
My New school

Wake Up!!!

I was having a nice dream,when my mom woke me up,i had overslept again,today was going to my new school.

Modust high,a well established school in the country,you can't get into the school personally,the school had to be the one to send you it admittion letter.

No one knew how it was run,but all we was go there,many organizations or companies would and will be going after you.

I had just finish my primary section of schooling,when we received the letter of acceptance from Modust high,my parents were head over hills that i got admitted.

If i was asked back then,if i wanted to study in a school that sent you letter of acceptance when you didn't send them any form.

I wouldn't be here now,trying to survive trying to escape this prison or hell called a school.

I still remember my first that,it took about five hour to get to the bridge were we had to walk to the school,that took about thirty minutes.

The school was build in the mountain,it was giving me a fright,we finally at the school,the school was a blast,it was like heaven on earth.

We were welcomed by groups of well behaved student(too well behaved i thought)we were shown to the principals office.

I remained outside,while my parents went in to discuss the formalities with the principal,i remained there for minutes that felt like hours.

Then i saw a flash of light from the principals pffice,few minutes later my parents came out,i went to asked them how it went.

Mom,dad how did it go?what did the principal say but what i heard was something i still can't unhear.

Sorry son,do we know each other said the man and woman i spent fourteen years with.

Dad if this is a joke,you better stop it,it isn't funny.Am sorry son nut we do not know you,we don't have any child said my mom.

Stop this at once i said with anger clearly written on my face and voice,then my dad spoke a young man don't have manners,how dare you raise your voice on us.

My dad wasn't done talking,when the principal came out,am sorry for this rudeness i will teach this child the proper way to speak to an adult,what the f**k is this am well aware how to speak to my parents i said in midst of tears.

Let me see you off,i watched as he went away with my parents,my mom didn't even turn back to tell me bye.

You are new here right,don't bother crying it won't help you,your parents can't remember you.what do you mean by that,don't act like you don't know every student in this school parents can't remember them so yours is nothing special.

I looked up and it was a man in his early fourties,he was smiling when he said those last word,okay now let me take you to the assembly,you won't like it you broke any law today.The assembly was aslo well organized,the older student were well composed but for we the new students,well it was the opposite.


Said the principal,welcome to Modust high you have been selected to study in the number one most prestigious school in korean.

As you live and breath in this school no one outside the school will have any memory of you,but once you graduate you are free to live your meaningless life as you see fit and there memories of you would be restored n

Now we have certain rules that most be obeyed and luckily for you new dog's,you can watch firsthand what happens to students who disobey.

A young girl was brought in,she had a collar around her neck as well.

Then the principal spoke,she was caught trying to escape the school premises,students what is the punishment for such act.

The older students in uniform tone said death,you got to be kidding me that isn't possible buy before i could contemplate on how possible it was,her heas had been blown off with a shot gun.

Then reality dawn on me,this isn't a school this is hell.