
Code Name

'Harry Potter? Yes, now I remember…' a memory of reading about a series of famous books before the Apocalypse returned to Kai. But that's all it was, a memory, faint and useless. He had lost most of his childhood to the books on beasts, the rest had been stolen by the greedy glares of others.

Kai's thoughts were already claimed by something else.

'So it is Chaos,' he noted.

Kai cared little even if it had turned out to be Order. Both were Systems, from what he had analyzed, and both would grant him a path to the top. One gave him an advantage by putting him around others, and the other wanted him to kill.

Kai was happy with either, if he was being honest.

Only power mattered.

The Quill left the parchment, its nib trailing dry lines on the rough texture. A quick dip in the ink-bottle, and it was back on its task.


You are to be mindful of the following things from now on in all the random worlds:

1. You must reveal nothing about the Systems or the Primordial Tower to any character within the random world

2. A Mission is subdivided into many side missions, a minimum of 5, with no max limit. To score a 100% clear rate, you must complete all the side missions. The side missions will give individual rewards, and the clear rate of the Mission will decide your overall rewards.

Note: You can decide to not accept any of the side-missions. In that case, completing the Mission will be counted as passed with the lowest clear rate.

3. Hidden Missions can be triggered anytime during your stay in the random world. Like the side-missions, you need to do certain tasks or interact with certain characters to trigger them. The difficulty of Hidden Missions is, generally, higher than your Main Mission.

Note: You can decide to not accept the Hidden Mission. Once accepted, the time limit will be adjusted accordingly.

4. Your body stats are digitized from now on. You can access your stats by thinking or saying 'Status'.

Note: Average Adult Attribute Points: 10

5. A storing space of 1 cubic meter and a weight limit of 1000 kg is given to all Contestants. You can access the space by thinking or saying 'Inventory'. The space and weight limit can be increased using Mission Credits.

Note: Only Items with stats can be stored in Inventory.

6. You can change your appearance once before entering a random world using Mission Credits

Note: You can not assume the appearance of other Contestants.

7. Once your HP (Health Points) becomes 0, you will die. Once your MP (Mana Points) becomes 0, you will pass out. Once your SP (Spiritual Points) becomes 0, your soul will be damaged.

8. You can obtain loots by killing Contestants of Order in random worlds


Kai read all the points thoroughly, thinking of any hidden details.

Now that he knew how the Systems were playing the guessing game with him in that White Room, he doubted everything coming from them. The quill had left the parchment, giving him enough time to read it many times over. But it didn't take Kai long to sort out all he needed.

'So I can't know about the side missions and the hidden missions beforehand,' Kai thought with a grimace on his face, 'troublesome indeed.' He was fascinated by the digitalized stats and the storing space, just not enough to give him a thrill.

'Loots!' Kai's eyes shined.

Not waiting any longer, Kai called out, "Status."

Suddenly words appeared in front of him, the stony-gray color he had seen before.


Status of Contestant: Kai Stormborn

Code Name: Not Set

System: Chaos

World: Harry Potter

Mission Status: On hold

Mission Time Limit: 48 hrs

Mission Difficulty: E-

Title: Not Applicable

Mission Credits: 0

HP: 100

MP: 70

SP: 60

Active Attributes-

Strength: 12

Agility: 14

Stamina: 10

Perception: 12

Intelligence: 7

Breath: 6

Passive Attributes-

Defense: 6

Charisma: 20

Luck: 2

Worth: 100


1. Elementary Slither Footsteps (Proficiency 27%)

2. Elementary Twin-Saber Style (Proficiency 35%)

Skills- Not Applicable

Glitch- Blood Devour (hibernating)

Items- Not Applicable

Pain Factor: 0.5 (Beginner's Benefit)

Inventory: 1 Cubic Meter-1000 kg


Kai didn't know much; he couldn't know much, but even then he could tell something was disastrously wrong with his Luck and Worth. Then there was this Glitch, Blood Devour.

As if reading his thoughts, the quill scratched the parchment again.


Only Active Attributes can be increased by Contestants using Attribute Points. Your Defense is related to your Stamina, it can only be increased directly using Items, Titles, and certain Skills and Abilities. You can know more about your stats using Mission Credits or from other Contestants.

A letter will be given to you containing the details of your Mission. You must hand over the letter to the Captain of Guard. This will be counted as your first side-mission. Once you leave this room, a timer of 48 hours will be turned on. You must complete your Main Mission within the time limit.


'Everything revolves around these Mission Credits,' Kai reflected. He was both glad and frustrated about them. Glad because now he knew what thing mattered the most in this new life of his. Frustrated because he didn't have any of it.

The quill went for a quick splash and came back.


A one-time service of allotting a Code Name is available to all Contestants. This Code Name will be visible to all Contestants, in the Primordial Tower and the random worlds, during certain scenarios.

Note: You can choose to set your real name as Code Name.

Set your Code Name…


Kai took a deep breath, remembering how all used to curse him in his original world.

"Blood Demon."



1. Calling him Blood Demon was more like cursing him, like saying bastard, and not giving him a name.

2. All Attributes, Abilities, Skills etc. will be explained in the coming chapters, thoroughly. Still, for the curious ones, I must tell a few things. Intelligence here is just a measure of Mana, and has nothing to do with "intelligence". Defense is a function of Stamina (so it doesn't come under Average value of 10 for Adult Contestant).

3. Only Active Attributes has an average value of 10, and NOT Passive Attributes. Luck remains in the ball park of 10, and so does Charisma, but they can vary. Worth starts from way below, and it's a very important Stat, as you will find out.

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