
the encounter

The sun was almost set and a red-haired girl was standing at the bus stop. There were unusual spikes in her hair, and the length of her hair was short. She has fair skin and it's peach colored, and She has piercing red eyes.

'man I've been waiting here for a long time chole was lucky to get a ride'. Chole was her blue-haired friend. She is the redhead's best friend. She has been there since the first day of elementary school. they had always terrorized the teachers they had their rebellious stage early they both still had somewhat of a thuggish attitude at times especially kloud but chole rage manifested through plans that'll make even capone tremble a bit

'now that I look at the setting sun I realized that my name kloud basetree was weird. The last name wasn't even the problem here it was her name kloud the misspelling had always flabbergasted teachers' that name had merit it was an old a very old name all on the other side knew it. The very utterance of that name made spirits flee in fear at one point and time.

"Man, what's taking that bus so long? It's night now" the basetree's has lost all meaning in the spiritual world at the start of world war 2 the older generation decided to keep magic locked away the war for information on all sides the allies and the Axis powers jeopardized their secrecy plus with the younger generation being in the front lines they couldn't risk capture.

creakkkk something was fragmenting it was the very fabric of reality "What the hell was that" kloud heard the sounds she didn't want to call up her parents because of where she was she had skipped school that day.

CrAcKK black hands grabbed the crack in space and shocked kloud into a frozen state as the tear in the fabric widened. In a matter of a few seconds, she had jumped away from that thing 'what the fuck, what the fuck, what the actual fuck' something that simply did not belong on this level of reality, something that existed on another plane. "Where do you think you're going your family hasn't honored their part of the deal in 77 years" The thing warped space grabbed kloud even though she was over 50 feet away it was truly impressive what above-average stamina and a bit of non-human biology could get you.

"What d-d-do you want" The thing had a mostly humanoid shape and its color was just black and pure black it had one yellow eye glowing in the dark of night.

"your family needs to honor their part of the deal" he took one step forward kloud, of course, backed away "Don't run little basetree you can't escape me" he stopped her right in her track 'it's like time stopped for me and no one else this isn't how this was supposed to go I won't let this fuck mess with me' she tried desperately resist the paralyzation of the abstract beast to no avail "oh have you have fallen from grace if it were your ancestors this would've been a mild annoyance"

"the hell do you mean" she was given the freedom to talk even if only for a second "Oh I see now they decided to hide the deal from the younger generations" The figure then put his right-hand index finger against the young girl's left eye. Kloud is desperately trying to move her body to again no avail the finger was getting closer and closer 'no I cant lose my eye to this creep this is why i don't go out at night' "I'll be taking this" he then pokes his finger in her left eye causing immense pain evident by her right eye pupil widening she couldn't scream she couldn't squirm she couldn't writhe kloud could only watch in absolute pain. In addition to the traumatizing experience of having your eye ripped out, blood streamed down the young girl's face for a while, making the experience even worse.

It was decided to replace the red eye that had previously been in the socket with the yellow one, which was a better eye, in the socket. once that was that done the unimaginable pain faded away once the pain was gone kloud fell to the floor she was given one more thing as the figure put the palm of his hand against the girl's head and made the trauma of this experience disappear the stack trauma of the future wasn't going to make this entertaining.

"ah it looks way better now the old deal is expired and the deeds paid but i can't leave my old benefactors in this pathetic state so i gave you that" The figure reached out its hands and tapped the fabric once more.

CRACCK another crack opened and the figure left the fabric of reality stitching it back together with leaving of the anomaly it left kloud on the floor unconscious for a period of time "shit what time is it" she got up and checked her phone "well my parents are probably worried sick and now i got to question our whole history" she sent a text and then ran as fast as she could back to her house she would have a lot of explaining to do.

'i hope this is the last time i encounter that freak and whatever else exists on that side' Her first experience with the supernatural had been traumatizing but even the feeling of trauma was taken away from her she could only now remember the fresh memory as an experience just an experience.

she reached her house and opened the unlocked front door to find her house empty this only happened when her parents were out on a date night this entity picked this date because the timing was godly. "welp im going to go have a drink" she had never in her 16 almost 17 years of living picked up an alcohol bottle but this is one of those occasions where she went through enough shit.

end chapter

this is going to be rough for the first few chapters

notorious_infinitecreators' thoughts
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