


In the Arms of Beast-02


Later, she woke up with a soft humming. It was low and melodious. Whoever the owner was, was blessed with a good voice. Her eyes fluttered open and a small smile made its way on her face watching a lady in her early 50’s humming the tune while cleaning the room.

/"Hello./" She managed to rasp out in a sleepy voice and the lady froze before whipping her head in Tara’s direction. Her expressions look somewhat worried as she rushed by the patient’s side and helped her to sit up.

/"Oh my god, dear. I am so sorry. Did I wake you up?/" she asked nervously and handed her water.

/"No, ma’am. You have a beautiful voice./" Tara whispered, making her blush and hit her shoulder playfully.

/"Now- now young lady, tell me if you can move, so we can arrange a bath for you. You stink of those stupid medicines./" She fussed and Tara’s nose immediately crinkled in disgust.