
Mr. Handsome - Beginning


Abdul_Wahid_Islam · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Thinking, Thinking and Still Thinking and Found What?

" I turned up the music and started to work in the middle of the night. I went outside of the apartment. There was a big tree beside it. I started to punch on the tree without using my powers. I punched it really hard to get relief from my frustrations. Every moments of that incident was floating inside of my head. I couldn't stop thinking. My eyes were getting red again. But I calmed myself anyway. I thought I should figure out what is my powers. I was thinking if I couldn't sleep until I get my destiny, I should take advantage of this. For two hours I worked on my fighting skills. I went up and made a plane to make things go right. I made a rule and that was not breaking any expensive things. After that I took a look of the newspaper and found something interesting. A new supergirl of Jersey streets is getting famous. I drank some coffee and started to study again. Went to the school had a normal day. Two weeks went really good. I figured out so much about my powers like I can fly and copy any weapons. I thought I should find those guys who attacked me in the hospital and whoop their.... something. I wore the dead man's tuxedo. I wore a black mask like batman. Jay came up to me and said,' You're looking like a perfect theif, Whom are you gonna rob?' Lisa and Layla were present there too. I answered,' Ladies be careful because I can steal your hearts. I went up to the roof and I started to walk in the air. They were not shocked, Jay said that I could fly. I told him that I was not flying basically, I can walk on any state of matter. I was roaming in the city for not any reason. I saw a girl was sitting on a lamppost,then I recognized the girl. It was the supergirl. I crossed her infront of her waving her a Hi!.I almost gave her a heart attack, she fell on the ground. She was swearing, I thought I should leave and of course I left. I was thinking of saving anyone from danger. I put earbuds on my ears and started to dance on the music in the sky. I was singing,'Ooh! I'm blinded by the lights. But when I was dancing something was happening under me. And it was.....