
first day

it's the next day and she is ready to practice on the runway . while she was there a girl started hating Lela because of the attention she's getting so there girls came up to her

"your name is Lela right" hi yeah "I don't like you if you come in my way then I'll make sure you go back to your lane your trying to steal my spot light and your just making it look bad so if I were you I'll be careful because I will wreck your life btw my name is Emily remember me because life is not going to be easy your already on my bad list now move I've got important stuff to deal with" eeemmm well I don't now what is the bad thing about just being the favourite it weren't me that chose it was him so if you have anything to say then I think you should go up to him and don't worry your on my bad list to and I need to be somewhere so byeee.

the tension was built up between them and la was not going to take .Emily had never met someone who spoke back to her.