
Mr Celebrity’s Hidden Wife

“I really want Diana to be my daughter_in_law,so am thinking of getting her engaged....”Leo cuts in “What to who?Liam,you know that guy is always busy and you’re arranging a fiancée for him”Leo chuckled. “Am not talking about Liam am talking about you,I want you and Diana to get married”. Making Leo’s face twist in anger and that was the beginning of an unwanted marriage. *************** DIANA, an orphan who knows nothing about her family suddenly became mr celebrity’s wife when she saved his grandma. LEONARD SMITHS,a famous rockstar and actor who love being a playboy but was suddenly tied in a loveless marriage. ******** Find out how they conquered all battles in the story.

Success_M_041 · Fantasía
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38 Chs

Chapter Fourteen.


The next day

I walked into the institute and met the place rowdy.I stopped walking for a while to stare at everything happening.

"Ana, Thank goodness you are here." harmony called at, rushing to me.

"What happened?" I asked with a slight look of worry on my face.

"Nothing, I just miss you." she pouted, which made me chuckle.

"Well baby, am here now, let's go in." I said, and we laughed. We walked into the hall and saw Mr. jay with some other teacher in already.

"Good morning, please take your seats." he said, and we all settled down.

"Those that are not participating in the program should please go to the fifth floor, your classes will still continue." he announced, and I was kind of sad, no am sad harmony wouldn't be here with me. Everyone who was not in the program, including harmony stood up to leave and one thought came into my mind, 'why are they not part of the program, I mean it's a call to stardom'.

"See you later Anna." harmony said, and I waved at her as she walked out with other students.

"Okay now let's cut to the chase, hope you are all with your list" he asked, and we all answered "yes".

"Okay, these people here will be your instructor. They will guide you on what to do, the storage room is open and I'm sure it has all the materials you will need, so get going. Time is not on your side, remember it's in three days no two days time. I wish you the best of luck." he walked out, and a woman walked towards me. She was beautiful with a red hair and blue eyes.

"Hi am Mabel and I will be your instructor." she said with a smile and oh gosh!, she had two cute dimples on her cheeks.

"Am Diana" I said, returning her smile.

"Are your design ready Diana." she asked, and I nodded.

"Can I see them"

"Sure." I said, making her smile widely again, I brought my design book out and handed it to her, she looked at it for a while before passing it back to me.

"Nice design you got there, are you certain this is your first time?"

"Yes, I love designing, and I actually made these designs when I was nineteen." I said shyly.

"Wow, that impressive. Let's get to our workroom so we can come up with the right material to use." I nodded and followed her.



I held my head in the f*cking cell thinking about what happened yesterday, Diana I am coming for you and when I get you, you will be begging me for more.

"Mr. Robinson, you have been bailed." the annoying officer said while opening the cell. Took him long enough to know about me being locked up.

I scoffed and came out of the cell, took my clothes from another officer and after putting them on I walked out of the station with a smile on my face.

As soon as I walked out I met a black Bentley waiting for me across the road, I entered and breathe a sigh of relief.

"Good morning boss." Matt the driver greeted, and I just nodded.

"Where are we going now Matt." I asked, which I knew the answer to.

"To the base boss." I didn't say anything as he started the car. The ride was very fast, so we got to the base in a matter of minutes. Trust Matt to drive you crazy, he is a beast on the steering.

I stepped out of the car and walked in with some boys throwing greetings my way.

"Welcome boss, big boss is waiting for you." Thomas the second in command to the boss said, and I followed him to the large hall, i thought he was taking me to his office, so what on earth are we doing here then I saw him, the boss sitting on his 'throne' like he calls it with a girl who was obviously naked on his laps riding him.

"Miguel!, Good to have you back." he said with a smile on his face and if I didn't know him well I would think he was happy to see me here.

"Good morning boss." I took a seat while he placed his cigar in his mouth.

"Tell me." he said, blowing the smoke on the girl's face who moaned loudly.

"What?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Tell me what you see in that girl mig,this will be the second time you tried r*ping her." he paused and added "or is her cunt that golden that you wouldn't test Until you have a taste."

"I just want her boss." I replied, picking a drink and a glass.

"Hmm mm,but there are many girls in the base who you can f*ck so what so special about her." he groaned and raised the girl up and down fast until he came.

"Nice one may." he said spanking her ass and she stood up not ashamed that she was naked, this was the reason I hate the base girls. He pecked her lightly before she sashayed her way out, then boss turned to me with a serious look.

"We've got business Miguel, a very big one, and maybe you could have your girl during the operation."

"What business boss." I asked and he smirked.