
Moonlit Identity [BL]

A male vampire (Luan) at night and a female werewolf (Luna) during the day!!! Luan & Luna are the same person. - One is a rebellious male vampire that is a night creature. - Another is an enchanting yet vicious female werewolf who comes to life during the day. Nobody in their faction knows about this hybrid's existence, and it becomes harder for them to keep it a secret with every passing day. _____________________________ Well, it all started with a fateful night. It is a modern world where a powerful and mysterious soul suddenly transmigrates into a very complex existence—that of a male vampire (Luan) at night and a female werewolf (Luna) during the day. This soul does not remember its past and is even more confused about its present. A present where vampires, werewolves, and sorcerers live together secretly among humans, even though tensions brew pretty high between their factions. So, to survive and win, he/she needs to keep this dual identity a secret. But it's not easy. Especially with a handsome man in the picture, who is strangely attracted to both. (Chapters will be updated twice a week)

Flattened_Rice_007 · LGBT+
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10 Chs

Memories (II)

'Interesting,' mused Luan.

With every bit of new information, he was becoming more and more confident that the intricacies of this world would not let him get bored quickly. 

'And what is this nagging sense of being deeply wronged that I can't shake off?' he pondered silently, watching Athan pick up Destiny in his huge arms and head back into the club.

It had been only 2-3 hours since he landed in his new life. While his thirst and unease about using a foreign body were subsiding, the feeling that accompanied him in the new life — of being cursed and wanting vengeance, did not fade.

'I better get to start piecing together my identity as Luan and test my newly heightened senses, capabilities, and powers. Finding my real identity would have to wait.'

He wasn't thrilled about his present situation, being under the watchful eyes of Athan and Aurora. Yet logic told him it was a better alternative to venturing alone into the unknown.

Because if the bulky vampire hadn't stopped him from sucking his prey dry, he would have erupted into flames within mere 30 seconds. That would have been a terrible waste of this new, exciting life.


Having handled the situation at the alley, the trio made their way to another car parked outside the narrow alley.

Upon returning from the club, Athan gruffly informed both of them that he had arranged for Destiny's care. Upon regaining consciousness, she would only remember a passionate night with a stranger.

Through the knowledge and memories of his body's previous owner, Luan discerned that this brethren were wealthy. Luxurious cars and the exclusive club were proof enough of their affluence.

Athan took the driver's seat and started the engine. Luan casually slid into the backseat, curious to learn more about this brethren he had been forcibly transmigrated into. Aurora, who had been eyeing him greedily, sat beside him.

Luan smirked at this, wondering at her undisguised obsession with him. 'Perhaps I can benefit from her affections somehow,' he reasoned while ignoring her.

Athan, however, did not ignore her actions. Scowling, he adjusted his mirror to look at Aurora. "Do I look like a chauffeur to you? Come and sit in the front."

Aurora's fiery red eyes narrowed. Reluctant to leave Luan's side, she still obeyed Athan. 

During the drive, Aurora kept turning around like an excited child and ogled at Luan openly. Her red eyes devoured every detail of Luan's transformed features. True, she had liked his previous brown tousled hair and steel grey eyes; but his new green and blue eyes made him dangerously tempting. His pale white skin also complemented his black hair perfectly.

The dripping blood from his chin seemed to invite her to lick it off. She shuddered at the thought.

"Wipe the blood off your chin. We're going to the coven to welcome you to the brethren." Aurora grabbed a tissue from the dashboard and extended it towards Luan. "Many elders will be present there, so make yourself presentable."

Luan wasn't fooled. He had seen Aurora eyeing his chin. With a half-flirty smile, he took the tissue, brushing her fingers slightly. He playfully wiped his chin and threw the tissue back at Aurora, surprising her again.

'This isn't the Luan I remember,' she realized.

'Two can play this game,' Luan thought mischievously.

Meanwhile, Athan, the third wheel behind the wheel, commanded, "Samael, our mentor, will also be there. So behave yourself, newbie." After a moment's thought, Athan added, "You too, Aurora."

"Oh, I will," mused Luan aloud, remembering the real Luan's last encounter with Samael, his mentor.


It had been a month since the real Luan encountered Aurora and her red-eyed companion. They hadn't returned, and Luan felt a sense of relief. Business continued as usual at his cafe, 'Karma,' and he became busy searching for a profitable investment opportunity. With no other distractions, Luan focused on drawing up plans and pitching them to potential investors.

Moreover, the growing popularity of his cafe demanded most of his attention, from the customers as well as the management.

One day, after an unsuccessful pitch to a company, Luan was walking home.

"Why so gloomy, love?" A wickedly sweet voice said beside him.

His heart jumped.

Startled, Luan turned to see a dainty figure with waist-length, flowy red hair walking beside him. As lost as he was in his thoughts, Luan hadn't noticed her approach.

"Oh, hi Aurora! I didn't hear you coming," Luan fumbled a response. He looked up and down the street to see if anyone else was there at such a late hour.

"No worries, love. My scary chaperone isn't with me today," she winked knowingly at him. "I was just wandering around, looking for some good time."

As if roaming a deserted road at midnight was the epitome of fun. "And what a coincidence, I spotted you."

A shiver ran down Luan's spine, his gloom replaced by confusion and a hint of embarrassment. He wasn't sure how to respond to such a statement. "Uhhhh..."

"If you're heading to your cafe, I know a shortcut that will get you there quickly," Aurora interrupted his mumbling. Before Luan could tell that it was not wise for her to accompany him, she gestured towards a right turn at the intersection.

"Come on, follow me." Her devilish, sweet voice complimented her teasing.

While Luan did not intend to chase after her, he couldn't ignore that she was a pretty girl hopping into a dangerous neighbourhood. His upbringing compelled him to ensure her safety. "Wait for me!" he called after Aurora.

Adjusting the strap of his brown leather laptop bag, he sprinted after her. She stayed ahead of him no matter how hard he tried to catch up. Suddenly, when Luan stopped to catch his breath at a shadowed corner, he found himself face-to-face with her.

Her smile was gone. Instead, her small, delicate doll face had a hungry look. She came dangerously close, standing on her toes to reach his chest.

"Didn't I say I will soon tell you exactly what I want and desire, Luan?" Her voice was husky, and her delicate hands explored his hard chest over his lilac shirt. "So, are you ready to hear what I want and comply with my request?"

Her arched eyebrows held real mischief and wild hunger, demanding his answer. Already panting from the chase, Luan felt the air knocked out of his chest. The promise in her inviting voice made it hard for him to breathe.

Yet, unlike most, he caught himself from losing control and chuckled nervously.

"Aurora, it's pretty late. Let... let me take you home," he stammered. Aurora's jaw dropped to the floor. She took a few steps back, questioning him in disbelief, "So you mean to say you have no interest in me?"

And without meaning to, she shouted her next question, "Are you insane?"

The situation would have been funny if it hadn't been unexpected. Aurora was pretty confident about her irresistible charm; it was the first time she had been turned down, and that too by such a shy guy. She stared at his tomato-red face, waiting for a reply. "I... I..."

"Leave the moron, honey. Come with us instead," called a leering voice behind Aurora. Luan shifted his eyes from her face to the four menacing figures approaching them. The pungent smell of alcohol wafting all around them.


Such an encounter was precisely what Luan had feared when he decided to follow Aurora. Seeing how these thugs were invading his and Aurora's personal space, he knew he was no match for them.

"You, LEAVE," one of the guys barked at Luan without even looking at him. All four were busy undressing Aurora with their eyes. Luan's heart thundered in his chest, but Aurora seemed unfazed. Even bored. She gave a sideways glance to Luan as if she could sniff the panic seizing control of his brain.

Still, Luan tried to put up a brave face for Aurora's sake. "No. Don't touch her," he shouted, mustering every ounce of courage. All four guys exchanged glances, and Aurora seemed shocked for the second time in the night.

Dazed by his foolishness, Aurora allowed Luan to grab her wrist and pull her behind him to shield her slight frame from the thugs. Trembling, he put his fists in a fighting stance. In response, the heaviest guy stepped up and delivered a mean punch to his face, knocking him out cold instantly.

He woke up 5 hours later, all alone.


Luan did not know if Aurora was all right and had no means to find out. Most nights, he wondered if he had stopped Aurora from running into that intersection, would she have been safe?

His fervent pitching had come to a complete halt. The cafe went on as usual, and his one month passed in moral misery.

And out of nowhere, one morning, Aurora strode into the cafe gayly, her usual wicked smile placed perfectly on her childlike face. Spotting her, Luan couldn't believe his eyes. He sprung out of his counter and hugged her tightly.

"Thank God you're okay!" Tears of relief flowed out of his eyes. He felt a huge weight shift from his heart, and Aurora was taken aback by this unusual reaction.

"I thank you wholeheartedly, young man, for defending my impulsive daughter's life," said a voice that did not sound grateful but unquestionably authoritative.

Luan released Aurora and looked at the handsome man in his late 40s standing behind her. He wore shades and had jet-black hair with grey hairs on the temple.

"I have to admit, your attempt at her defence was feeble. Nevertheless, I still appreciate it," he added. "It was a good thing I had my bodyguards following her."

Thus, Luan's questions about that night were answered in a single sentence. The cafe owner stumbled under the weight of his brusque words.

"I am sorry for being unable to protect her," he stammered guiltily, running his hands through his brown hair.

"No worries, young man. I am not here to make you feel bad," said the man without a single expression. Both hands rested on a silver walking stick that he was carrying. Its handle had a sharp eagle carved on it.

"On the contrary, I am thankful for your well-meaning actions," he continued with patient authority. "And as a show of my gratitude, I, Samael Lucifer of Dominic Ventures, want to invest in your cafe."


"We are near our coven," informed Athan, snapping him out of original Luan's memories.

He saw they had arrived at an imposing tower. The entry gate to this tower displayed the name 'Dominic Ventures Pvt. Ltd.' in bold letters.

"Mmm, hmmm!" responded Luan nonchalantly. Does the coven of bloodsucking brethren meet inside an office?

Due to the absence of the moon from the sky, this tower seemed darker and intimidating to a passerby's eye. Lights were out, and no one seemed to be inside this ominous building.

As their car neared the building, Aurora casually said to Athan, "You know, now that I think of it, this is the first time someone has transitioned into our brethren on a new moon."

"Yes, and this newbie is the 666th member of the brethren, too," Athan added after a few seconds while manoeuvring the car through the zigzag entry of the building's front.

Luan couldn't deny the strange allure of this information. "666, huh?" he murmured, a mix of curiosity and caution in his voice. "Seems like a fitting number for me."

Next chapter: First challenge for our hero...

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