8 Will is not enough

The light that was entering through the window made Cristina's heart warm with joy. She loved calm days full of life and light, and today was one of those days.

She was pondering her options right now. Tonight she would be attending her locally held BTS' concert and she wanted to be the perfect ARMY. As always! But it was late for launching a project between her friends, and she hadn't even been part of the local branch's flag project. She now needed to be creative, if she wanted to catch up.

She was setting her mind into using her abilities. Perhaps a bit of magic could turn something fantastic into something extraordinary!!

But what could she do? Making RM "magic" moment turn a 3D reality could be one option. Another one perhaps could be magnifying the reach of the water cannons or the confetti cannons to reach the ARMYs attending from the last row of seats. Ahhhhh, of course, she needed to change Jungkook's flying momento into a real flight, hahaha!

She was resolved. All three projects were possible with her energy today, so she'll go for them!


What the f*ck had been so rotten in her mind that made her think she was able to accomplish something so perfect? When did her power became so accurate to make a man body flight to the stars?

Cristina was hitting the wall in front of her with her forehead and crying and screaming so loud that anyone standing in the moon would have heard her!!

Everything went bad last night. She was so driven to help and to make it a memorable show that she surpassed her real possibilities of a good outcome!

She began the disasters with RM... He was singing beautifully and the smile on his face was so wide! His eyes were bright and real sparkles were almost igniting from the fire they were casting...any other magical creature would have done the same she tried! She thought his internal fire was perfect to be used as the human will to her magic, but perhaps she didn't calculate right that he was channeling all ARMYs' present there. As soon as her intention reached him all things precipitated in chaos. Namjoon bad stepped on his own shoelace and went face down to the floor. His nose started bleeding but he was more worried trying to maintain the illusion. She tried to stop his running nose to drop a red river course on his t-shirt, but in her confused state she made his blood turn green... All staff around the stage started a frantic dance to try to reach him, but he had become so perplexed with the bright colour of his own blood that dropped the pretense of having been writing with his finger...the staff stopped the screen projection and ARMYs' sobbings were clearly heard in the silence that ominously prevailed!

Cristina wanted to drop dead just in the spot!

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