
chapter 5

Percy Jackson universe :-

Brooklyn, New York.

2005, June 22

In a quiet corner of the street, there was a pottery studio. Anyone passing by would felt the warmth and homeliness radiating from the place. Therefore whenever people were nearby, they would subconsciously want to enter it.

But for now it was a closed as the owner of the studio was having private relaxing time with her eldest daughter with whom she was meeting more and more these days.

Speaking of the owner. She was kind of a local celebrity. She was beautiful and elegant lady with figure and allure capable of putting super- models to shame. She also claimed to be 50 but didn't seem a day older than 30. Although she had many admirers of all ages from all kinds of places, nobody could approach her as they felt she was some untouchable goddess that could not be touched or interacted with.

They didn't know how true that was for she was a literal goddess! Yes that was right she was Goddess Rhea the titaness of fertility, motherhood, comfort and ease. She was also the mother of the big three of the Olympian gods and the daughter visiting her was her eldest daughter Hestia.

They were in her private apartment above her Pottery studio sitting in front of the fireplace drinking hot Cocoa.

"Hah~" Hestia released a content sigh. She was currently in his 9 year old form.

"Better?" Asked rhea. She was currently in the form of a gorgeous Caucasian woman with long black hair and green eyes. She had tinted glasses, jeans and green floral shirt.

"Yeah" Hestia answers. The solstice meetings was getting increasingly violent since Zues's Masterbolt and Hades helm of darkness was stolen and she had to be the one to calm her family. It was a really stressful job.

They didn't need words as rhea already understood what was troubling her daughter. As a mother she should be able to do at least this much.

But he didn't really want to interfere in her children's affairs. She had already punished them Zues and Poseidon broke their oat of having no more demigods.

So she decided to dodge clear of this one.

In the midst of the silence Hestia suddenly asked. "Hey mom? What happened to papa?"

Rhea raised an eyebrow at that question "well your brothers cut him to piec-"

"Not father. what I meant is papa, the one that raised us."

At that Rhea's eyes gained clarity. And she began to smile fondly in nostalgia. Image of a white haired figure dressed in black wearing sunglasses showing Rhea and a woman with blue hair and green spots in white dress a meteor shower came to mind. Then came those three playing on a beach. Then came those three…making out.

"Oh him? Well after he stole your grandmother's and my heart and help raised you for sixteen years he just...vanished. He promised he will come back when the oat between brothers is broken whenever that is."

Then she looked at Hestia.

"Why the sudden interest in that fellow?"

"Well I just remembered a story he told me. It was about three brothers kings and two of them having their treasure stolen and them blaming it on their middle brother. That scenario is pretty familiar don't you think?" Hestia asked.

"Hmm~ you are right. But then again he showed us a lot of things. Bikinis for example and didn't he also show you guys videogames?"

"Haha yeah I remember. He got Hades addicted to one call Minecraft." Hestia reminiscents. After a pause Hestia stated "You know mom? I haven't really thought about papa in 1000s of years. But these past few decades, all the things humanity has invented is reminding me of him. From his outfit, his sunglasses and all the things he showed us like computers and games.…"

"He did one day say that he was from the future and one day he will be back. So maybe he will come this year or something?"

"Haha~ and maybe he can finally discipline my siblings"

"Yeah" and both mother and daughter share a laugh.

They suddenly missed him even more for the first time in 1000s of years and hoped that what they said becomes true. As Hestia was extremely tired of her siblings' senanigans and Rhea suddenly got a bit lonely.

'Mother. let's hope that he comes back soon.'

Rhea closed her eyes reminiscent about the past long gone.


3000 BC

The Golden age had come after Kronos had cut up his father ouronous and established himself and his siblings as the ruler of the universe. But just before his father died he had cursed him that one day his own children would rise up against Kronos and overthrow him just like he did to Ouronous. At that time he could only hope that those words would be a lie.

As time passed Kronos grew more sadistic and cold. Loving his power and throne more than his own family. He took his sister rhea as his queen and when their first child was born, he quickly ate their first born daughter. Despite his wife Rhea's begging.

Any children he had afterwards were eaten by him as soon as they were born.

When Rhea was pregnant with her youngest child she was in distraught,but then she heard her mother, Gaia's words in her head and at that time she found it quite wierd, it was "don't worry dear daughter! Just give birth to my newest grandchild without worry! help will soon arrive." She didn't know what her mother meant but she trusted her.

When her youngest son Zues was born she wanted to keep him safe no matter what and thought of switching him and feeding Kronos stone instead when *bang* the door to the room she just gave birth in was destroyed.

Kronos marched in reached out to the baby in rhea's han-


an even louder sound shook mount othrys shook from the sound as a man had suddenly appeared between Kronos and Rhea and just…stomped.

He was dressed in black shirt, pants and shoes that didn't even exist yet. He also wore black sunglasses. But at that time noone knew what that was. He had his hands in his pockets.

Kronos was thrown back from the shockwave but strangely, Rhea wasn't effected.

"Hey~ little lady! Gaia baby asked me to get you and your little kids to her so go first without me okay? I will get your kids and come." The man said with an everpresent smile.

Rhea wanted to stay but she for some reason just trusted the man and using her divine powers teleported away.

With Rhea gone the man turned to Kronos

"Hey~ pal! I am gonna need you to prepare yourself a bit okay?" Says the man.


The man just stands and grins. "And I am Caleb but you can call me…lord Gojo"

This seemingly angers Kronos even more! Summoning his sycthe towards his hand and charges Gojo at inhuman speed not matching his size.

Gojo seemingly disappears and a suddenly…there is a hole in Kronos's stomach.

And Gojo is standing standing behind him with a bloody hands holding a cut off Kronos's stomach. It was moving with the children still inside. He cut the stomach open and saw the children inside crying. They were children with barely developing consciousness. Sure they would learn everything as they are god but. They would live most of their lives in darkness.

Gojo is no longer smiling as he looks at the babies in his hands. They all looked…in so much pain and were crying. It seems the gastric juices had burned them but they were not harmed because of their regeneration godly powers.

Gojo says in absolutely calm to Kronos who was kneeling in pain, holding his hand over the hole that used to have his stomach "You know? I just want to just destroy your soul and wipe away your entire existence. But you just disappearing means a lot of bad things for human civilization as a whole so I am gonna keep that job for the kids here."

Kronos could not even respond because of the pain and could only glare hatefully.

"…But that doesn't mean I can't give you pain does it?" Gojo says with a sinister smile as he point his finger at Kronos

[Imagination magic :- Godly Cruciatus Curse]

The whole mount othrys was filled with Kronos's scream but strangely nobody could move. It was because of the [learned skill :-Godly conquerer Haki] He learned it when he went to One piece world to meet Luffy using his omnicience.

Using his time magic, gojo also used time magic to extend the punishment a bit for Kronos so he felt like it happened for years when it happened only for a few minutes.

to be continued===>


(A/N :- chapter showing how Gojo met rhea and gaia. It is implied here that Gaia is already Gojo's girl

Also chapter showing a bit of Gojo's personality. He is someone who absolutely despises seeing children suffer and hurt. He has gained quite a fun loving and carefree personality after becoming a ROB. But that doesn't mean he isn't dangerous.

In fact all his friends are quite dangerous with most being gods themselves and others being able to kill millions without batting an eye.

I mean Gojo I,e Caleb himself died taking down a gang of human traffickers)

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