
Chapter 2

|You entering your Sulong Form|

|The Curse of the Full Moon begins to take effect|

I can hear it—the whisper of a thousand voices. I can hear them telling me to go wild and join them in their eternal hunt.

"No! I will not join you! Argh! Wait! Time of Awakening!"

I see bright blue light appear from the sky and bask me with its light. After bathing in the light, I can feel my mind is cleared, and the whisper ceases to exist. What the hell is that?! Curse?! I thought that anything involving mind attacks would not work against me because of the Gamer Mind?!

|No. It was different. The Mink Tribe's curse involves their soul. Not their mind|

Oh, you are back. What do you want?

|I just want to give you a warning. While you cannot die in the dungeon, you can still experience the pain. Also, to clear this dungeon, you need to kill ALL of the monsters, and it will trigger the boss battle. You can open your map by saying it out loud or mentally when you are here.|

I see. This will be hard and will take a long time.

|That's right, and if you want to get out of the dungeon, you need to go to the safe zone. You can see the location of the safe area on your map. Have fun and good luck.|

I take a deep breath and see my body. I have a furry wet dream. My entire body gets covered in white fur. My hair gets longer, and the same thing happens with my claws. I think I also got bigger, two times my original size. I can also feel my entire body filled with energy. I feel like I can fight for three days straight.

I shake my head and open my map. I can see the entire dungeon is filled with enemies, from a level one zombie to a level forty-five zombie. The whole map is filled with a red dot and only seven places with a large green circle, including where I stand.

I guess that is where the safe zone is located, huh?

I take a deep breath and pull out my sword. I sent a little bit of electricity into it and saw it glow. I smile a little. It looks like I can enchant an inanimate object with my Electro.

"Let's do this."

I charge forward with my sword in hand and appear in front of my first zombie in a second. I swing my sword and cut the zombie's head off instantly. It feels like a hot knife cut through butter.


I can feel and see more than a dozen zombies running at me. I wait for them to get close to me before I spin. Each of them gets sliced in half or gets destroyed from my Elektro. I'm fortunate that they are really like monsters in the game. They will disappear instead of leaving blood and other human parts.

I can do this. Let's do this.

~Nine hours later~

I wipe the sweat on my forehead and start to hear them once again. I could hear the whisper once more, and this time, I did not have any more spells to heal this curse.

It looks like the higher my Sulong Form level is, the more resistance I have to this curse. It had been fifteen minutes since my immunity was gone, but I just started to hear the voice. I shake my head and dash toward the safe zone.

After running at full speed for three minutes, I arrived inside a mall. After getting inside the supermarket and my body stops getting the moonlight, I can feel my body transform back into its human form.

I can feel all the energy I had from my Sulong Form also disappear and feel my body get weaker than before. The whisper also disappears.

"Damn. Triple the stats is something really powerful, huh? I can feel how much weaker my body is than before."

I shake my head and open my stats.

|Name: Lucas Anderson|

|Race: Youkai/Mink|

|Level: 11|

|HP: 710/710|

|MP: 300/300|

|STR: 47|

|DEX: 53|

|VIT: 71|

|INT: 30|

|WIS: 30|

|SP: 100|

My physical stats are the ones that really grow. I did not have time to increase my magical side because I was too busy hunting and did not have enough time to train my magical side. The magic spell coming from my rune did not use any mana, which is equal to did not use any magic.

At least every time I level up, the system will give me a +2 boost to all of my stats and ten SP. SP is Stats Point that I can spend to increase my stats even more. I will not use it for now as I know the higher level I become, the harder it is to gather SP.

Other than my stats, my skill also gets stronger.

|Electro| |Passive| |Level: 18|

|Sulong Form| |Passive| |Level: 32|

|Dawn Rune| |Active/Passive| |Level: 2|

My Electro and Sulong Form skills are skyrocketing because I use them the entire time. My Sulong Form level has increased because the entire time I'm in this place, I'm in my Sulong Form.

The same with my Electro skill. I use it constantly to enchant my swords. It is slightly lower in level because I need to improve my stamina each time I use it. This is the reason why my VIT stats get so high.

It looks like my VIT stats affect my total HP and my stamina. The higher it is, the longer I can fight.

As for my Dawn Rune… Well, it increases in level when I spend all of its spell slots.

Other than those three skills, I also have another one.

|Swordsmanship (Beginner)| |Passive| |Level: 27|

|You step into the journey to become a swordmaster. It was a long and hard journey, but the more you train and fight, it will not be that long|

This is the second-highest skill I have. At its current level, I now know how to hold my swords correctly and how to swing, stab and parry correctly. I have a feeling when it reaches the highest level; this skill will evolve.

I nod my head and am ready to get away from this place. However, before I could press the quit button, I could feel a warm feeling on my right arm. It was coming from my Dawn Rune. I open my skill list and see that all of the spells are restored.

Huh. It looks like it is already past midnight, huh? That means this place is not stopping time in the outside world. Should I continue hunting? Hmmm, no. I need to rest. This place is good enough for me to stay in.

I look around and see many kinds of food inside. I walk toward the nearby shelf and take a bag of chips.

|Bag of Doritos|

|A bag of Doritos. It will last for another week.|

I can see all of the items in this place for another week. That means I can stay here and train. There are even a bunch of clothes I can use as my bed, and if the toilet is not working, I can use a gallon of water in the clean water section if I want to poop or take a bath.

Let's stay here for a few days.

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Fangrovecreators' thoughts