Megan walked through the market and got herself a snack before heading southward to the Yvonne mansion. In their first date, Victon seemed to like the bag of fried chips so Megan bought a bag. She puts it in her small pouch and continued her little journey. She thought how she did not know Victon's birthday and planned to ask him when she gets there, but what would she give? Perhaps depending on the season, like if it's during this winter then she would make a knitted scarf and hat for him. Megan laughed as she thought about the almighty Duke wearing a knitted hat.

She walked on the road with no one around her. It was night time and she wondered why Theodore didn't offer to go with her as he is usually nagging about her safety. A sound came from somewhere and broke Megan out of her thoughts.

Turning around she didn't see anyone, getting scared Megan picked up the pace, walking faster. Then she heard metal clanging behind her. She turned around again to see a fighting scene popping out of nowhere. Three knights in white uniforms were fending off some buff looking men with scars on their faces.

"Milady RUN!" The knight yelled at her.

Megan didn't know what was going on or who the knight was, but she ran for dear life. Her heart was pounding out of her chest as she ran as fast as she could. Her breathing quicken as her body became more exhausted, but she couldn't stop here because she felt many pursuers on her tail.

Couldn't run anymore, Megan hid behind a tree trying to catch her breath as she wheezes. Peering out of her hiding spot, Megan saw her pursuers. They were buff men, possibly mercenaries, would came here to catch her.

"Damn! Where the girl?" One man yelled.

"Who was she? Why she got three knights with her?" Another asked curiously.

"Who cares? She's our target!" The man yelled back.

Megan tried counting the numbers of men there were and it was at least ten. She couldn't count properly as it was too dark to see. She didn't know what to do, how can she, a puny little lady with some type of arm muscles, go against those brawl men? Her only hope was to escape. Megan slowly stepped away from the tree, but was attacked by a man pressing a cloth to her face. She tried to grip the hand away from her face as it suffocated her.

'Shit' was Megan's last thought as her vision began to blurry and fell into darkness.