
Moon Bound: The Awakening

In the secluded village where Selena was raised, her destiny as the moon-touched princess begins to unfold. Abandoned by her mother, she finds solace in the guidance of the wise elder, Eldrick. He reveals that Selena's celestial birth has destined her for greatness and that her connection to the moon holds extraordinary power. Driven by a longing to uncover the truth of her past, Selena embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries of her origins. Guided by the whispers of the wind and the moon's ethereal glow, she delves deeper into her powers and discovers a hidden temple that holds the key to her true purpose. As Selena prepares to leave her beloved village behind, she bids farewell to the community that embraced her as their own. With determination and gratitude, she sets forth on her extraordinary journey, ready to embrace her destiny as the moon-touched princess. Through trials and revelations, Selena faces mythical creatures, confronts her fears, and hones her powers. Along the way, she learns of a prophecy that foretells the arrival of her destined mate, chosen by the moon goddess herself. A/N - I plan on dividing Selena's journey in to two books, which will be under Moonbound series. I hope you guys like my first try in writing...

BowsetteIRL · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Unveiled Secrets

With the weight of her newfound destiny pressing upon her, Selena returned to the secluded village, her mind racing with questions and her heart filled with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. She yearned for answers, for the truth behind her heritage and the secrets that had been kept from her.

As the sun cast its warm glow upon the village, Selena sought solace in the peaceful surroundings. She made her way to the small cottage she called home, a place of comfort and familiarity. Closing the door behind her, she took a deep breath and allowed herself a moment to collect her thoughts.

Her hands trembling slightly, Selena retrieved the pendant her mother had left behind—the key that would unlock the mysteries of her past. The pendant, an intricate silver design in the shape of a crescent moon, felt cool against her skin as she held it in her palm. It was a tangible connection to her mother, a link to the secrets that had been shrouded in darkness.

As Selena caressed the pendant, memories of her mother's departure resurfaced. She recalled the anguish in her mother's eyes, the whispered promises of return, and the pain of abandonment. But now, armed with her newfound purpose, Selena was determined to uncover the truth, to understand why her mother had left and what role she played in the prophecy.

Driven by her resolve, Selena set out to seek answers. She approached the village elder, a wise and revered figure named Eldrick, known for his knowledge of ancient legends and the supernatural world. Eldrick, with his weathered face and kind eyes, welcomed her into his modest dwelling, sensing the urgency in her presence.

"Selena," Eldrick said, his voice laden with wisdom, "I have been waiting for this day to come. The time has come for you to learn the truths that have been concealed from you."

Eldrick proceeded to tell Selena the story of the Moon Goddess and the origins of the werewolf clans. He spoke of a time when the world was in turmoil, when darkness threatened to consume everything in its path. The Moon Goddess, in her infinite wisdom, had chosen a Princess of the Moon, one who would possess great power and a connection to the supernatural realm.

With bated breath, Selena listened as Eldrick revealed that her mother, Luna, had been the previous Princess of the Moon. But burdened by the weight of her responsibilities and the dangers that lurked, Luna had chosen to protect Selena by leaving her in the secluded village, hoping to shield her from the perils that awaited.

Tears welled in Selena's eyes as she absorbed the magnitude of her mother's sacrifice. The pendant in her hand seemed to glow with an inner light, as if validating the truth in Eldrick's words. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly falling into place, and Selena knew that she had a destiny to fulfill—a legacy to carry forward.

Determined to honor her mother's sacrifice and the prophecy, Selena sought guidance from Eldrick. Under his tutelage, she began her training in the ancient ways of the werewolf clans—learning to harness her innate abilities, control her shifting, and channel the powers bestowed upon her by the Moon Goddess.

Days turned into weeks, and Selena immersed herself in her studies, embracing the teachings with a fervor that burned deep within her. She discovered a sense of purpose and belonging she had never felt before. The villagers, once wary of her, now looked upon her with respect and admiration, recognizing her as the chosen one.

As Selena honed her skills, the bond between her and the pendant grew stronger. It whispered secrets of forgotten rituals, ancient ceremonies, and the importance of her mate in fulfilling the prophecy. Selena's heart fluttered with anticipation, for she knew that her destined mate awaited her, their fates forever entwined.

In the depths of the night, beneath the glow of the moon, Selena stood on the precipice of her journey. With the knowledge and training she had acquired, she was ready to venture beyond the village's protective embrace, to seek her mate, and to embrace the challenges that lay ahead.

With a resolute smile on her lips and the pendant clasped tightly around her neck, Selena took her first step into the unknown. The path to her destiny had been unveiled, and she was prepared to face whatever trials awaited her on her quest to fulfill the prophecy.