
Mr. Handsome - Beginning


Abdul_Wahid_Islam · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Let the game begin.

We took snacks. I started the story again," Jay was very jealous to listen to the incident of that night. Next morning, I woke up and took bath then started to study. Jay was sleeping because he was up late night. I noticed my ring which was given by the lady ghost, it was so old. Something in Arbi or Urdu is written on it. I thought I should focus on study rather than on this topics. We went to school and got a shocking news that our exams are starting from next week. Jay was like if someone stabbed him he will get relief. Oh! I was studying online for two months then I came here. It was a normal day of school. We came back home and I started to study again for exams. Jay was preparing things to attempt suicide. He told me that he was going die. In reply I told him that I could see it. He threatened me that he would suicide. I told him to do it. He came to me and said that he would not pass if I don't help him to cheat in exam. I told him that I would rather study than doing that so he should study too. I saw a spork in his hand so I asked,' What are you doing with a spork? Will take this with you in the hell?' He said,' I didn't get a knife so I will cut my.... veins with it.' I gave him a serious look, opened my drawer took the knife out and told him,' You should have asked me first, take the knife. I think it will give a perfect cut and you'll die.' Jay got angry and said that I was letting him to suicide, what type of a friend I was. He started to fight with me and accidentally I cut my finger a little. I kicked Jay for that. A drop of blood fell on my ring from my finger. Suddenly, I felt electric waves were passing through me. My eyes turned dark red and I passed out. After 1 day I saw that I was laying on the bed of a hospital. I got up and saw Lisa was sleeping putting her head on my hand. I pulled my hand slowly, I was feeling so strange,I saw my eye's colour has changed. Jay came in and asked me if I was alright. I showed him that I have powers like scarlet witch. I told to him,' I think I've unlocked my powers when I cut my finger.' Suddenly, we heard a blast from the outside. I saw some gangsters were entering into the hospital. Jay said to me,' This is the right time to use your powers.' I told him to hold on because I didn't have any suit and mask. Jay went to the other room and brought a suit of an death boy who is little older than me. I wore the suit then he gave me a mask and surgical masks and spectacles. I was ready to stop them. They were killing everyone on their way. They were finding something. I came infront of them and said,' Don't kill them, try to kill me jackasses.' They started to fire without saying anything. I went behind a table to save my own life first then I said,' I wasn't ready, it's cheating, stop firing. But they didn't stop so I made up my mind and showed my white underwear to show them that I'm surrendering. This time time they stopped and when I was about to stand up they started to fire again. Suddenly I felt that I had to fight so I said in style,' Let the game begin.' and did........