
My 5th class Love story

this story was my real life first love story on 5th class me and my first crush on age 12 My name is Munna Manjhi sorry I not able to write his girl name but she is very cute and beautiful afcourse 12 years age is cute and beautiful age girl and boy so she is very beautiful girl I have words for this girl look and beautiful face this girl is cute and beautiful but I Am not cute and handsome boy

MunnaManjhi · Derivados de obras
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My 2nd love story 6th class

Today I went for a walk in the park for the first time, that too at 7:00 in the morning, otherwise I used to start using the phone at this time, but my mother was very upset with me lying in the house and punching in the phone the whole day, because He was worried about me that my health should not deteriorate and I should not become lethargic, however, it was right for him to be worried, because if I remain locked in the house like this, then I will have to face weakness in the body and may I am worried that I might get seriously ill, so I decided to go for a walk in the park early in the morning today to relieve my anxiety.

When I entered the park and started walking I was shocked to see that there were no children of my age in the park the rest were all middle class men and women who had come to the park for a walk and to exercise, I know all the children had their own At home, like me, they might be either using their phones or sleeping on the bed like Kumbh Karna, but what do I care about them? I came to the park and that too for the first time, so I continued walking. While walking, I also took a picture from my phone which It was very wonderful. If you all are interested to see those pictures, then you can see them by visiting my Instagram id: - (Mk_manjhi9). I also keep giving novel updates here, so remember to follow me.

I roamed around in the park for about 30-40 minutes, after that I returned home. You all might be thinking that I went to the park early in the morning and came back without running or exercising, so let me tell you that doing all this felt special to me. I don't like that if I ever feel like doing it, I work out at home. Now you all don't think that I don't want to take care of my body but I am lazy to do all this and whenever I do more exercise Or if I do it only for a few minutes, then later my body starts aching, probably because I am very weak.

Well, I was going to tell you all about my second love in this chapter, but I thought why do something new, so I wrote a little about myself too.

My second love Yes, now how can I tell you all that when I went to 6th class after 5th class, I started studying in a tuition with my friends where apart from me and my two friends who were studying in my class, there was only one person. The girl whose name is difficult to tell was our former fifth class classmate, although earlier in fifth class I had never talked to her or made friends with her because at that time I was too busy playing pranks and being bullies, but now when we were in tuition We were studying together and we kept chatting and I and my two friends became friends with him.

In our tuition, there were four or five children of class six like us, me and my two friends and including him there was another boy who studied in a private school, we all became friends, we spent the whole year studying and having fun in tuition. After that we all went to 7th class, for some reason our tuition tutor stopped studying because she was about to get married and after that she separated from us. Me and my two friends were still together because we were the same. We used to study in class and school. As for her, she used to study in an all-girls school, so separation was inevitable, it didn't make any difference to my friends but I used to see her and sit next to each other in tuition and talk. Laughing, joking, smiling at him, all this the other person wanted to do.

I don't know what happened to me, when I separated from her, was it the feeling of love awakening inside me for her, I was also crazy, when we were together I was only focusing on friendship and studies. I never felt the feeling of love but now when she was away I was yearning to see her again, I still remember when we both used to sit together, she used to look at me again and again, I don't know why but I was very rude. Was and still is, but why did she keep looking at me like that and I was the one who kept talking to my friends, when I turned my head towards her she would give me a bright smile.

I was too ignorant to understand all these signals because I only liked friendship and games and fun, I was like this because my first love whom I was in love with in fifth grade, I was separated from him too, Kansa gave me that. Had I met her, I would have known what love is and how to feel love, I would have given her a smile and gone back to talking to my friends. In fact, now when I remember all this, I feel very proud of myself. I curse and regret why I was so foolish at that time, after separating from her, I never met her again. I used to go to my school through her school, but still I never saw her, neither while going nor while coming. Actually, I had never given much importance to love, but when I failed to get my love for the second time, then after that I completely stopped looking at the girls passing around me and paying attention to them. I ignore all the girls I bump into because I'm afraid of failing in love again.

My heart says:-

(My life is full of sorrow. How can I include you in it? I have loved twice and failed both times. So why should I love you and fail for the third time? I don't want that to happen so I ignore you. I feel wrong.) Don't think that you have some shortcomings, but I have shortcomings. Had it not been so, I would not have failed in getting love twice.) by Munna Manjhi

love, there was nothing more to write in it, so I wrote only this much but I hope that you all would have enjoyed reading this incomplete love story of mine and let me tell you all that I Both these stories are actually my love stories. Whether you believe me or not, I have written both these stories with great difficulty, with my hand on my heart, and with fear. You must like it. I am Munna Manjhi my 2nd love story 6th class.

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