
Born From Fire

It was a dark night. The moon was covered with clouds. A woman's scream and a child's cry was coming from a mansion. In that fateful night a boy was born in that mansion situated in a city of the fire kingdom. (which is also known as Asi kingdom)

The mansion was filled with soldiers and few servants. The Lord of the mansion Lord Oliver King was sitting in a chair with an worried look. Judging from his appearance and many scars in his hands and one scar in his right cheek, anyone can say that his had fought many wars.

Lord Oliver's wife Lady Alina was pregnant. But the child was born before due date(date of delivery). That's why everyone was worried. Silence covered the inner mansion. The atmosphere inside the mansion was so intense it made one unable to breath. The doctor came out from Lady Alina's room. The doctor's eyes were full of sorrow.

Lord Oliver rushed to the doctor and asked if his child and wife was okay.

The doctor could not speak looking into Lord Oliver's eyes. Doctor replied slowly, "The child is ok. But I am sorry about your wife. I tried my best. My lord, you can meet Lady Alina in an hour. I think you should spend the remaining time with your wife." Then the doctor left leaving Lord Oliver in front of the door.

After listening to the doctor, Lord Oliver stood in front of the door without moving an inch. After waiting for one hour, Lord Oliver regained his courage and entered the room. He saw his wife was resting in the bed with her eyes closed and the baby was sleeping in the crib. There were two maids standing beside the bed. Lord Oliver gestured them to go outside of the room. Then Lord Oliver sat down beside his wife slowly and took her hand.

Lady Alina opened her eyes slowly and said, " Is it you? Why do you look so upset?"

 Allina smiled and said that they just had baby. For Lord Oliver, Lady Alina's smile was the most beautiful smile in the world. Her hairs were vermilion red, her eyes shined like an ocean in the summer sun. She looked like an angel.

Lord Oliver said, "yes." Then he looked at the baby and said to Alina that the baby got her looks.

Alina smiled and said, " you are right. At least he will be popular because of my looks."

Lord Oliver smiled a little and told, "Don't talk. You should rest."

Alina agreed with Lord Oliver and she told Lord Oliver to put the baby in her lap.

Lord Oliver gave the baby to Alina. Alina took the baby in her arms and looked at the baby and smiled. At that moment, he saw in the eyes of Alina the bond between a mother and her child but he also saw the grief of a mother who had to leave her child . Lord Oliver lay down next to his wife and gently hugged his wife and baby

Alina said, " our boy will become a great warrior like his father. A tear rolled from her eyes as she spoke."

Lord Oliver agreed with Lady Alina and said, "You will see with your own eyes our son has become a great warrior. We should think about his name. Or have you already chosen a name for our boy?

 Alina said nothing in reply.

Lord Oliver called Alina three times and realized for the third time that his wife was dead. Lord Oliver felt that when he looked at Alina's face someone was cutting his heart out. Then he looked at the child. With a deep breath, Lord Oliver pushed down the rage and sadness in his heart. Lord Oliver kissed in the forehead of Lady Alina and took the baby in his arms.

Overnight the news of Lady Alina's death spread in the whole town. People from all over the town came in front of Lord Oliver's mansion to see Lady Alina's face one last time. Everyone in the town respected Lord Oliver and loved Lady Alina. Lady Alina was a warm and kind-hearted woman. That's why everyone loved her. That day no shops were opened, no people went to work. Lady Alina was buried in the morning. A lot of people was present at her funeral. People looked as if they had lost someone in their family. After the funeral Lord Oliver came back to his room. Lord Oliver looked like a soulless person. Lord Oliver sit down in a chair to rest. He just wanted to forget about everything in the world. When he was about to fall asleep someone knocked the door.

Lord Oliver felt disturbed and said,  "Who is it? I want to be alone for a moment."

A maid was knocking the door. She was the personal maid of Lady Alina. Her eyes were red and she looked like she hadn't slept all night. The maid answered, "My lord, I have something to give you. It's important."

Lord Oliver told her to enter.

The maid entered the room and gave a letter to Lord Oliver.

Lord Oliver said, "what is it, Sara?"

She spoke in a quavering voice, " It's a letter from Lady. She wrote it after the young master's birth. She wanted me to give you this letter if anything happened to her." Sara looked as if she was holding back her tears with great difficulty. As soon as she finished speaking, she started crying.

Lord Oliver started reading the letter with interest

(Scene of Alina writing a letter from bed after childbirth And when the baby was mentioned in the letter, Alina was looking at the baby with affectionate eyes)

                     Alina's Letter

I am really sorry if you are reading this letter now. I prayed that you would never come to read this letter. I wanted to spend every moment of my life with you and our child. I thought I couldn't say goodbye to you properly. That's why I am writing this letter. You take care of our child. Raise our child in such a way that he becomes an ideal person So that we can be proud of him. I think you haven't named our child yet. I have thought a name for our boy. His name will be...

Suddenly a maid entered the room. Her legs were shaking and she looked like she was breathing with great difficulty. She gasped and said, "My Lord, hurry up and go to young master's room."

Lord Oliver asked thoughtfully what happened.

The maid said the door of young master's room is on fire.

Lord Oliver went in front of his child's room as quickly as possible and he stared at the door in surprise. The door was ablaze with white fire. Lord Oliver broke down the door immediately and started looking for his child inside the room. Lord Oliver found his child but he gazed in awe at the child. His face had the impression of fear and interest. Lord Oliver saw the child crying and the white fire from his child's body spreading throughout the room.

Explanation : There are 5 types of fire in Asi kingdom.

They are : 1) yellow fire (weakest of all fire and almost 50% population have them)

                   2) blue fire ( stronger than yellow fire and almost 20% population have them)

                   3) Orange fire (stronger than blue fire and almost 15% population have them)

                   4) black fire ( stronger than orange fire and almost 7% population have them)

                   5) white fire ( strongest fire and 1% population have them. This one percent of the population is all from royal families and their relatives)

Lord Oliver then entered the room burning with white fire and a blue aura started coming out of his body. But the white fire was so strong that after taking three steps, Lord Oliver had to use all his strength.  Blue fire began to come out of his body and created a shield around his body. Even after that, his clothes started burning. Lord Oliver went close to his child and hugged him. His body began to burn but he endured all the pain. After a few seconds the baby stopped crying and the fire stopped coming out of his body. The soldiers became busy stopping the fire. After a lot of hard work the soldiers succeed but half of the mansion was destroyed. Lord Oliver came with his son to the half-burned balcony. Soldiers and servants all gathered in front of the balcony.

Lord Oliver lifted his son to the sky. And he shouted, "This is my boy.  And his name is ((Aelius) in Alina's voice)"

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