2 1: I'm Sorry

It was this night, a very beautiful night. The air was crystal clear, the sky a beautiful deep blue.

it was this night, a shout came from a certain high school club room, blood seeped from the poor teen's neck and cheeks. He had a dead look in his eyes and shallow breathing.

"I dont know how many times I have to tell you. Stay away from Ryan!" she slapped his face.

who's she? why, she's the unnamed bleep.. Let's call her Karen, an iconic name.

she glared at the vulnerable boy. His name is Mizu, and he's pretty important in this story, and has a very interesting attractant to.. odd people.


"You're such a… a bitch!! Do you not know I like him, or what!?" she sliced his legs open, finally dropping the knife. After a short silence, Mizu sighed, "Are you done yet.?"

she looked at him in surprise, he didn't seem in distress, or in any pain. He was just lying there staring at the ceiling.

"wh.. why aren't you crying..?" she kicked him in the gut, expecting a reaction.

"I've stopped feeling things a while ago," he smiled at her. It was a pretty sad smile and it made her stomach get all caught up in a knot. "Stop saying such nonsense! No way someone can't feel anything!" she exclaimed.

He just laid there and said shortly after, "I never actually liked Ryan, he was the one fawning over me."

that's when her mouth dropped, she was in total shock. "So I've done this to Mizu for no reason?" She thought.

She looked at Mizu and began to say something, but saw that he had passed out. Now in panic, she dialed 911. the phone rang for a little, and a dispatcher answered, "911 whats your emergency?"

She was beginning to cry, "M.. Mizu, he's bleeding everywhere and it's all my fault!!"

"Ma'am, where are you, what happened?" the man asked gently.

She began to sob, "I don't know what I was thinking, but I'm crazy! I slit his throat! I'm a monster!!"

The dispatcher was then talking to someone else, "you heard that? track the location right now and put the woman in custody, I'm sending people out right now."

Karen felt a sharp pain throughout her body, she was having an anxiety attack. Breathing in the air desperately, she began to run towards the back of the school entrance. She threw the heavy doors open, and ran up the stairs to the roof.

Once she had gotten up there, she sighed deeply, wiping the tears that flowed from her eyes. "Might as well erase myself. No one would care anyways."

She slid off her shoes by stepping on the back of them, and laid them neatly on the edge.

To be quite honest, it was a beautiful view from her stance. The stars danced, they seemed to be judging her in a way. "love you mom, dad.." and she leaned forward, falling from the roof.

she felt quite peaceful, the rushing air had toned out the police sirens. there was shouting, and an ambulance had arrived on scene. It hadn't played out how she thought it would. "Mizu I'm sorry, at least they got to you." she said, her last words, last breath.

and then suddenly, she felt nothing.

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