
author of modern

Authors who like Modern Urban may select Modern Urban. This theme has the strongest ability to generate empathy, as it has a connection to real life so that the reader is easily drawn into the story. Within this genre, Urban Superpowers enjoys great popularity. The reader develops a high from identifying with a protagonist who displays supernatural ability in ordinary life, much like how superhero movies and comics are wildly popular.

Those who like Alien Fantasy will have to pay attention to the power system of the world and the protagonist's cheat system set-up. Usually, this theme focuses on adventure and counterattack revenge. The advantage offered by this theme is that you can write to great lengths, and because it's an unknown world, it is more relaxing to handle than the Modern Urban genre.

Normally I'll think about the specifics of the world background according to the genre of story I wish to write. For example if I wish to write a Urban story, I'll think about the sort of disagreement or conflict situation that could be my springboard. Then from a conflict situation that people can generally empathize with, I'll start to unfold the set up of this world. If I wish to write an Alien Fantasy story, I will first consider the power system of the world and what it might be like after the improvement. Then I will begin to develop the preset story.

Authors who like Modern Urban may select Modern Urban. This theme has the strongest ability to generate empathy, as it has a connection to real life so that the reader is easily drawn into the story. Within this genre, Urban Superpowers enjoys great popularity. The reader develops a high from identifying with a protagonist who displays supernatural ability in ordinary life, much like how superhero movies and comics are wildly popular.

Those who like Alien Fantasy will have to pay attention to the power system of the world and the protagonist's cheat system set-up. Usually, this theme focuses on adventure and counterattack revenge. The advantage offered by this theme is that you can write to great lengths, and because it's an unknown world, it is more relaxing to handle than the Modern Urban genre.

Normally I'll think about the specifics of the world background according to the genre of story I wish to write. For example if I wish to write a Urban story, I'll think about the sort of disagreement or conflict situation that could be my springboard. Then from a conflict situation that people can generally empathize with, I'll start to unfold the set up of this world. If I wish to write an Alien Fantasy story, I will first consider the power system of the world and what it might be like after the improvement. Then I will begin to develop the preset story.

KHAN_salmancreators' thoughts