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Story about a guy from our Earth suddenly got Reincarnated or Transmigrated into Douluo World/Soul Land, he got a system and mission to get Harem full of Goddess of many man from world to world. Start with Douluo World/Soul Land, let's see the Future Harem God to save all goddess from the MC of every world of Manga, Manhua, Manhwa, Movies and Anime Creation is Hard and this is my First Novel so forgive me if there some mistakes cause English not my first language, Hope you Guys enjoy it

Daoist_Longran23 · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 - Zhu Zhuqing

After that he used about 5000 HP because he rich now with HP after many years with Xiao Wu he already got about 680.200 HP

The Crest just can be seen by the Master of the slave so it was safe for take someone as your slave for your own use without anyone know it

"Okay done, as your master order you, to never doing something that hurt Hu Liena and Xie Yu as long you not got attacked first" Qin Han said then his Crest Glow and Huo Lan feel something hot in her nether region and stomach before its gone

"Yes Master" said her

"Call me Young Master Qin" Qin Han

"Yes Young Master Qin Han" said her

Qin Han Sastified with what he got and then he look at the siblings duo and said

"okay you guys see it then i gotta go to bye bye" said Qin Han

"Thank you Qin Han and bye bye" said Xie Yu

"As for you doing the same as before like your life just change your action to them" Qin Han said before he rush to Core Area

"Yes Young Master Qin" said Huo Lan while bowing

Qin Han go to the Core area the fast as he can, but Lisa Shocked him

[Congratulation My Love you got Gold Lottery Ticket from Hu Liena]

"Ehh?! she already got crush on me? did she the type of Prince in White horse?" Ask Qin Han wonderingly

[Yes my love you can see in the novel, manhua or even in the anime she got in love with Tang Yin because he save her]

"Ah you're right my love... okay then lets just search some cave first , im lucky i think come here i gotta search for some spirit ring like a months before got Spirit Ring i Want but lucky me" Qin Han

[But its lottery my love not like you will got another Hundreds thousand years God Bestowed ring again]

"Didn't in the Shop we have Luck Boost Ticket?" Qin Han

[Yes that was 10.000 HP for one piece]

"See you already know it" Qin Han


Qin Han search for some cave and he got in but there already some beast Blazing Bear and from the look of it that was ten thousand years old Spirit Beast was sleeping

So Qin Han got near it take out his Weapon then attack the head of the bear with his full power and instantly kill the bear and when the bear dead he feeling some spirit power and what he got was Spirit Bone for the Chest

Qin Han take that bone and the bear body to the Inventory after that he said

"Lisa buy and use the Luck boost ticket"

[Okay my love... buying... success... using... success]

"Lisa use Gold Lottery Ticket"

[Okay my love... use ticket... Success

Congratulation my love you got :

Jackpot :

2x God Bestowed Ring (300-500 thousand years old)

2x Spirit Bone (200-300 thousand years old)

First page of Mythical Halberd Technique Manual]

"HELL YEAH!! that was 0.000001 Chance" Qin Han

[You're really son of Goddess of luck My Love]

"Huh no she was my wife not my mom" said Qin Han with his smile

[Okay my love]

"Lisa Fuse it"

[Yes my love]

The same routine but this time more easily because of Soul Core take half the Spirit power for him and make it more purer and powerful and good for him, and after 5 Hours he done Absorb it for his two Martial Soul

"Lisa Fuse the Spirit Bone for two of my arms" Qin Han

[Yes again my love]

Qin Han feel some itchy and numbing in his two hand and he frowned because some small pain after that he feel his bone being reconstructed to be more stronger and he feel spirit power in his two arm getting easier to control

This Process take another 5 hours for Qin Han and in the midnight the process was success, Qin han open his eyes and feel more powerful than before, he think he can take Average Titled Douluo with just one Martial Soul and got tied with them

"Lisa give me my Gains this time"

[Spirit Rings :

Halberd Piercer (Throwing Halberd):

Give +200% power to the Host attack

Give +100% Defense Break Physical

Give +100% Destruction Element Attack

Dragon's Roar :

Give 300% Element Attack

Give 200% Power of Host Attack

Breath of Dragon

Spirit Bone :

Left Arm :

Give Defense +200% Elements

Give Attack +100% Elements

Movement Speed +100%

Right Arm :

Give Defense +100% Physical

Give Attack +200% Physical

Movement Speed +100%]

"Holy Shit that was insane so that why i feel i can tied a battle with Contra and with Soul Core i am Invincible under Titled Doulu" Qin Han said Excitedly

[Yes you right my love but if you meet someone with Fusion and leapfrog power like you, you still must be cautious cause the world was huge and dont be short sighted]

"Yes my love i Will do that, but atleast i can defend myself in this world for now and my Spirit Rank was in 37 i almost break major realm again but i know i must build 1/3 second Soul Core in this Realm before i can upgrade" Qin Han

[Yes because you got the Chaos Origin Soul Core and you must have patience because of this for your future]

"yeah... okay Lisa lets just traveling and get some experience in this forest for a month, but before that i need sleep" Qin Han said before he get bed out and sleep in there

In the morning Qin Han doing the same routine like in the Spirit Forest and before he know it he already doing that for 1 months and 2 Weeks in the Forest and after he know it he get back to Balak Kingdom and then get out of there and go back to Notan City Direction at full speed

Because of Break 1 major Realm his speed was faster and in just a Week he arrive in outer Spirit Forest in the morning, Qin Han go into the Cave and when he got in there he see Xiao Wu was doing Warm up

"Good job" Qin Han shouted

Xiao Wu turn around and see whose voice is that when she see that is Qin Han her eyes got glistening then She rush forward and Jump into Qin Han that of course Qin Han caught her

Xiao Wu greedily inhale his smell that she miss for almost 3 months and after some minutes she look into his faces then she smiling to him and she said

"Welcome back Brother" said her

Qin Han smiled after hear that so he said

"I am Back Xiao Wu" Qin Han

they got in the cave , they then did small banquet in the cave with the Hunting Qin Han do, Vegetable and Fruit Qin Han and Xiao Wu pick up in their forest place respectively

Qin Han decide today was for Rest till next week and after that they just rest in the cave talking, joking with eachother and cuddling in the bed

In the last day of the rest day after dinner time Qin Han said

"Xiao Wu i Wanna talk to you for our future so listen carefully" Qin Han said with serious expression

"Okay i'am listening" said Xiao Wu

"Our training in here almost rarely will improve so i think we need change the place to the Star Dou Forest Inner Area how about it?" ask Qin Han

"Yeah you're right eventhough here still have some thousand and ten thousand beast but we rarely seeing it" said Xiao Wu

"Okay that's is the one we need to talk, the second was, Where did you want us to build or buy for the place we can call ours Home" ask Qin Han with more serious expression

"... its hard to say i was from Balak Kingdom at first but in Nuoding academy and here i think it was good too, so its hard to choose" said Xiao Wu

"Okay i think you are right just think it carefully cause for me as long i have place i can call home its good enough" said Qin Han with melancholy expression

Xiao Wu see Qin Han expression and she know why because he already telling his story

(Qin Han's Life in the earth)

Qin Han make up story about his Grandpa was based on his life in Earth, his Parents was dead by accident in the plane but fortunately they still got Inheritance and Insurance and the Wealth was so many that maybe can be used for 7 Generation and still got many

But Qin Han was live with his Grandpa who is an Adventurer and Archeolog so Qin Han always travel around and got no place he can say 'Home' after the parents dead

Fortunately Qin Han was Cheerful kid and active maybe got it from his Grandfather and his mother so he always got Friend and not be a loner, especially with his look that atleast 8/10 woman say he handsome

But that change after his Grandfather was got sick that natural because of old age and doctor say his Grandfather just have 3 months or 6 months left before he go

Qin Han always go to Hospital to check and tell his activity with his Grandfather and it continue till he Graduate from University 4 month when his grandfather in hospital

Even he take his Grandfather Photo with him by Videocall after that Qin Han just go to Hospital taking care for his Grandfather till 7 months of his life in Hospital and when he changing the flower in his Grandfather room, he said

"Qin Han... be strong man, never give up and always take your Responbility seriously, dont see the outer always see the inside... I know you are Strong man.. Grandpa dont have much time, after Grandpa gone dont be sad too long.

Do Whatever you want as long its Good for you, dont do bad things, Create your story yourself, Grandpa and Grandma , and of course your parents always go cheering for you no matter where you are

Seek your own Adventure see it till the end, be brave be strong be great be smart be wise and lastly be yourself because you are the protagonist in your own story....." that was the last Advice he hear when his Grandfather breath his last breath

His Grandfather Burial was taking care by his Friends, Best Friend , past lover even someone who got saved by him

From them he know that his Grandpa was a Great Man and maybe he is one of people who almost got no haters in his life, even if there some they are someone who jealous of his Capability

So from that day he improve himself and with his knowledge he make many Creation that can help people and he open many Orphanage in the world, Give Scholarship to many people

That was he done in the age of 25 he became one of Great people in the world like : Einstein, Tesla and many more

With his Look, Status, Wealth and Knowledge many noble, State Official family, Conglomerate Family and even a Royal Family want to marrying their daughter to him.

But Qin Han said not want to marry before age 28, so they just let it go and wait for him cause they know he was telling the truth with how he talk about take 4 Wife

After that event he got home go to his Work and Study Room and take a one book in the desk in this room that still open

If Any Otakus here they will let their saliva out because of the complete of all the book what they want to read, yeah this is one of secret who not many know that Qin Han was an Otaku

Even more he was Veteran Otakus that on the air at the age of 8 and the one who got him into it was One Piece, Dragon Ball, and Naruto. After that he became Fans to something like that so when he bored with manga he go into manhua then manhwa till he got into LN, Novel and Fanfic Novel

His life was the same Routine to him till he at the age of 28 and got married 4 Daughter of 4 Great Family and their days was normal and happy after marrying for a year

Until when they wanna go to Honeymoon of 4 of them in his Private Jet, but their Private Jet Explode, the last remember was he Hug all of his wives in order to protect them from fire

But atleast he already write that his Inheritance was for the Orphanage, Scholarship and Donation to every country for who is need, and that was the last he remember before he wake up in the forest


"But i think we should focus to improve ours cultivation first before that" said Xiao Wu

When Qin Han hear that he think he too rushing and then he smiled and nodded at Xiao Wu

"Yes you're right okay tomorrow we will training doubling for 1 months after that we go to Star Dou Forest, okay time to sleep lets go" Qin Han said with happy expression

"Lets Go" said Xiao Wu following him

Like Qin Han said for a month they doubling their training and after that Qin Han and Xiao Wu prepare at the last day of the month for go to Star Dou Forest

In the morning they go to Star Dou Forest and arrive there about 2 months because they take it easy and look at the scenery while in Journey and of course training too

Unlike before Qin Han rent in Hotel because he sometimes go to the city when bored this time because he have Xiao Wu he not rent there they just go to Star Dou Forest Inner Area Straight

Like in the Spirit Forest they search Cave after that the same routine they did in spirit forest and then Qin Han and Xiao Wu doing the same Routine like before

after that they training in those place, after 10 months Xiao Wu Soul Core was born and Qin Han was 60% Done he predict that Soul Core will born after a 10 months or 1 year again

Training Continued, Qin Han give Re-Taekwondo to Xiao Wu because she complete her own technique a month after her soul core born, Qin Han too buy Kyokushin Karate Completed Version with 12.500 HP

After that 11 months pass away in the blink of eye and Qin Han Soul Core already condensed 1/3, so he need to go search spirit Ring so he said gonna go to Core Area

Just when he about go into Core area he hear a loud noise like someone shouting nearby so he got closed to the sound, how shock he was many people with mask hunting a Girl he know

The Girl, was have black eyes, black hair, Golden Ratio for girl, black jacket and Red clothes with a skirt, skin like a jade small lips and pink colour lips, 100% Goddess

Qin Han see she was cornered and dont have a way to run and her spirit power just 15% atmost and she just a Spirit master while fighting 1 Spirit Elder Peak Attack type ,2 Spirit Grand Master Defense and Control and 3 Spirit Master 2 Attack and support

Without much talk Qin Han Activate his Second Spirit Ability and almost instantly he kill the enemy except the Spirit Elder that manage to avoid it, Qin Han know this one was Expert

"Who are you!?" ask him

"Me? i am your doom when you have a idea to attacking a Girl like her alone with a group, now prepare for your death" Qin Han

"Dont be too noisy you have the same Rank as me, we will see who gonna die" he said

The man attacking Qin Han first that to be a Mistake because in close combat Qin Han was Invicible

"Third Ability : Tiger's Fang" the man attack with his spirit ability

"Second Technique : Athlas Might" Qin Han

This technique was so scary as long you know how to borrow Earth power the stronger the attack was and Qin Han just can manage it triple it, with all of his second Ability and then two Spirit Bone and Weapon so Qin Han attack was 4800% from base attack power

So with just One strike Qin Han slice him into Half and make a Crack for 10 meter around him that make the Girl was so Shocked with Qin Han power

"Oh i think i overdone it... well just ignore it, oh right" Qin Han said before he got close to the girl

"Hi are you all right, did you get injured from them?" Qin Han asking her

The Girl still in dazed but when Qin Han ask if she got injured she wake up and said

"Ah, Im okay thank you for helping me, can i know the name of my Saviour?" ask Her

"Oh right sorry about that, My name is Qin Han a Free Spiritualist and you?" Qin han ask her

"My name is Zhu Zhuqing, im from Duke Zhu Family of Star Dou Empire" said her

"Nice to meet you Zhu can i call you that? you can call me Qin Han or whatever you like" said Qin Han

"Yes you can if that way i will call You Qin then, nice to meet you too, what are you doing in here?" ask her

"Well just training, get experience and search Spirit Ring for me, if you can lets go to my temporary place in here i got my Sister there too" Qin Han said with smile

Zhuqing pondering after a seconds she look at Qin Han and said

"Okay then please lead me to your place" said her

"Okay then" Qin Han then lead the way

In the way to Cave Qin Han ask why she got besieged and why she in here, and he know that was Assassin that got ordered by her sister and she was on the running because her Fiancee run away from his competitor his brother for the throne

Qin Han remember this scene so he just ask other and make sure its not Awkard for him and her, after ten minute they arrive at the cave

"Hmm? Why are you comi-" Xiao Wu hear a voice and see it was Qin Han but he stop what she want to say when see Zhuqing

"Brother Qin Han who she is?" said Xiao wu with a smile

"oh Xiao Wu she was Zhuqing, lets go inside first before i tell you who she was" said Qin Han

Xiao Wu just nodded and then go inside the cave first and followed by Qin Han and Zhuqing

After they go inside Qin Han telling Xiao Wu who Zhuqing was and how he meet him

"Why your sister sent assassin for you just for those shit idiot tradition?" ask Xiao Wu with angry Expression

"Its not like she can't Xiao Wu but sometimes Weakness is a sin for their family" said Qin Han

"... Yes like Qin Han said, this is how my family doing even Every noble family already know it, i don't know why even its happen" said Zhuqing with sadness

"If you want to freeing yourself then you must fight your fate and change it, as long you strong enough nobody will have a bravery for question your decision if you stronger" said Qin Han

"Yeah i know it that's why i'm going into the forest to search my spirit ring to became Spirit Grandmaster" said Zhuqing

"Then how about search with me i Will take you to hunt spirit Ring for you" said Qin Han

"No dont worry i will find it myself" said her

"No i will help no matter you say, okay lets go Xiao Wu continue your training" said Qin Han

Without Much talk Qin Han already arrive in front of Zhuqing then he pick her up with princess carry

"Kya" Zhuqing shock with Qin Han action

Qin Han just go at full speed and then they go into Inner Area with many monster then he let go Zhuqing from him, then he take her hand and go searching together with her

Zhuqing was speechless because what Qin Han doing, but look at his serious Expression Zhuqing blushing then she dazed for a second before wake up and shake her head

They searching in Inner area but never see anything that fit Zhuqing after 40 minutes and more they found 7.000 years old Light Leopard

Qin Han let go of Zhuqing hand then rush to the Leopard, then he beat up the Leopard until the leopard can't move again and then came back to Zhuqing

"What are you doing? this is like 7.000 years old did you want me to absorb it? even some evildoer just can Absorb about 1.100 years old" said her

"No, you must absorb it dont define with your logic, if you want to shatter your fate then fight the unknown first, dont worry i Will help you if you don't have enough strenght but you must do it alone first" said Qin Han

"... break my fate... yeah you right if i can't even absorb this how can even i fight my fate, thank you Qin Han please protect me" said Her

Zhuqing came forward then without much talk she absorb the Leopard Spirit Ring, Zhuqing fight it for 3 hours straight and his sweat already make her body all wet

"ARGH" Zhuqing roared with pain

Qin Han instantly go to her back then give his spirit power to her and at the same time make her spirit power more stable and Zhuqing expression became normal again

This go on until a hour before strong Aura was felt from Zhuqing and then she open her eyes and her 2rd Ring was there with her other spirit ring that is Yellow and Purple that proof she was Spirit Grand Master even her spirit Rank was 23

"Congratulation Zhuqing" said Qin Han

"Thank you Qin for your help i have confidence fight my fate from now on" said her with happy smile

"Dont worry it just some hands then lets go back" said Qin Han

"Yeah" said her

But when she want to walk away she being carry by Qin Han that make her blush but she just let it go, even she hug Qin Han neck and nestled her head into his neck

after 10 minutes they already arrive at the cave and the time already past for lunch so they go inside and seeing Xiao Wu cultivating

When she seeing a sound she open her eyes just to see Qin Han carrying Zhuqing then she smiled at them

"How it is done brother?" ask Xiao Wu

"Of course job Great Done" said Qin Han with thumb up

"Goor job brother and you too sister Zhuqing" said Xiao wu

"Thank you Sister Xiao Wu" said Zhuqing with smile

After Qin Han helping Zhu Zhuqing he decided to postpone his search for Spirit Ring to breakthrough for Tomorrow morning, so he spending a night chatting with Zhuqing and Xiao Wu

-To be continued