
Multiverse Travels of a Lost Soul

A fifteen-year-old boy was walking across the street in his hometown however his walk was interrupted by a truck speeding his way. The body sadly didn't manage to survive however find a blessing in this disguised curse the boy met one of the first Primordials and is now on his new Journey!

Tobi_or_Not_to_be · Otras
Sin suficientes valoraciones
56 Chs

It was a pleasure to work with you!

"What in the world!?" Rias yelled confused as Valper caster some sort of spell and the Excalibur blades floated mid-air as magic formations covered them.

"It is the time! To make the four swords into one!" Valper stated with a mad grin.

"how long till it's done?" Kokabaiel asked as he rested on a floating throne above the Kuoh Academy.

"No more than five minutes" Valper responded promptly the grin still plastered on his face.

"Is Sir Zechs or perhaps is it Serafall?" Kokabaiel asked.

"We will be the ones that will face you on behalf of my brother and Leviathan" Rias responded as she pointed at him.

"Heads up!!" Taiju yelled as he came underground and punched Valper in the face and sent him flying to the school building.

"Get wrecked!!" Taiju yelled as he gave his signature grin as the rest of the rest present were shocked to the core.

"The hell!" Kokabiel yelled shocked as the light around the four Excaliburs dimmed while they were still surrounded by runes.

"That is it!!" Kokabiel yelled in rage as he waved his hand in Taiju's direction. The force behind that wave was strong enough for someone like Taiju to be blown back quite a bit.

"Damn it!?" Taiju yelled as a slash like a wound was formed on his chest. However, that was not his major source of shock as a three-headed Cerebus revealed itself from the smoke and released a wave of flames toward him.

"Too careless," Izana said as he appeared in front of Taiju and released a flame spell to match against the Cerebus.

"Gremory stand down we are going to look after this" Kakucho said as he and Hanma too appeared within the school's premises.

The runes surrounding the Excalibur regained their shine as they started to circle it yet again.

"Hanma, Taiju take out the musty guy and the fatass we will take care of the rejected elf" Izana commanded as he and Kakucho both revealed their eight wings.

"Ho~ eight wings? among the young devils, you must be the strongest of the bunch eh?" Kokabiel asked as he summoned three more Cerebus and got ready to fight against Izana and Kakucho.

"Izana-san! We can take care of the Cerebus! You carry on!" Rias yelled as she and Akeno used the power of Issei's boost to strike and destroy one of the Cerebuse's heads.

Before the other Cerebus could change their target Xenovia Appeared and finished off one of them while the other one released another wave of flames at them.

Hence the battle continued as Asia continued to heal the ones who got wounded and Issei kept on boosting Rias or Akeno to match with the Cerebus. Kiba,

Hanma and Taiju teamed against Freed who was barely able to keep his own against the three of them. The only advantage he was able to have was the Excalibur's properties allowing him to counter to some extent.

Izana and Kakucho tag teamed on Kokabiel as they were able to even the grounds with their sacred gears.

"Chimera Park!" Kakucho exclaimed as his shadow extended and chimeras made from multiple different beasts started to march out of it.

"Annihilation maker...one of the Longinus..." Kokabiel muttered as he rained a wave of light spears at Kakucho. Izana appeared in front of Kakucho and he held out his palm against the rain of light spears.

A wave of purple flames released at the light spears nullifying the attack completely.

"It can't be!!"

"One of the four Holy Relics choose a Devil!!" Xenovia stated in complete shock as Izana used the Incinerate Anthem one of only Four Holy Relics recognized by the Church.

"There is no more point in dilly-dallying! Let's rush him together!" Xenovia suggested as she and Kiba were the first to strike towards Kokabiel.

"promotion rook" Hanma stated as a light hue covered him.

"promotion knight," Taiju said as a crimson hue surrounded him.

"Let's Go!!" Both of them yelled together as they Rushed at Kokabiel as well. Issei boosted Rias and Akeno who launched powerful strikes of Lightning Magic and Power of Destruction at him.

Kokabiel didn't bat an eye at spells as he used his wings to tank both of the spells as Kiba and Xenovia raised their swords to strike his head. Kokabiel in response smirked and created two light blades on both of his hands to parry the strikes.

Hanma and Taiju joined the fight as well as both of them enhanced their bodies with magic and punched at Kokabiel's face.

"pathetic" Kokabiel muttered both of the punches landed on the face however they did little to no damage to him as he released a bast of energy around him knocking away everyone in the close range.

"You all are too weak!!" Kokabiel yelled as a Light spear formed on his hand which he used to impale Koneko's chest. Without giving it a rest he created five more light spears and launched them as Hanma and Taiju.

"Are we!" Kakucho yelled as he used Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist and launched a devastating palm strike on Kokabiel's stomach that knocked him back a little bit.

"You little shit" Kokabiel cursed as he cleaned the blood on his face however snake-like creatures appeared from Kakucho's shadows that attempted to bind him in place.

"Pathetic attempt" Kokabiel stated as he released a beam of light that destroyed the snakes.

"Is it?" Izana asked as he appeared behind him and launched a wave of holy flames that made Kokabiel crash on the ground.

"You are pretty good ya know" Kokabiel praised as he used his wings to remove the rubble in his surroundings.

"For someone who has lost their lord you guys do a pretty decent job" Kokabiel praised as everyone except Izana and Kakucho were shocked.

"Indeed it was not only the Satans who perished in the great war!"

"GOD IS DEAD!" Kokabiel revealed as Xenovia and Kiba seemed to have lost their will to fight.

"But it was hardly in the interest of the three ravaged powers to inform humans of this. After all Angels and Devils alike rely on humans and their endless faith and propensity for Develish Deals. "

"Only the top brass were aware of the news in the first place" Kokabiel stated with a mad grin.

"There is no God? then what was it that we believed in as we wasted our life in that faculty!?" Kiba mumble as he looked devastated.

"You lie," Xenovia said as she tried to deny Kokabiel's claim.

"I lie!? Then tell me how come a devil is able to wield and utilize one of the four Holy Relics with no repercussions!" Kokabiel yelled destroying their spirits even more.

"There woul-" Before Kokabiel could continue anymore a wave of Holy Flames crashed on him that sent him flying in the air yet again.

"God this God that! We are devils ass hat you think we give a damn" Izana stated as he pointed at Kokabiel.

"You all fragile idiots stay back it is about time we get on the stage," Izana stated with a grin as a light blue circuit extended from his right eye and reach all to way to his right ear.

"Those markings," Kokabiel said as he recognized them. He let out a face-splitting grin and then started to clash against Izana and Kakucho without saying a word.

The three of them resumed their duel as Kakucho kept on creating multiple different Chimera's with different abilities to keep Kokabiel on the edge while Izana took the vanguard and kept on releasing waves after waves of Holy Flames.

Despite the onslaught of two Longinus Sacred Gears Kokabiel managed to keep with both of them with his superior experience and Knowledge.

"Let's Take the stage Kakucho!!" Izana yelled as he dodged one of Kokabiel's spears and regrouped with Kakucho.

"Time for the Final Push!" Kakucho yelled back with a grin as a beast with the head of a dragon, body of a horse, snake heads for the tail and striped legs came to form his shadow.

The three of them rushed at Kokabiel and in response, Kokabiel created another wave of Light spears that were much stronger and denser as compared to before.

'Arakan...It was an honor to be able to meet you, and guide you this is my final push'

'Arakan it was the greatest journey we had...now the rest is with you'

'Conqueror the World' Both Kakucho and Izana thought in unison as they waved the wave of light spears head-on.


"You are strong as ever Tia" Arakan said as he released an exhausted sigh and sat on the ground with a bruised body that started to fix itself.

"Honestly with your growth, it won't take you long to surpass the whole Biblical Faction," Tiamat said as she stood in front of him. Hearing the praise Arakan merely grinned in response.

"Arrrrrgggghhhhh!!!" Before he could thank Tiamat a scorching pain invaded his body as he yelled in pain shocking Tiamat.

A flare of purple flames erupted from his right eye as shadows started to cover his body. Tiamat tried to approach Arakan but some sort of barrier stopped her.

"What is happening!"

"Arakan can you listen to me!!" Tiamat yelled worried as the purple flames covered his right ear and turned into a single Hanafuda earring and the shadows reached his hands and turned into a silver ring with dragon-like embroidery.

Tiamat smashed the barrier using a flame-enhanced fist as she approached the now unconscious Arakan who laid there unmoving.

"These are sacred gears?" Tiamat questioned as she touched the Hanafuda earring and the ring on his left hand.


"I am back in the same dream?" Arakan questioned as he noticed the change in his surroundings. The same ruined city of the underworld, the same crims skies however just missing the river of blood.

'The river of blood and the strong sense of blood lust had disappeared.' Arakan thought as he looked at his surroundings with more caution.

'It has been replaced by misery?' Arakan questioned himself as he rushed to the spot where he would usually meet the beast.

"Iza-chin? Kaku-chan?" Arakan questioned as he saw a light purple holographic figure of Izana and a Crimson holographic figure of Kakucho.

"You are here at last eh? Arakan" Izana said as Araka approached the two figures.

"I guess we still didn't want to be separated in our hearts," Kakucho said as he gave a little smile.

"What do you mean separate? what is happening?" Arakan questioned as he approached the two of them.

"You see Arakan, I and Kakucho are already dead" Izana dropped the bomb.


"Oi, Oi, Oi!"

"Don't joke about shit like that!" Arakan exclaimed as tears started to dwell in his eyes as he approached the both of them.

"We don't have much time here I still have some words for you Arakan" Izana said with a smile.

"How, how can you smile at a moment like this" Arakan said as tears already started to drip from his eyes as his fists clenched.

"Arakan, me and Izana live in darkness, we thought we were alone and only had each other's back, we were drowned in misery but smile at each other's presence"

"But it all changed when a battle maniac entered our life nad turned it upside down, helped us fulfill our dreams and brought us true light," Kakucho said as he held Arakan's shoulder.

"We are passing out sacred gears to you so look after them, captain, you fulfilled our dream but we never got to fulfill yours, we can no longer be with you to see the glory," Izana said as he held Arakan's other shoulder with a smile.

"Conqueror the seas, conqueror the lands Conqueror the world, do whatever you wish and we will always be with you," Izana said with a smile.

Both Izana and Kakicho started to fade away as they both walked a little further and then turned towards Arakan. Folding their arms behind their backs both of them bowed in front of Arakan.

"It was a pleasure to work with you President!!" Both of them yelled in unison as a river of tears flowed from Arakan's eyes as he repeated their actions.

"It was a pleasure to have you!!" He yelled back without lifting his head as tears still flowed from his eyes.


[And cut man that was hurtful anyways next chapter might be released earlier as Tobi's hands are motivated as fuck right now]

[Most of the questions will be answered in the next chapter]

[Hope you enjoyed leave a review if you liked the book]