
Motivations of a Genius Lady

She woke up and found out that she was the Duke's wayward and man-chasing daughter. They say she was hideous? Alright, then she'll have a makeover and dig up that enchantress from within! They say she was too weak that she shames her warrior of a mother? Oh well, then she'll just become a savant of the sword and the bow! They say she disgraced her house because she chased after the Crown Prince and ended up trampled underneath his horses? Fine! What Crown Prince?! He's not that handsome. She'll just change her target and apply the art of subtle tactics! They say she's dumb and stupid she brings down her prodigy of a father? She'll just become a genius then! After all, it is never too bad to be motivated. _____________________________ This is an Original story and not a translation. All rights reserved. :) Update Schedule: 1-2 chapters/day (unless somethings comes up) Chapter Length: 800-1.5k words Disclaimer: I don't own the images I use for the cover, all rights belong to the creator.

feipei · Fantasía
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54 Chs

Fief Inspection Continues

Chalice stomped her feet as she made her way to the mine camp, all the while complaining in her heart. Why can't these men understand that she didn't mean to get lost? Do they take her for a weakling for them to worry that much?

She stopped at that thought. Alright, it was valid for them to think of it that way. Chalice was a pampered brat. How was she supposed to know how to survive in the wild? She shrugged her shoulders. She would just attribute everything to instincts. She had no other way of explaining it anyway.

However, her recovered spirits sulked again when she remembered how Levi scolded her. That midget is in for it. Daring to scold this young lady. Then Luke's threat of a punishment echoed in her mind. It scared Chalice out of her wits. She whacked her brains out in guessing what her punishment could be. Luke isn't going to starve her, right? Of all punishments, depriving her of Luke's cooking was the worst she could think of.

'No! No! Luke couldn't be that cruel. But on second thought... maybe he can.'

Chalice cried in her heart. She steeled herself for the days of starvation to come. She felt Luke following closely behind her back. His usual distance five steps have now become three. She sighed at this. It seems like her squad turned crazily paranoid with the recent happening. Not that she could blame them. Suddenly, Chalice halted her steps. She had forgotten something.

'Aslan! Oh my god! Did I just leave Aslan behind? What if the men in this camp took him for a lost wild animal?!'

Chalice berated herself while turning abruptly in the direction of the gate. Luke followed her without a word, watching her like a hawk. She rolled her eyes at him. When she reached outside, the poor, forgotten kitty was nowhere in sight. Chalice didn't worry at this. On their journey, Aslan sometimes comes and goes. She figured he might be hunting for food, nonetheless he returns immediately after her call.

"Aslan, come here."

Chalice called on to her pet.

Luke furrowed his brows at this.

Who was Aslan?

His question was answered when a huge feline scurried out from the dense trees. Luke wondered how the hell did it hide itself there without them noticing. Considering the sheer size of it, he would have sensed its presence immediately.

The lion made its way to Chalice and stopped right in front of her. The latter rubbed the side of its massive head and then turned to him afterwards.

"Erhm, Luke this is Aslan. He's my pet."

Luke felt as if he was hearing things. His lady seemed to have said that the humongous, wild, golden lion in front of them was her pet. He waited for her to say she was kidding but all he got was blank stare. Luke gulped. His lady just got lost for a few days and now she was back with an... unusual pet. Luke calmed the frustrations in his heart. Anything that his lady says, goes.

"My lady, you do realize that your...your pet is a lion? And a huge one at that?"

Luke asked Chalice tentatively.

Chalice beamed at him. Affectionately leaning on one of Aslan's feet. She wiggled her pointer finger at Luke. Her expression can only be described as cute.

"Oh no! Aslan is no ordinary lion. He's a royal beast. And somehow by a stroke of luck, he seem to acknowledge me as his master."

Luke stiffened at her words. She pursed her lips at this and waited for him to speak.

"My lady, do you realize the implications of possessing a royal beast? Where in the world did you even find him?"

Chalice sighed at his questions. Everything was coincidental, alright. She didn't plan anything. Originally, she was going to leave Aslan behind. After all, they were on an inspection trip. Having him around would call for unnecessary attention. But as circumstances would have it, Aslan was the one who chose to follow her. Does he expect her to leave such a cutie behind?

"I have an inkling of what you're worried about, Luke. As for how I found him, it's better that we talk inside. There are certain things that I need to inform you."

Chalice said seriously. Her previous playful demeanor gone. Luke caught on to it and nodded solemnly. They made way inside the mine camp in silence. The strange and scary sight of two people and a lion walking around in camp gave the miners a start. For those uninformed lot, they wondered who their visitors are. How come the captain was too indulging of them?


Chalice and Luke arrived in a moderately-sized house in the inner section of the mine camp. She asked Luke to inform the officer-in-charge, Captain Carsein about Aslan. They can't have the workers panicking and end up hurting the poor kitty, after all.

After ensuring that Aslan was settled, Chalice went inside the house and flopped herself unceremoniously in a consort chair. Luke frowned at her but did not say anything.

She stared at Luke, a pensive expression in her face.

"We'll be having difficult times ahead, Luke."

Chalice said after a long while, her eyes never leaving his handsome face. She wanted to take note of every change in his expression. But she was doomed to be disappointed. Luke maintained a poker face.

'Ah, his expressions are lot more adorable when I tease him.'

She internally grumbled. Luke met her stare. Blue clashing with emerald. If people saw their interaction at the moment, they would surely blush. After all, it was as if they were exchanging amorous glances at the moment. Luke waited for her to continue, which she gladly obliged.

"When I got lost in Cloud Forest, I stayed in a cave. I'm guessing it was in between the outskirts of the middle area of the forest. That cave was an isolated terrarium, Luke. I found Aslan there. He was injured, and I treated it. Aslan led me to the inner area of the cave. I found a treasure there."

Chalice started, a half-smile lingering in her lips. Luke frowned.

"A treasure, my lady?"

She nodded gravely. Chalice would have shown the piece of rough jade she took, however she thought better and left it with Feng Jin to be refined.

"Do you know what jade is, Luke?"

Luke nodded though there was a hint of confusion in his eyes. Could it be that the treasure his lady was referring was Jade?

"I do, my lady. I've seen some on the Keyne people. It is quite a unique gem. It is also said that this jade has a lot of benefits."

"That's right. The Keyne people who originated from the Eashen continent are very familiar with jade. However, jade is not known in our continent. Well, it is to be expected since no one has ever found a jade mine anywhere here... until now. You see, Luke, I found a huge jade mine there. I took a piece with me but I left it with the Keyne tribe Chief to be made into a jewelry. If you're going to ask how I got to the Keyne stronghold, well, I accidentally saved their young miss and she took me back there with her."

Chalice reiterated her discovery. Luke showed surprise but it was too quick that it seemed imaginary. He felt that Chalice omitted a lot from her narrative. However, he didn't want to force her into telling him.

"What do you plan with the jade mine then, my lady?"

He asked afterwards. Luke found it bizarre when Chalice heaved a troubled sigh with his question.

"I've already dealt with the jade mine, Luke. I obtained the cooperation of the Keyne Chief. It's a partnership. What troubles me is the gift he gave as goodwill. The authority badge is one thing. But the bigger concern is the land title of the iron mine in their jurisdiction."

Luke stilled. An iron mine?! Such a gift was both extravagant and dangerous. It would catapult Chalice and the Amaranth House into the landmine that is the Imperial family. Luke clenched his fist. They must tread carefully regarding this matter.

"That is troublesome, my lady. How would you deal with it?"

Chalice smiled languidly, her eyes retained nonchalance.

"I've already thought of a few countermeasures. Although it would be better if you could help strategize. For now, let's focus on what is at hand. We need to continue the fief inspection. What's our next itenerary?"

Luke sighed and crossed his arms. It was wise to put the issue on hold for now.

"Our next stop would be the port city of Amaranth, my Lady."

I know you're all waiting for her punishment. But good things take time, alright? Haha.

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