
Moonlit Sky's

Autor: Sky_Wolfie
En Curso · 2K Visitas
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  • NO.200+

What is Moonlit Sky's

Lee la novela Moonlit Sky's escrita por el autor Sky_Wolfie publicada en WebNovel. ...


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Harry Potter , Pursuit Of Magic

The story Of the Greatest Wizard ever . One who surpassed all known norms. ========================================================== Arvic , intelligent, talented , born in rich family , loving parents ,good friends ,academics etc . died due to rather unfortunate turn of events at the age of 19 , perhaps luck was the only thing he lacked as the the way he died can only be blamed on some circumstances . yes as you would have guised he had ample knowledge about various movies (harry potter ), anime ,manga etc . well he was not an otaku or a loner .rather he he extravert in various occasions. and his reason for all that knowledge would leaved you quite shocked . besides that he was talented and hew had completed studies of various fields enough to rivel famous professor. now a that very same person who had insane talent and learning capabilities as well as keen interest in magic is reborn in the wizarding world of HARRY POTTER with a system with only basic appraisal and status feature. Follow as he discovers the secrets of the wizarding world , truth about , the reason for his reincarnation and is the system really as simple as he thinks He will make use of his initiate talents and learn magic , surpass the common sense of the people , make impossible possible and lets not forget girls he will discover the secrets of magic and learn the true magic . let us join in his journey in his pursuit of magic and becomes true definition of OP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is my first time writing so do not except much . i will try my best the story will not revolve much around harry . as he is NOT THE MC OF THE STORY . i will try to make it as logical as possible , but do not except much as you really cant really on logic when there is magic in the world . I will try to make the mc OP but not that he will suddenly becomes the strongest or gains power ups all of a sudden , i will make him op compared to his peers . and slowly he will he will becomes more op . hopefully a god by the end . HOPE IT END UP WELL ===================================================================

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Echoes of the Uncertain

When a faint distress signal is detected deep within the solar system, Michael, a scientist haunted by his past experiments, is reluctantly drawn back into a world he had hoped to leave behind. Joining forces with a young hacker named Liam, a reclusive tech billionaire named Ezra, and a former special ops veteran named Jack, they uncover a startling truth - an advanced alien civilization is on the verge of invading Earth. As the team races to uncover the details of the impending alien threat, they find themselves embroiled in a web of government conspiracy and deception. Realizing that the fate of humanity hangs in the balance, they must confront their own personal demons and work together to devise a plan to stop the alien invasion before it's too late. The team's investigation leads them to a secret government research facility, where they discover that the aliens are not coming in peace, but rather with the intent to conquer and subjugate the human race. Armed with cutting-edge technology and a determination to protect their home, the team launches a daring assault on the alien mothership, engaging in a desperate battle for survival. In the midst of the chaos, the team uncovers a shocking truth - the aliens are not just seeking to conquer, but to harvest the resources of the planet. With time running out, the team must find a way to turn the tide of the battle and save the world from complete annihilation. As the final confrontation unfolds, the team must overcome their personal differences and work together to devise a plan that will determine the fate of the human race. In the end, their triumph is bittersweet, as they survey the devastation that surrounds them, knowing that the uncertain future will demand even more from them.

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什么?!听说世子妃和侍卫私奔了?校尉救下的姑娘追着他要以身相许报恩?当朝状元要给青楼花魁赎身? 南诺百姓们听了传闻纷纷摇头唏嘘,看来娶妻要当心。 快看!!世子爷千里追妻过来了,校尉被姑娘拴着心跑了,花魁舍弃状元跟着猎户走了。 南诺百姓们听了传言紧闭大门,低头告诫自家女儿,嫁夫要慎重。 这是一篇三对cp的甜文。 —分隔线— 片段A版: “我更喜欢那样的千纪,乖巧听话不谙世事” “那不是我,我也不愿做她” + “是我够蠢,以为你与那些女子不同。” “你如今才明白婊子无情吗?我玉灵娇一直都是这样,是你一厢情愿以为我与别人不同” + “你踏破我一生安宁,燃尽我一世希望,一句世事所逼便可掩盖你所有的恶行吗?” “可我是真的爱你。” 片段B版 “你打算如何感谢你的救命恩人?” “夫子说,对待救命恩人当以身相许” + “姑娘自重,小生惶恐。” “真是不解风情的呆子” + “哇,你的字堪称大师之作!” “小姐,请您真诚一点……” 正正经经的正文简介! 红颜憔悴知为谁,谁予她的恨?瞧得见玉砌雕阑,看不着的风前残烛。红笺悲书,羡池中鸳鸯非薄幸。悲欢离合看不尽,阴晴圆缺瞧不完,莫叹花楼无情,任是无情也动人。

苏炙 · Integral
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239 Chs


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