

The start of the academy is in less than 2 weeks and for the last month I've been at home practicing the 'Golden Finger' I was given.



[Congratulations Host, Oliver Greene, on unlocking the Mortal Kombat System.]

[Host has received 'Beginner's gift package'

Would you like to open?

Yes / No


As I read through the prompts that appeared within my vision I began to get excited and immediately clicked yes.

[Congratulations Host on receiving,

1× Kung Lao Saw Hat

1× Kung Lao Robes

1× Kung Lao Boots

1× Kung Lao Bracers

1× Kung Lao Basic Skill Set

1× Kung Lao Basic Abilities

1× Kung Lao Kharacter Kard(can be fused with host to give a basic understanding and muscle memory of Kung Lao's fighting style as well as the abilities. Host will also receive complete memory of Kung Lao's entire life including every fight from the games but host has to reach his skill and strength level on his own)


When I saw the rewards I couldn't help but gasp in surprise and happiness. After recovering from my shock and awe I decided to use every item and test it out in my backyard away from prying eyes. When I got home I activated the Kharacter Kard I received and the memories and life of Kung Lao assaulted my mind as I tried to keep calm and remain conscious. I filtered through his life after 6 hours of meditation to help focus and calm the mind. When I completed sorting the memories, I activated the Skill Set and Abilities as well as his outfit/Armor. With Kung Lao's memories I was able to easily attain the basic level and merge abilities and skills together in his style. The rest of the month I spent my time merging his and my styles together.



With less than 2 weeks to the academy and the styles merged successfully I moved onto improving my current skills for the remaining time by sparring against as many people as I can.

'Who should I spar first though?' I thought to myself.

[Host has fulfilled condition, 'Request sparring partner'.

Kombat function unlocked]

'What is the Kombat function and what can I do with it?' I asked the system within my mind.

[By activating the Kombat function host can select a character from the first 3 mortal kombat games including mk ultimate 3 to fight with or choose to fight against any person host has met within host's current world.]

'Okay great. Activate Kombat function and select Kung Lao as my opponent.' I said to the system while planning to abuse the function to perfect and master Kung Lao's skills by only using them and going against Kung Lao himself to see them at perfection.

[Activation of Kombat function complete.

Now loading opponent and stage.]

When the system finished talking I found myself within a Shaolin temple and Kung Lao opposite me. I then hear someone say,

" Round 1....Fight!"

Then Kung Lao(KL) rushed at me and I deflected a hand attach before slashing with my hat which he blocks with his own before throwing it behind me and disappearing into the floor. I knew it was his teleport so I turned and tossed mine right behind his and did the same. Once he appeared I was behind him kicking him in the back before throwing my hat at him and doing a spin causing a tornado that throws him up in the air. I grabbed and threw my hat directly at him then he kicked it aside before slamming me on my back with an uppercut followed by a downward kick which I managed to barely dodge before getting grabbed and hit a few times. He tossed me away and I got back up into stance. The same voice as before spoke again.

"Round 2.....Fight!"


First day of Ninja Academy

I spent the whole 2 weeks fighting against Kung Lao over and over until I could beat him flawlessly. After that I moved onto fighting every ninja I had seen so far in this world within the Kombat function. I also fought against Raiden and Fujin. I haven't yet been able to beat Might Guy, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Raiden, or Fujin but I've been able to almost beat them each time. Luckily even if I lose and "Die" within the Kombat function I just get pushed back to Opponent select. So I went all out in every fight and learned a lot. I am now Jonin level and fully confident in breezing through the academy without any problems.

Arriving at the academy I saw a lot of children with their parents and decided to head towards Naruto away from everyone. As I made my way over I noticed a lot of strange looks directed at me.

'Probably because of the new outfit and my growth spurt.' I thought to myself as I waited for the start of the academy. I was now the size of a 10 year old even though I'm only 5 right now. Without having to wait long I saw the third Hokage come up on the small stage and start droning on about the "Will of Fire". I ignored him and payed attention to the shinobi around. I was looking for decent sparring partners. After the Hokage's speach everyone was led to different classes.

In my class I didn't notice anyone of importance and focused on trying to get promoted to the clan heir and "elites" class. To complete my plan I need connections with the rookie nine. When class started we were taught a bunch of theory and some basic academy taijutsu.

After class I moved towards the main class to look for Sasuke. By the way I ended it with Ino because it was too difficult to put up with her even for the clan techniques. Once outside the class I spotted Sasuke and walked towards him before speaking loudly, "Hey my name is Oliver Greene and I heard you were a strong Uchiha. Would you like to spar?"

He just looked at me and walked towards the door with a, "Tch". I followed and we walked to the training ground and stood opposite each other. I got into stance and so did he. He lunged forward and I easily deflected his kick before throwing one of my own. I kicked past his head and hooked him before spinning with a tornado of energy that launched him. Sasuke stood and used Great Fireball Jutsu as I threw my hat behind him and disappeared. The fireball jutsu covered the spot I was in before as I popped up from behind him and placed the blade of my hat onto his throat as I said, "Yield you lost". He responded with a, "Tch. Fine" and when I moved my hat he walked off without another word.

'Good now he has a reason to train harder.' I thought to myself as I made my way past the shocked gazes of the students and went home.

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