
Chapter 13 - A long walk home


From now on:

[ ] -> speech in french or any other different languages

" " -> speech in English

I'll also start to include dates of events at the start of every chapter.)

March 10th,

After our long talk, I teleported us back to the foot of the World Tree.

"*Yawn* let's go back to the apartment before I decide to lie down here and take a nap. My parents are probably worried." I said tiredly; while stretching my stiff muscles.

"Oh, forgot you humans need to sleep!" She replied back cheerily, happy she now could speak to me without having to hide her unnaturalness.

"Well, sleep certainly is a weakness of ours. It must be nice to never feel tired," I said.

"I guess, but I sometimes wish I could experience it at least once." She said, slightly downcast.

"Don't you remember what it felt like?" I asked, intrigued.

"Not really; I don't remember anything about my past as a human." She said.

"Do all vampires forget their human lives?" I asked.

"No, most of them remember it fully. After the change but it does get hazier and hazier as time passes. My father, Carlisle, believes it might be due to the difference in the quality of the memories." She explained

"Quality?" I asked, a little confused.

"Well, the best way the others have described it is; like having two sets of separate memories. The first is akin to watching a video in 144p, while the latter would be like watching a video in 16K. We, vampires, take notice of every detail in our surroundings, from the smell to the barely noticeable dust floating in the air. And all those little details are stocked permanently in our photographic memory." She explained.

"Well humans, I wouldn't really know since I can't remember, but you understand, right?" she added.

Her explanation made me think of how little we, humans, noticed, we had a more focus-driven perspective of the world. Anything we deemed as none necessary information was automatically filtered by our brains and discarded.

I mean, it took me a couple of minutes to notice how strangely Alice was walking. She would take slight detours on the pavement to avoid being in direct contact with the small amount of sunlight that managed to get through the tall buildings of Paris. And made it all look natural to any bystander. As she skipped around on the pavement with the grace of a professional ballerina.

"I understand completely; it makes me honestly envious of your brain. To be able to process every information around you at all times. Store it permanently and not need to recharge by sleeping. It simply is incredible." I said honestly.

Alice simply smiled, with a 'praise me more' look plastered on her beaming face.

Looking at her smiling face made me remember the reason for all of this outing, her worry that always seemed to creep in the last couple of days.

"So, mind telling what has been worrying you for the past couple of days?" I asked.

"Well..." She took the time to think before answering. "I have this friend; my family has tasked me to keep track of her. Just to make sure nothing tragic happens. But lately, she's been disappearing from my sight for hours on end just to pop back up, seeming completely fine." She said, with frustration and worry in her voice.

Since Alice hadn't divulged that some vampires possessed gifts and unique abilities, I had to act confused at her statement.

"Have we met this person?" I asked.

Noticing my confused Pikachu face, Alice realized that she had never explained her gift to me.

"Oh! Right, you don't know about my gift!" Alice exclaimed.

"Gift?" I asked.

"Some vampires obtain peculiar abilities when changed. These vampires are said to be gifted," she explained.

"Mhm, so like superpowers?" I asked.

"Yup," She replied excitedly.

"And what is your gift, if I may ask?"

"I have the ability of Subjective Precognition." She replied proudly.

"So you can see the future?" I asked.

"Not the complete future; the best I can describe it is like seeing multiple paths of possible decisions. Like threads that form all possibilities, the more decision and plans are made, the clearer the future becomes." She replied.

"So the future is not set in stone?" I asked.

"No, sometimes it is; those cases are knots in the treads, as I like to call them. Events that are set in stone, no matter what happens, in those cases, all I can do is look for the best outcome and strive toward it." She explained.

"Mhm, I see," I said.

So her ability has a couple of flaws, but it is still Overpowered. I wonder if it is even possible to win against her in a fight. After all, she's like a fusion of Katakuri and Madam Shyarly on steroids. The closest to her would be Dr. Strange with the time stone, as she can potentially see all possibilities and strive for the best outcome.

"Your ability is pretty strong," I said in wonder.

Alice and her praise me more 'look' quickly came back to the surface as she raised her head in mock arrogance.

"So what were you saying about being unable to see some friend of yours?" I asked.

"Well, her future completely disappears for a couple of hours. Only for it to reappear later like nothing was wrong in the first place." She said, frustrated.

"And has it done this before?" I asked.

"No, and that's what's worrying me." She said with worry in her honey-colored eyes.

This new piece of information intrigued me; her worries were understandable as I knew that if I possessed an ability like hers, I would definitely start to depend on it. And said ability malfunctioning would definitely greatly worry me.

"When the future disappears for your friend, does your ability still function correctly on the others, or does everyone else's future simply vanish?" I asked.

"No, I can still see the future of everyone without any problem." She replied while spacing out a little.

"Mhm, so it's a problem related to that said friend in particular," I stated.

Alice seemed to still be spacing out, as she had a faraway look in her eyes. It looked like she was not gazing at the scenery in front of us but somewhere far into the distance.

"*Argh*, here it goes again," She grunted in frustration.

"Have you considered checking on your friend? She may be in some trouble?"

"The idea has crossed my mind a couple of times this past week, but I have responsibilities here. And I promised my family I would stay away from her."

"Bad influence?" I asked.

"No, we were worried she might get hurt if she stayed in our vicinity."

"Oh, a human then?"

"Yeah," She replied with a tired sigh as she kept trying to see into what I've come to understand as Bella's future, the only human that knew of their vampiric nature.

Mhm, so the Cullens have already met Bella. That means if I were to place myself in the Twilight saga's timeline. It would be during the breakup period, when the Cullens, mostly Edward, decided it was safer for Bella to stay out of the supernatural world.

This means the interference with Alice's visions was probably due to the wolf shifters. So in a couple of days or maybe weeks, Bella will jump off of a cliff this will force the Cullens back to Forks as they will think she committed suicide.

Now all I have to worry about is; if I should or shouldn't get involved.

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