
Rainy Day Encounter with a Vampire ~ Bad/Dangerous Era

Your POV~

The rain soaked my clothes as I ran through the city streets, trying to get home. I left my job after everyone was realised that day. I  wanted to complete some more work so that tomorrow I could finally unwind and not overwork my self. 

I make a turn down the road and accidentally bump into someone, tripping in the process. I slip and land on the concrete, my hands pressing on the concrete causing a few scratches and cuts on them. 

The person who I had bumped into helps me up and onto my feet. "Are you okay, dear?" The person asks. I look up and see a much taller and handsome male figure. I was surprised  at how a man of his height and facial features had such a soft voice. But I caught myself staring at his eyes. His eyes were blood red. "Did you hear me, dear? I had asked if you where okay." The man says again.

"Oh! Y-Yes, I-I'm fine. Thank you. My name's Y/N." I say, brushing myself off. I go to shake his hand but wince as I turn my hands palms up and notice that I had scratches and cuts all over them, bleeding a bit. 

"Oh dear, you're bleeding!" The man says, pointing to my hands. 

"Oooh! I am!" I say, wincing. He nods but soon gives me a slight hungry look. His Adam's apple bobs up and down as he pants a bit, drooling. He seems to snap out of his phase.

"L-Look! I g-got to go but here! Take this!" He hands me his umbrella and runs off. 

"W-Wait! What about you?! Won't you get drenched?!" I yell after him, confused.

He replies in a hurried voice. "Keep it!" He disappeares down the street, turning somewhere. 

I shrug and cross the street, walking down the road and going into my apartment building.

???????'s POV

GODDAMN IT, YOU IDIOT! YOU ALMOST GOT CAUGHT! I groan and stop in an alleyway. I catch my breath and swallow hard, feeling my head hurt.

My stomach growled as I needed blood, Y/N's blood. Her scent blood had hit my nose as her hands were bleeding. The scent was rich and smelt really delicious but I didn't want to scare her. Only the blood of a vampire's soulmate is like that so she must be mine.

I walk out of the alleyway and notice Y/N with my umbrella across the street. I see her walk into an apartment building and get an idea. I watch her walk up some steps and go to the 5th floor. I turn into my bat form and fly into an open window, surprisingly it was her apartment's.

"Nice." I say to myself as I fly onto the windowsill. I hear her unlock the door and fly behind a pillow, keeping quiet. 

Back to your POV

I open my door and notice that one of the windows were open. I shut it as I felt the cold air again. I sight as I put the umbrella on the coat rack. "Finally have an umbrella to hang." I mumble to myself as I take my wet shoes off. I trudge to my bedroom, looking tired and exhausted. I take my clothes off and goes to take a shower. I get out, feeling refreshed as I put on my pajamas.

I put my wet clothes in a basket, promising myself that I would take my clothes to the laundromat early in the morning and not over sleep after another overtime shift. I put ointment on my hands and wrap them up in gauze. I then collapse on my bed and get comfy. I then hear the power cut off as soon as I get my phone out. 

"Stupid generator! I thought the landlords would've fixed it by now." I groan and go into the kitchen to grab my flashlight. I get on my knees and open the cabinet under the sink. I reach into it, accidentally bumping my head as I hear a squeaking noise from behind. I move out of the cabinet and turn my flashlight to illuminate the area around me. I don't see anything but feels weird. 

I stand up and look around the room, still not seeing anything. I'm not sure why but I feel like somebody's watching me. I walk into the living room, nothing. I sigh as I walk towards my room but stops in my tracks as a pound crashing noise comes from behind me.

SSSSCCCCCRASH! CRRRRASH! *glass shattering noises* (I don't know the onomatopoeia of glass breaking)

I turn and shine my flashlight to look around, seeing my lamp was smashed on floor. "Huh?" I go get my slippers and carefully walks towards the kitchen to get the brom and dustpan. When I turn back around, the lamp was fixed?

"Okay, what the hell is going on?" I yell out, placing the broom and dustpan aside. I walk around the room curiously while in the dark. I sit on the couch, gently touching my bandaids as I wrap up in a blanket and play on my phone. 

As time goes by with the power out, I still get the feeling of being watched. Just for safety measures, I look around everywhere in my apartment. Nothing. 

"Okay, why am I still paranoid?" I say to my self, walking back the living room and get to the couch. 

But before I could sit down, my eyes get wide as I look at something intensly. I see the same blood red eyes as the man I had accidentally bumped into earlier today. The eyes were staring into me, into my fucking soul, making me feel threatened. I start to cower and move back, about trip myself over my living room table. Surprisingly I didn't trip but felt arms wrap around my waist, one hand moves up my waist and clasps over my mouth.

I squirm and whimper, getting fearful. "Mmmh, let me go!" I say while muffled. 

Whoever or whatever caught me soon spoke in a calm voice. "Why would I do that, dear? You almost hit your self in head on that coffee table." I recognized that voice. The man I accidentally bumped into. Why is he here? I still felt very scared and kept squirming. 

Why are you in my apartment!" I yell at him, sounding both angry and confused.

"Well, I've come to visit my soulmate of course." He says in a delighted tone. 

I turn back at him and give him a scared and confused look. "What?! I'm not your soulmate! I don't even know your name!" I get out of his grasp and stand up. 

He gets up and walks towards me. "My name is Michael. Do you want to know why I ran away earlier? " He whispers in my ears as he wraps his hands around my waist. I nod, still scared. "Your scent was so strong and sweet to me. Only a vampire's soulmate has that strong of a scent and the vampire who smells it knows who their soulmate is. You're mine." He says, smirking and licks my neck. "And I intend to to mark as mine."

I whimper as he presses me against his chest and nibble my neck. "D-don't hurt me!" I shriek and try to get out of his grasp. 

"Why, I won't hurt a hair on your pretty head Y/N, dear. It'll be just a prick on your neck." He replies. I shake and make a whimper as I feel him chomp down own my neck.

I wince and squirms but slowly stops as I blackout do to the blood loss. 

Magical Timeskip~

I regain conciousness possibly 3 hours later. I wince as my head pounded and sits up. I rub my neck and feels a bandaid on where he bit me. I look around and notice that I wasn't in my bedroom. It was a dark bedroom with little to no light. The duvet cover had black roses on it with a red blanket.

I whimper as I look around the room, shivering from the coldness and wondering how I got here. I feel the paranoia again as I slowly turn back around and see the same blood red eyes peering into my soul. I make a loud whimper and hide under the covers only to feel them the cold air as they are pulled back. I see the blood red eyes again and see the face again, blood covering the mouth and chin. 

Michael's face was sunken in and his teeth were bared. I didn't really notice his fangs before but saw how sharped they are.

I shiver at him and the cold, making him move back a bit. He puts his cold hand on my cheek as his face goes back to normal. "Sorry for that little scare. I didn't turn you at all, just took enough blood to satisfy my hunger. I took you from your apartment to my home after you passed out. I just want you to stay here for a little bit before returning you back to your home." He says softly. He moves towards the pillows and gets under the sheets with me, placing my head against his chest.  

"O-Oh ok." I say, letting out a yawn.

"You need rest since you have a lot of blood gone. I'll get you some food later." He keeps me close. And kisses my neck gently. 

I yawn again and slowly gets used to his touch. "I-I'm not tired. I just want to rest my eyes again." I say

He giggles at my stubbornness and gently kisses me. "Yes, you are. I heard your yawn and you look worn out." He responds and snuggles into me. "Now rest, my darling." He purrs softly. 

I nod, feeling my eyes get heavy as I try to stay awake. I feel him turn me to face him, grabbing my chin. His eyes shine and swirl a bit, hypnotizing me. He rubs my head as I falls under his hypnosis, yawning even more. I slowly drift of as he smiles. 

"Good night." I say, falling dead asleep.

He smiles and nuzzles my sleeping form. "Night, love. I'll keep you safe in your sleep." He quietly says to me, falling "asleep" too.

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