
The Melody Within

My Dear Diary,

This is to anyone who is reading this. If you have found this, I am not alive anymore. My name is Liam Cadence, and this is my story.

It's hard to describe what it's like to have a song ready for any situation in your head. Am I a genius or just another delusional human? I don't know, but one thing is for sure: the melodies and lyrics that come to me feel like magic.

All of this started when I was 15 years old. I was your average teenager with voice cracks, never really having any interest in music. Well, I never got the chance to indulge in it.

Problems in the family sometimes just bind you to your role, and my role was just being a filial son—helping my father with his beers and my mother with her bruises.

My mother, Desiree, found out my father had been cheating on her. She was devastated, and our once-happy home became a battleground.

[Mitchell's Commentary]

"I had been friends with Desiree since college, and I witnessed the pain she endured in her marriage. When she reached out to me for help during her divorce, I was determined to support her. Even though I'm an environmental lawyer, I couldn't turn a blind eye to the injustice she faced."


Desiree was a strong and resilient woman, but she needed someone to fight for her rights. That's where Mitchell, her trusted friend and lawyer, stepped in. Together, they prepared for the legal battle that awaited them.

"Mitchell, I can't thank you enough for being here for me. This divorce is tearing me apart, but I refuse to let him win," said my mother, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Desiree, you're stronger than you realize. We're going to fight for your rights and make sure you come out of this with the justice you deserve," said Mitchell, determination evident in his voice.

The courtroom was tense as Mitchell presented Desiree's case, arguing for her rights and the protection she deserved. The opposing counsel tried to discredit her, but Mitchell stood firm, defending her with unwavering dedication.

The judge listened intently, weighing the evidence presented, and ultimately ruled in their favor. The courtroom erupted in murmurs of relief and satisfaction as Mitchell and Desiree shared a brief, proud smile.

As we walked out of the courtroom, a heavy burden lifted from my mother's shoulders. She felt a renewed sense of hope and freedom. I, standing by her side throughout the ordeal, couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for my mother's strength.

"Liam, we did it. We're free from the pain and suffering. It's time for us to start fresh, to build a better life together," said my mother, her voice filled with a mix of relief and determination.

"I am proud of you, Mom," I responded, my own emotions bubbling to the surface.

As Mitchell drove the car, I glanced over at my mother, a sudden wave of emotion washing over me. Soon, a song came to my mind, and I couldn't resist the urge to sing. With a racing heart, I took a deep breath and decided to seize the opportunity.

"Mom, there's something I want to do for you," I said, my voice filled with excitement.

Desiree turned towards me, a hopeful expression on her face.

"What is it, Liam?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Just listen, Mom," I said, a smile spreading across my face.

As the car continued down the road, my voice filled the space, softly and earnestly singing the opening lines. With every word, I poured my heart into the performance, my gaze never leaving my mother's eyes.

[A Million Dreams - The Greatest Showman]

♪♪I close my eyes and I can see

A world that's waiting up for me

That I call my own

Through the dark, through the door

Through where no one's been before

But it feels like home♪♪

My mother's eyes welled up with tears, a mixture of surprise, joy, and pride. She reached out and gently placed her hand on mine, a silent affirmation of our unbreakable bond.

"Liam... This is beautiful," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion.

I continued to sing, intertwining my mother's love into the lyrics of the song.

♪♪Cause every night I lie in bed

The brightest colors fill my head

A million dreams are keeping me awake

I think of what the world could be

A vision of the one I see

A million dreams is all it's gonna take

A million dreams for the love you've given me♪♪

My mother's tears flowed freely now, overcome with a mixture of love, pride, and the realization that her son had found his voice, both literally and metaphorically.

She whispered, choked with emotion, "Liam, this... it's beyond anything I could have dreamed of."

I continued to sing with a newfound conviction, pouring my heart and soul into every word.

♪♪However big, however small

Let me be part of it all

Share your dreams with me

You may be right, you may be wrong

But say that you'll bring me along

To the world you see, to the world I owe to thee♪♪

As the final notes faded away, there was a brief moment of silence, the air filled with the weight of our emotions. Mitchell, who had been listening intently, let out a soft sigh, deeply moved by the power of the moment.

Mitchell whispered, "Liam, that was absolutely incredible. You sing? Why haven't I heard this before?"

[Mitchell's Commentary]

"As an attorney, I've seen the power of justice in the courtroom, but nothing compares to witnessing the power of love. It was a heartfelt performance that touched me."


[Desiree's Commentary]

Desiree, still teary-eyed but smiling, added her own commentary, "To hear Liam sing with such passion and love... It's a gift beyond measure. It reminded me of the strength we've found together. He's my inspiration."


My mother and I exchanged a knowing look, our hearts connected through the music and the unspoken bond we shared. In that moment, we both realized that we were embarking on a remarkable journey together—a journey where our dreams would intertwine and flourish.

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