

Chapter 432 Dragon Tribe's Envoy

"Welcome back, Esteemed Guests. I hope you all had a pleasant rest last night." One of the natives greeted them by the entrance gates.

"Hm? Where's your Chief?" Qiuyue asked her.

"Uh…" The native suddenly showed signs of nervousness and spoke, "The Chief… she's currently in a meeting with an envoy from the Dragon Tribe that had recently arrived."

"Oh? The Dragon Tribe is here? Aren't they friendly with the Tiger Tribe who tried to attack this place not long ago?" Su Yang was intrigued by the purpose of their visit.

"I-I also don't know the purpose of their visit." The native girl shook her head.

"However, they have been inside for a while now, so they should be out very soon."

Just as the native girl said that, Qin Tiangyu walked out from one of the larger huts with a perplexed expression on her face.

Then she noticed Su Yang and the group standing by the entrance, which immediately brought a smile onto her face.

"S-Senior Su!" Qin Liangyu quickly ran towards them. "You have arrived at the perfect time! The Dragon Tribe, they're—"

"They are here right now, right?" Su Yang interrupted.

"Y-Yes… that's right." Qin Liangyu nodded. "An envoy from the Dragon Tribe has arrived not long ago, and they brought along a few gifts."

Qin Liangyu then pointed at the twenty figures standing beside a large cart of spiritual meat and continued to speak, "Twenty servants, ten young men for labor and ten young maidens for our warriors to enjoy themselves, and finally, 500 pounds of spiritual meat."


Su Yang's eyes narrowed upon hearing such words.

"How unpleasant," he mumbled a moment later.

"E-Excuse me?" Qin Liangyu showed a dumbfounded expression. "Is there something bothering Senior Su?"

"I don't know how the tribes here operate, but treating humans as though they are farm animals… it's not something I like to see." Su Yang said.


Qin Liangyu quickly understood why Su Yang was not happy and immediately began explaining, "When a tribe defeats another tribe, the winners are allowed to take anything they want from the losers. Whether it be their food or their people, the losers cannot resist, as that will often lead to the annihilation of their tribe. In most cases, the males will be forced into labor and the females will be used to increase the tribe's population. That's most likely their situation right now. "

However, Su Yang shook his head and said, "It's not as though I don't understand. I have been to many places with a similar system lifestyle, and I am only a guest here. Therefore, you don't have to mind me. I was only speaking out loud."


Qin Liangyu became speechless. Even though Su Yang said to ignore him, she couldn't possibly allow something that is clearly making it unpleasant for their esteemed guest to exist.

A few moments later, Qin Liangyu called for one of their own people and said, "The twenty people brought here by the Dragon Tribe, they are now a part of our Boar Tribe, and not as servants but as a family. I want you to arrange it right now."


The girl standing before Qin Liangyu was puzzled. Why should they accept these strangers brought to them by their enemies into their family? What would they gain by doing such a thing?

"I do not want to repeat myself. Get it done." Qin Liangyu narrowed her eyes, causing the girl to shudder.

"R-Right away, Chief Qin!"

As the native girl scurried away, Su Yang spoke, "Like I'd said, you don't need to mind me. I am merely here as a guest — you don't need to do something that may inconvenience your entire tribe just for me."

Qin Liangyu shook her head and said, "I understand that, but as the Chief, I cannot allow my guests to feel uncomfortable when they are in our settlement, especially esteemed guests such as yourselves."

"By the way, I should have said this in the beginning, but the Dragon Tribe's envoy… he specifically asked to meet the Goddess," she suddenly said as she looked at Qiuyue.

"Hm? Why would the Dragon Tribe have any business with me?" Qiuyue raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know anything besides that he'd requested for an audience with you." Qin Liangyu shook her head.

Qiuyue turned to look at Su Yang, who nodded.

"Very well. Let's see what this envoy wants from me."

Qin Liangyu then led them to the hut she left from just a few minutes ago.

The moment they entered the hut, Su Yang could see two individuals staring at them.

One of them was a warrior from the Boar Tribe. He had a robust body and fierce appearance, whilst the other individual in the room was an old man with a skinny body. However, despite his fragile-looking appearance, his aura emitted a fearsome aura that surpassed everybody within the Boar Tribe's settlement — he was an expert at the Sovereign Spirit Realm.

Of course, Su Yang was able to sense his powerful presence even before he reached the Boar Tribe's settlement, so he was not surprised to see this expert here.

However, what intrigued him was the fact that the Dragon Tribe had sent someone at the Sovereign Spirit Realm, an existence considered to be the peak of cultivation in this world, to this place as a mere envoy.

"Who are these young ones? Although they have some shocking potential, I came here today for the Goddess," said the old man when he only saw Su Yang and Tang Lingxi enter the room.

"These two are with me, or do you have a problem with that?" Qiuyue spoke as she entered the room last.

"Y-You are!!!"

The old man's eyes widened with shock when he saw Qiuyue. Although it was something that happened hundreds of years ago, it only took him a single glance at this beauty and her otherworldly aura for him to be convinced that she was the same Goddess that he'd personally witnessed slay the Great Calamity a thousand years ago!

Chapter 433 A Dreadful Aura

"G-Goddess! This lowly one greets the Goddess!"

The Sovereign Spirit Realm expert instantly kowtowed on the floor after seeing Qiuyue.

A thousand years ago, when he was but a young man, he had the grand opportunity to witness Qiuyue slay the monster that was later known as the 'Great Calamity' with his very own eyes. And ever since then, he was unable to forget Qiuyue's godlike powers and divine beauty. Even though hundreds of years have passed, he could easily recognize Qiuyue as the Goddess that had slain the Great Calamity and saved the Southern Continent.

"I-I can't believe it… that after a thousand years, I would have a second opportunity to bless my eyes with your graceful presence, Goddess!"

"Wow, he's saying some really embarrassing things about you without any shame, Qiuyue." Tang Lingxi chuckled.

"Embarrassing?! There is nothing shameful about showing respect to the Goddess! And who do you think you are to address the Goddess in such a manner?! A mere junior at the Heavenly Spirit Realm!" The old man glared at Tang Lingxi with narrowed eyes.

"Hoh? You think you are some bigshot just because you are at the Sovereign Spirit Realm? If I was in my original body, I could kill you without even lifting a single finger!" Tang Lingxi also narrowed her eyes, causing the atmosphere in the room to change.

"T-This is!"

Qin Liangyu and the male warrior could feel a suffocating aura emitting from Tang Lingxi — it was one filled with dread and despair. They have never felt such a terrifying aura before, feeling like they were standing before a god of death.

Even the Sovereign Spirit Realm expert couldn't help but express surprise on his look after feeling this dreadful aura from Tang Lingxi.

"Calm down, Lingxi." Su Yang placed his hand on her shoulders and mumbled in a gentle voice.

"Sorry, darling. The way he looked at me was filled with disrespect and felt unpleasant, so I got a little angry." Tang Lingxi retracted the killing intent in her eyes and casually cleared her throat, dumbfounding the people there.


Qiuyue silently swallowed and said to herself inwardly, 'She's definitely from the Asura God Clan all right…'

"You wanted to speak with me, right? Hurry up and say whatever you need. By the way, if you anger my Senior Sister again, I will become the one who will need to speak with you." Qiuyue said to him with a cold expression.

"S-S-Senior Sister?! Allow this lowly one to offer his greatest apologies!"

The old man's eyes widened with shock and he began knocking his head on the ground after hearing her words, as he did not expect someone weaker than Qiuyue to be her Senior Sister.

"Senior Sister, huh?" Meanwhile, Tang Lingxi looked at Qiuyue with a smile on her face.

"Enough! Hurry up and speak!" Feeling irritated by the old man's extreme reverence for her, Qiuyue raised her voice.

"Y-Yes!" The old man quickly stood up and spoke, "This lowly one came here as an envoy from the Dragon Tribe with the intent to invite the Goddess to the Dragon Tribe as an Esteemed Guest!"

"You want me to go to the Dragon Tribe? Why?" Qiuyue asked.

"Our Chief, Chief Long, wishes to speak with you, the Goddess."

After a moment of silence, Qiuyue spoke, "If your Chief really wants to speak with me, why didn't he come here with you? Yet you want to waste my time by making me go to him? Are you looking down on me?"

The old man began trembling after hearing her words and quickly responded, "T-This is a misunderstanding, Goddess! T-The Chief is currently busy with another business and cannot step away from the tribe at this moment, and we weren't certain if the Goddess was real or fake, or else he would've been here, too! However, you need not to worry, Goddess! This lowly one will immediately return and relay your message to our Chief!"

"Wait a second." Su Yang suddenly raised his voice.

The people in the room turned to look at him with raised eyebrows.

"Qiuyue, you should go to the Dragon Tribe and see if they have any information on the Mirror of Darkness."

"The Mirror of Darkness? Is the Goddess seeking knowledge regarding that mirror?" The old man asked.

"I am. Do you have any useful information?"

"Y-Yes! Although I cannot guarantee that we have answers to all of your questions, the Dragon Tribe has plenty of ancient scrolls regarding the Mirror of Darkness!"

Qiuyue nodded a moment later and said, "Su Yang, do you want to come with me to the Dragon Tribe?"

He shook his head. "I will be heading to the other tribes with Chief Qin and Lingxi after we are done here."

"Is that so…" Qiuyue mumbled, sounding a bit disappointed.

"If you desire, we can leave now, Goddess." The old man said to her.

Qiuyue nodded.

Before they left, the old man said to Qin Liangyu, "Chief Qin, do not forget about our matter. We will return at a later date to hear your decision."

However, before she could even reply, the warrior that had been standing there in silence suddenly spoke out loud, "Of course, we will decline! That treasure has been with the Boar Tribe for a thousand years! There's absolutely no way that we would give it to anybody — not even to the Dragon Tribe!"

"I wasn't aware that I was speaking to you and not Chief Qin, young warrior." The old man scoffed and said, "And it's not like we are asking you to hand it over to us without any compensation. As long as it's at a reasonable price, we will buy it from you. Anyway, you have until next week to come to a decision, Chief Qin. Now, I will excuse myself."

The old man then left the hut, and Qiuyue followed him a few seconds later.

"T-That old bastard!" The native warrior growled in a low voice, his eyes filled with contempt and anger.

"Calm down, Lebao!" Chief Qin said to him.

"But Chief! We simply cannot hand over the treasure!"

"Haaaa..." Qin Liangyu sighed and said, "I understand your frustration, but as much as I want to keep that treasure, we are not in the position to decline, as our tribe has been declining for a while now. If I don't make some tough decisions now, the entire Boar Tribe will be suffering in the near future."

"This treasure..." Su Yang suddenly spoke, "Can you tell me more about it? Perhaps I can be of some help."

"Senior Su... I think it would be easier to explain if I show you the treasure first," said Qin Liangyu.

Chapter 434 Boar Tribe's Treasure

"C-Chief Qin! What are you thinking?! Even if they are our esteemed guests, we cannot simply show our treasure to strangers!" The warrior named Lebao pulled her to the side and said.

"You idiot!" Qin Liangyu suddenly slapped Lebao on the head, dumbfounding everyone in the room, and this was especially true for Lebao, who has never been hit by her before.

"Did you not hear a word the Dragon Tribe's envoy just said?!

"Our Savior is the real Goddess! The one who had slain the Great Calamity when every tribe couldn't defeat it even when they came together! And our treasure originated from the Great Calamity, so it originally belongs to the Goddess— them!"


Hearing her words, Lebao became silent, almost like a puppy that just got scolded by their owner.

"Please excuse our disgraceful behavior, Senior Su." Qin Lingyu apologized to them and continued, "I will now show you the treasure that was harvested from the Great Calamity."

Su Yang nodded and followed her to the back of the hut, where there was a door in the middle of the room.

"Hm?" Su Yang raised an eyebrow after seeing this door that was nearly transparent.

"That door is a formation. It's quite the powerful one too if you consider their situation." Tang Lingxi mumbled to Su Yang.

"You can see the door, too?" Qin Liangyu looked at them with a surprised look and continued, "In this entire tribe— no, the entire Southern Region, I should be the only one who can see and open this door."

"Well, if you know a thing or two about formations, anyone would be able to see it." Tang Lingxi said.

"Impossible…" Qin Liangyu mumbled in disbelief, as she believed that it was a hereditary kind of thing.

"If you don't believe me, how about I open it for you?" Tang Lingxi suddenly said with a smile. "It will only take a moment, too."


However, before Qin Liangyu could even say anything, Tang Lingxi took a step forward and stood before the door, silently staring at it.

Qin Liangyu watched with a nervous feeling in her body.

A moment of silence later, Tang Lingxi spoke in an authoritative tone, "Not even the Heavenly Emperor's goons dare to stand in my way, yet a mere formation created by an even inferior being dares to block my path?!"

'H-Huh? What is she doing? As if that would open the formation!' Qin Liangyu thought to herself inwardly.

However, a moment later, the transparent door reacted by trembling slightly.

Although the movement was slight and almost unnoticeable, Qin Liangyu was shaken to the core by it.

"I will give you three seconds to open, or I will destroy you!"

After saying those words, Tang Lingxi began counting.


The door trembled even more.


On the count of two, the door surprisingly opened slightly, shocking Qin Liangyu, who could've never imagined that the formation guarding their tribe's most valuable treasure would open just because it was threatened by someone!


At the final count, the door flew open, almost like it had been forcefully opened by a kick.

Once the door was open, the door began to disappear, before a portal appeared at where the door disappeared.

"See? It's actually quite simple." Tang Lingxi turned to Qin Liangyu and said with a smile.

However, Su Yang shook his head and sighed, "What do you gain with that little act of yours, Lingxi?"

"What? An act?" Qin Liangyu looked at them with a dazed look.

Tang Lingxi chuckled and said, "All that talking was just an act — a distraction. The door opened because I saw through the formation and cracked it open, not because it was threatened by me."

"No way…" Qin Liangyu was speechless.

"Anyway, hurry up and show me this treasure. I'm actually quite interested in it." Tang Lingxi said.

"R-Right away! Please, follow me!���

Qin Liangyu nodded and led them into the portal, teleporting them to another place.

"Although this space inside the formation is very small, it's not bad considering it was by someone at the Sovereign Spirit Realm." Su Yang thought to himself as he looked around the room that had no borders. In fact, they were surrounded by darkness with only some flickering lights in the background. It was almost like they were teleported into the starry sky.

"Here's the treasure, Senior Su."

Qin Liangyu pointed at the large eyeball that was carefully positioned on a pole a few meters away from them.


Su Yang raised his eyebrows with surprise after seeing this eyeball that was larger than a boulder. If he had to take a guess, this Great Calamity entity must have been thousands of meters tall.

"Darling… this is…" Even Tang Lingxi held a serious expression after seeing the enormous eye.

"If I am correct, this thing that Qiuyue killed came from the Dimension Rift. It's a Rift Demon."

"What?! The Dimension Rift?!" Su Yang's eyes widened with shock. "Why would a being from the Dimension Rift be in this place? And aren't Rift Demons incapable of leaving the Dimension Rift? Even if a Rift Demon somehow escaped the Dimension Rift, Qiuyue should not have been able to kill it! Even Ancient Realm experts fear those things!"

Tang Lingxi then spoke, "Not many people are aware of this since it rarely happens, but the Dimension Rift is only capable of preventing the strong Rift Demons from escaping. The Rift Demon that was slain by Qiuyue was probably too weak, so it managed to escape the Dimension Rift somehow."

"If that's the case… then this thing probably came from the Mirror of Darkness, since the mirror is a portal of sorts, and all portals are connected to the Dimension Rift." Su Yang pondered.

"This is a great discovery. Now we are a step closer to unraveling the origin of the mirror." Tang Lingxi said.

"Dimension Rift? Rift Demons? What are those?" Qin Liangyu was lost in their conversation, as she has never heard of those terms before today.

Chapter 435 Rift Demons

"S-Senior Su…? How much do you know about that monster that nearly destroyed the Southern Continent — the Great Calamity?" Qin Liangyu asked him.

"That monster is a being that should exist only within the Dimension Rift — a Rift Demon. Rift Demons come in all shapes and sizes, there's not a single Rift Demon that looks exactly the same as another. The only thing similar about these Rift Demons are their strength. Because they are all born in the same harsh environment, they are all extremely tough and powerful."

"As for the Dimension Rift… it's basically a void-like place you must enter whenever you travel an extremely long distance from one place to another using teleportation, so there's a chance you might encounter a Rift Demon whenever you teleport somewhere very far."

"Of course, Rift Demons are not common encounters. In fact, they are very rare."

"Wait a second… If the Great Calamity originated from the Mirror of Darkness, what are the chances of another one appearing in the future?" Qin Liangyu asked with a worried frown.

"Although it's not impossible, it's also very unlikely," said Tang Lingxi. "Like I'd said, only very weak Rift Demons have a chance to escape from the Rift Dimension, but even then, most of them will die trying."

"By the way, you mentioned something about the Southern Region becoming more dangerous lately, right? This treasure you have here is probably the cause of that." Tang Lingxi said.

"What? Why would that be the case?!" Qin Liangyu responded with a baffled look.

"While you may not be able to see it, I can sense a sinister aura hidden deep within that eye, and it's probably affecting the nature around it. Furthermore, it's growing slightly with each passing day. After another hundred years, this place will probably become a nest that is filled with powerful spiritual beasts."

"No way... " Qin Liangyu mumbled in a distressed voice. "I-Is there any way to solve this problem?!"

Tang Lingxi nodded and said, "It's really simple, actually. Just destroy it or throw it away."

"T-That's…" Qin Liangyu became hesitant. Such a task was much easier said than done, as this treasure has been passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of years. If this tradition ended with her, she will never be able to sleep through this disgrace.

"There won't be any tradition to uphold if the Southern Continent gets crushed by countless spiritual beasts, right? How about this? I will take that treasure off your hand, since I actually have a use for it, unlike you guys, who will only keep it as a decoration." Tang Lingxi said with a mysterious light in her eyes.


After hearing Tang Lingxi's suggestion, Qin Liangyu closed her eyes to ponder in silence.

What Tang Lingxi said was correct. If they hold onto the treasure, it will only bring their tribe more chaos than benefits. Furthermore, the treasure originally belonged to Qiuyue, as she was the one who killed the Rift Demon in the first place.

"Of course, I won't take something that valuable for free. I'll compensate you. How does three Immortal-grade Cultivation Techniques sound? It'll surely be more useful to you than that eyeball."

"Im-Immortal-grade techniques?! And three of them?!" Qin Liangyu's jaw dropped to the ground.

Forget about Immortal-grade techniques, they don't even have a single cultivation technique at the Heaven-grade!

"What? Is that not enough?" Tang Lingxi raised an eyebrow.

Qin Liangyu quickly shook her head. "Of course not! It's more than enough! In fact, it's too much!"

"Then are you willing to trade?"


After pondering for a few more moments, Qin Liangyu nodded. "The treasure originally belonged to the Goddess, anyway. I feel bad for accepting your compensation, too."

"Very well. I shall give you the cultivation techniques for the Rift Demon's eyeball once I have them prepared." Tang Lingxi said.

"T-Thank you, Senior!" Qin Liangyu bowed to her.

"Darling, lend me your storage ring." Tang Lingxi suddenly said to him.

Su Yang nodded and handed her his storage ring without hesitation.

Once she had the storage ring, Tang Lingxi approached the Rift Demon's eyeball and sucked it into the storage ring.

"Here. Keep this safe for me until you return to the Four Divine Heavens." Tang Lingxi said.

Because she has no way to physically take anything with her when she returns to her original body, she needed someone to transport it for her.

"What do you plan on doing with this eyeball, anyway?" Su Yang asked her with his eyebrows raised.

"The Asura God Clan will benefit from the chaotic energy within the Rift Demon's eyeball. After all, unlike normal cultivators that cultivate using pure spiritual energy, those who cultivate our Asura God Clan's technique must do so with chaotic spiritual energy. Other than that, Rift Demons are also exceedingly rare entities, so I want to add it to my collection. It will surely make it even more valuable."

"You are still filling up that dangerous collection? Why am I not surprised?" Su Yang showed a smile.

"Anyway, now that we are done here, let's head to the other tribes and see what information they have on the Mirror of Darkness."

Qin Liangyu nodded.

"By the way, if you don't mind me asking, Senior Su, why are you researching on the Mirror of Darkness? Do you plan on entering it?" she suddenly asked.

"That's right." He calmly nodded. "I plan on entering the Mirror of Darkness the next time it appears."

"Are you not worried that it might lead you to nowhere? If it were me, I would not have the courage to go inside, since I am afraid of the unknown."

"For Cultivators, sometimes… there are things in life that are more terrifying than even death itself." Su Yang said. "Or there are goals you must accomplish even if you might die in the process."

"This is especially true for me. If I fear death, then I will never be able to protect the things I value and the people I love. It's simple as that."

"Is that so…" Qin Liangyu mumbled in a low voice, seemingly speechless. Perhaps even mesmerized by his words.

Chapter 436 Visiting the Dragon Tribe

After handing the Boar Tribe's treasure to Tang Lingxi, Qin Liangyu led the two of them outside of the formation and said to the warrior waiting outside, "Lebao, I will be leaving the tribe for a while to show our esteemed guests the other tribes. While I am away, you will be the acting Chief in my place."

"You can entrust the tribe with me, Chief! I am willing to sacrifice even my life!" Lebao nodded with a serious expression.

"Good. Then I will leave everything to you." Qin Liangyu said before walking outside with Su Yang and Tang Lingxi.

"Are you okay with that?" Su Yang suddenly asked her. "Not telling him about giving us the treasure, that is."

"It's fine. He won't know unless I tell him or I bring him inside the formation. However, if the truth is revealed someday, I'm sure they'll understand why I made the decision." Qin Liangyu said.

"Anyway, which tribe will we be visiting first?" Su Yang then asked.

"The nearest tribe from here is the Firefly Tribe. It's only a hundred miles away."

"Then that's where we shall go first."

Qin Liangyu nodded and said, "Allow me to make some preparations before we leave."

"Take your time."

Meanwhile, a few thousand miles away from the Boar Tribe, Qiuyue and the Dragon Tribe's Envoy just arrived at their destination.

"Welcome to our humble Dragon Tribe, Fairy Goddess." The Envoy said with a lowered head.

"Please wait here for a moment while I notify our Chief of your arrival."

The old man then descended from the sky and into one of the larger huts within the Dragon Tribe's settlement.

"Senior Zhan, you have returned already? What happened at the Boar Tribe? Did you meet the Goddess?" The Dragon Tribe's Chief stood up after seeing the old man enter the hut.

"Chief Long! This is an emergency!" Senior Zhan rushed in front of him and spoke in an urgent tone.

"The Goddess… She's the real deal! She's really the Goddess that killed the Great Calamity one thousand years ago!"

"What!? Are you sure about this information?!"

"I am 120% certain! My mind has been filled with nothing but her appearance every single day ever since I first saw her fight the Great Calamity on that day! Her otherworldly beauty… her exotic hair and peerless eyes that reflect the moonlight — it's impossible that I could have mistaken her for someone else!" Senior Zhan responded with passion, revealing his obsession for Qiuyue that was as clear as day.

Chief Long looked at Senior Zhan's eyes without a serious expression and slowly nodded. "I understand. I will trust your judgment. However, this will complicate things for us a lot."

"The only reason we even bother with the Boar Tribe is because of the treasure they possess — the Great Calamity's eyeball that holds a profound amount of power. If the Goddess is protecting the Boar Tribe, we will not be able to force them to hand the treasure over to us and can only hope that they will accept our negotiations."

"Of course, if the Goddess was here, I could also request for her to not interrupt our business with the Boar Tribe."

"Uhh… Chief Long, if you're worried about that, then there's no need to worry. Since the Fairy Goddess is actually waiting outside right now." Senior Zhan said.

"What?!" Chief Long's eyes widened with shock. "If she's already here, why didn't you say so first?! Hurry up and bring me to her before she gets annoyed! We don't know if she's any good with her patience!"

Chief Long quickly left the hut.

"Goddess! Please excuse this insignificant one for making you wait outside like this!" Chief Long lowered his head and body to her.

Qiuyue glanced at him for a moment before descending from the sky.

"What business do you have for me?" Qiuyue asked him in a cold voice, ignoring the people that were staring at her with wide eyes in the distance.

'What a beauty…' Chief Long thought to himself as he was stunned by Qiuyue's beautiful appearance for a moment. After seeing her for the first time, he instantly understood why Senior Zhan was so obsessed with her.

If not for her background and her unfathomable strength, he would do anything in his power to make her his own.

"This insignificant one only has but a single request for the Goddess." Chief Long then spoke, "The Dragon Tribe and the Boar Tribe are currently in negotiations over one of the treasures they possess, and we would like to request for the Goddess to not intervene with our business."

"Huh?" Qiuyue instantly frowned. He called her all the way over here just to say that?

"O-Of course, this is but a humble request. If the Goddess refuses, we won't pursue this matter any further." Chief Long misunderstood Qiuyue's facial expressions and trembled in fear.


After a moment of silence, Qiuyue spoke, "Why would I care about your business with another tribe? Even if you want to kill each other, I won't intervene."

"Eh? Really?" Chief Long was dumbfounded by her response, and he continued, "Then why did the Goddess protect the Boar Tribe when the Lion Tribe attacked them?"

"If you were peacefully drinking tea in someone else's house and someone suddenly disturbs your peace, would you just sit there and do nothing?" Qiuyue asked him.

"N-No… I would not…" Chief Long shook his head.

"Then why would you expect anyone else to?"

After a moment of silence, Qiuyue continued, "Even though I said all that, you are actually asking the wrong person."

"What do you mean?" Chief Long raised his eyebrows in a puzzled manner.

"While it is true that I do not care about your business with the Boar Tribe or any tribe for that matter, I cannot say the same for my partners," she said.

"The Goddess's… partners?" Chief Long turned to look at Senior Zhan.

"Um… the Goddess must be referring to the two youngsters with her at that time…" Senior Zhan said.

"That's right. However, to call them youngsters… you cannot be any more wrong." Qiuyue showed a mysterious smile and said, "Not only are they older than any of us here but the two of them have more authority than me."

Chapter 437 The Wandering Immortal and His Missing Mirror

Both Chief Long and Senior Zhan stared at Qiuyue with a dazed look, speechless by her words, especially Senior Zhan, who witnessed the two 'youngsters' with his own eyes.

'They are older than all of us combined? What kind of nonsense is that? They were only at the early stages of the Heavenly Spirit Realm! How could someone like that possibly have more authority than the Fairy Goddess, who has unfathomable strength?!' Senior Zhan thought to himself, clearly in disbelief.

"Anyway, now that I have listened to your request, it's time for you to listen to mine." Qiuyue suddenly said to them.

"As long as the Dragon Tribe has the ability, we are willing to fulfill any request from the Goddess." Chief Long quickly said.

"Good. Then give me everything you have on the Mirror of Darkness," she said.

"The Mirror of Darkness?"

"I want all of your information on it."

"E-Everything?" Chief Long looked hesitant.

"You aren't willing?" Qiuyue narrowed her eyes.

"N-No! That's not the case, Goddess! It's just that we have a lot… an entire hut of scrolls, to be exact."

"The more the better. Show me the place."

"Please, come this way!"

A few minutes later, Chief Long led Qiuyue into a hut that was filled with scrolls and books.

"What would the Goddess like to know about the Mirror of Darkness? Although I don't know everything, the Dragon Tribe has spent the most time among all tribes studying and trying to figure out its origins."

"Do you know where it came from or where does it lead?" Qiuyue asked.

"Unfortunately, those are questions that every tribe is trying to figure out even as of this moment. Because nobody has ever returned after they stepped inside the Mirror of Darkness, we cannot know where it leads. As for its origins… there have been rumors that the Mirror of Darkness once belonged to an Immortal."

"Hm?" Qiuyue's interest instantly piqued, and she asked, "Tell me more about this Immortal."

Chief Long nodded and began to explain, "Nobody knows when the Mirror of Darkness first appeared in the world, but there are stories of this Immortal who wandered the Southern Region looking for a 'silver mirror'."

"According to a few of the witnesses who had encountered this Immortal, he was wearing some sort of beaten armor — looking like he'd just got back from a long and audacious war."

"Immortal… beaten armor… It can't be…"

An image appeared in Qiuyue's head as Chief Long spoke about the Immortal.

"This Immortal… he would ask all of his encounters if they had seen a silver mirror anywhere, and he was seen all over the Southern Region. However, many years later, this Immortal seemingly disappeared from this world and was never seen again."

'T-This Immortal… he must be that skeleton inside the Immortal's Treasury! The Heavenly Emperor's lackey!' Qiuyue was convinced that this Immortal's true identity was Immortal Han Xin, someone that works directly under the Heavenly Emperor!

"So this Mirror of Darkness is not a treasure created by nature but something he brought here from the Four Divine Heavens, huh…" Qiuyue mumbled to herself.

A moment later, she said to Chief Long, "I want to look through all these scrolls."

"Please take your time, Goddess! I will make sure that nobody will be bothering you while you are inside this hut!" Chief Long bowed to her before leaving the hut.

Once he left Qiuyue alone, Chief Long approached Senior Zhan and said with a grim smile on his face, "The Goddess has given us her word that she will not interfere with our business. I want you to relay this message to the Lion Tribe and tell them to take advantage of this situation and deal with the Boar Tribe!"

"What about our negotiation? Aren't we going to wait for their response?" Senior Zhan asked.

"I already know their answer. Unless their tribe starves to death, they won't part with the Great Calamity's eyeball. So instead of waiting around for a response like idiots, we should force their hands to hand us the eyeball. Furthermore, the Goddess is currently here at the Dragon Tribe. This will allow the Lion Tribe to move without needing to worry about her."

"I understand." Senior Zhan nodded, "By the way, what about the Goddess's partners? There were two of them. What should we do if they intervene? After all, the Goddess already said that she does not speak for them."

"If they intervene, then allow them. Let the Lion Tribe deal with them as they fit. If it angers the Goddess, we can just put the blame on the Lion Tribe."

"In the meantime, I will keep watch of the Goddess and try to keep her here for as long as possible."

Sometime later, when Senior Zhan arrived at the Lion Tribe, he commanded them, "Chief Long has spoken with the Goddess, and we have received her words that she will not intervene with our business anymore."

"What!? Really?!" As one would have expected, the Lion Tribe natives were surprised by this news, since they were chased away by her once already.

Senior Zhan nodded. "In fact, the Goddess is currently staying at the Dragon Tribe. I would suggest you start moving now before she leaves. Even if she won't interfere, I doubt any of you would want to fight before her majestic presence."

The Chief of the Lion Tribe nodded and commanded his people, "We are returning to the Boar Tribe as soon as possible! Immediately begin the preparations! Although they have managed to survive last time, they will not get away from us a second time!"

The people of the Lion Tribe roared viciously with the feeling of war in the air.


After hyping up the entire Lion Tribe, Senior Zhan silently disappeared from the scene without even warning them about Su Yang and Tang Lingxi. After all, his goal was to make them want to fight the Boar Tribe. If they knew that they might fight with the Goddess's companions, they would surely hesitate to attack them.

"Now that everything is prepared, we can just sit back and wait for the action." Senior Zhan chuckled to himself as he returned to the Long Tribe.

Chapter 438 Firefly Tribe

A hundred miles away from the Boar Tribe was the Firefly Tribe.

Compared to the Boar Tribe's large population, the Firefly Tribe's settlement is a relatively small tribe with only a few thousand meters in size and less than one hundred people in the tribe, and they are ranked 364 amongst the thousands of small tribes within the Southern Region.

"Chief Qin! What brings the Chief of the Boar Tribe to visit this humble place?"

A middle-aged man at the peak of Earth Spirit Realm greeted them by the entrance.

"Hello, Chief Li. It's been a while since we last met. I have these Esteemed Guests with me today that wish to learn more about the Mirror of Darkness, but my Boar Tribe was unable to provide such information, so we came here wondering if the Firefly Tribe can assist us." Chief Qin said to him with a friendly smile.

"Esteemed Guests…?"

Chief Li looked at the extremely handsome young man and a beautiful young lady standing behind Chief Qin. It only took him a single glance to recognize the splendor and pride within their aloof aura, almost like he was looking at royalty.

"We won't be here for long, so you don't have to worry about being bothered." Su Yang said to him with a smile.

"Nonsense! There's no way we could be bothered by the Boar Tribe's Esteemed Guests! It's an honor to have you here at the Firefly Tribe! Even if you wish to stay here forever, we would have no complaints! Hahaha!" Chief Li spoke with laughter.

The Boar Tribe was ranked 3rd out of the 18 major tribes whilst their Firefly Tribe was only ranked 364. Even if a mere servant from the Boar Tribe arrives, the Firefly Tribe must treat them as though they are Esteemed Guests, much less the Chief of the Boar Tribe and people who they consider as 'Esteemed Guests'.

"Please, follow me to the library. All of our scrolls are being stored there."

Chief Li then led the three of them to one of the huts.

"Who are those two behind Chief Qin?"

"Their skin is so pure and white… I have never seen anything like that before…"

Once Su Yang and Tang Lingxi entered the Firefly Tribe, their unique appearance and beauty quickly attracted the attention of the tribe members there. It was almost like seeing the moon for the first time for them.

The men in the tribe stared at Tang Lingxi's beautiful face and charming figure, whilst the females there stared at Su Yang's handsome face and charismatic aura, feeling like they were captivated by their appearance and aura.

"Although it's quite small, this is our humble library. Please, take all the time you need inside." Chief Li said to them.

"Thank you." Su Yang said to him before entering the hut with Tang Lingxi.

After they were gone, Chief Li approached Chief Qin and spoke, "Chief Qin, can I ask you about something?"

"What is it?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Is it true that the Goddess from the legends has returned to the Southern Region? The one that supposedly killed the Great Calamity? I also heard that she's staying at your Boar Tribe."

Hearing his words, Chief Qin lifted her chest in a prideful manner and smiled, "That's right, the Goddess was with us until just recently. But how did you know? She arrived very recently."

"Word travels around fast when it involves the Lion Tribe, after all." Chief Li sighed. "I'm glad the Boar Tribe hasn't succumbed to their greed yet. They have been going on a rampage lately, raiding one tribe nearly every single day."

"They have always been an ambitious group, but they never got out of hand. However, ever since they got friendly with the Dragon Tribe, they have been going out of control, like a group of bandits."

Chief Li then continued, "Chief Qin, do you think you could possibly ask the Goddess to help us deal with the Lion Tribe? At this rate, I'm afraid that even more tribes will be destroyed by their hands."


Qin Liangyu did not immediately respond and turned quiet.

A moment later, she spoke, "It is true that the Lion Tribe has been getting out of hand lately, but I don't think it's a good idea to involve the Goddess in our worldly affairs. That's akin to asking an elephant to crack an egg for us."

"Hmm… I understand where Chief Qin is coming from, but the Lion Tribe is almost unstoppable right now. Unless all of the tribes come together to deal with them, we won't be able to defeat them, and you should know how difficult that would be."

"I know… but still… I cannot just ask the Goddess for a favor like this, right? There's also the chance that she might not want to be bothered with these kinds of worldly matters. We cannot afford to offend her."

After a moment of awkward silence, Chief Li spoke, "What about those two inside the library? I can feel the profoundness in their aura. They must have a powerful background. What if we ask them to help us? Of course, we won't ask them to help for free."

"That's…" Qin Liangyu frowned.

Although approaching Su Yang for help would definitely be easier to manage than approaching the Goddess, she felt that it wouldn't be right for them to ask for help when they barely just met.

However, they won't be able to stop the Lion Tribe's madness if they don't ask for help, as it was impossible for the tribes to come together even if they may perish due to their disdain for each other.

"Okay… I will ask them later." Qin Liangyu nodded after considering it for some time.

"That's great! Then I will leave everything to you, Chief Qin! And if you ever need help, you can come straight to the Firefly Tribe. While we may not be able to do much, we will do everything in our power to stop the Lion Tribe from domination."

Chapter 439 Qin Liangyu's Request for Help

"As expected, there isn't much information here, either." Tang Lingxi sighed as she placed the scroll in her hands down.

"You can't expect much. It's not easy figuring out the origins of treasures like this mirror. However, for some reason, I have a feeling that this is not my first time seeing that mirror." Su Yang said with a pondering expression.

"What do you mean? Are you saying that you have seen that mirror before?" Tang Lingxi tilted her head.

He nodded and continued, "I have been trying to remember where I have seen it before ever since I saw it, but I just can't wrap my head around it. Maybe I am just mistaken."

Although he cannot recall where he had seen the Mirror of Darkness before, there was just this familiar feeling within him ever since he saw the mirror.

"I'm sure you'll remember it somewhere down the line. But for now, let's head to the next tribe to see if they have anything else." Tang Lingxi said.

Su Yang nodded, and the two of them left the hut a few moments later.

"We are done here," he said to Qin Liangyu, who was patiently waiting outside.

"Would you like to see another tribe, or do you have enough information now?" she asked.

"Let's check out a few more tribes."

"I understand. Let me notify Chief Li of our departure first." Qin Liangyu said before looking for him.

"Chief Li, we're leaving now."

"Hm? Have they finished already? Then allow me to bid them farewell."

A few moments later, Chief Li and Qin Liangyu walked to the gates.

"If you ever wish to return for another visit, our doors are always open for you, Esteemed Guests!" Chief Li bowed to them, and he said to Qin Liangyu before they left, "Chief Qin, please don't forget about our conversation earlier."

"Don't worry, I won't forget it." Qin Liangyu said as they began their journey to another tribe.

After leaving the Firefly Tribe, Qin Liangyu led Su Yang and Tang Lingxi to many tribes around the Southern Region, traversing thousands of miles in just a few days.

The Earth Tribe, the Totem Tribe, the Steel Tribe, the Life Tribe — Su Yang, and Tang Lingxi visited over a dozen tribes during these few days, and they have read over thousands of scrolls regarding the Mirror of Darkness. However, they were unable to find any worthwhile information, as every tribe had almost the same information and only very slight differences.

As for Qin Liangyu, she was unable to find the right timing to speak with Su Yang about their complications with the Lion Tribe. Furthermore, she wanted to deepen their relationship for a few more days before she requested help from them, as that would surely make it easier for her to ask him for help.

"I am really sorry for this!" Qin Liangyu suddenly lowered her head and apologized to Su Yang after they left the Wolf Tribe. "Even though we have traveled thousands of miles and visited dozens of tribes, you were unable to find the information that you wanted! I am a failure as an escort, wasting your precious time!"

"There's nothing for you to apologize to — since it's not your fault that there's not enough information out there." Su Yang calmly shook his head and said, "We never expected to find much anyway."

A moment later, he continued to speak, "By the way, I have been sensing a feeling of concern and distress from you. Are you troubled in any way?"

"T-That's…" Qin Liangyu showed a hesitant expression. "I shouldn't impose my troubles onto you, Senior Su..."

"If there's anything troubling you, I am here for you. Not only have you been taking your time to travel with us, but that worried frown is not suitable for your beautiful face."

"B-Beautiful?!" Qin Liangyu was taken by surprise by his unexpected compliment, causing her to blush.

In fact, she was blushing so much that not even her tanned skin could hide the redness that covered her face, almost like she was experiencing a high fever.

"You know…" Tang Lingxi suddenly spoke, "He's the type of guy who cannot leave a woman alone, much less a pretty and troubled one, so it would be for the best if you just say out loud your troubles so that we can get this over with. Trust me, I have experienced this myself, and it will get annoying after some time."

"Annoying, huh…" Su Yang showed a smile and said, "If I hadn't annoyed you to that point, you would have never allowed me to help you at that time, and we wouldn't be in this relationship right now."

After hearing Tang Lingxi's words, Qin Liangyu decided to finally ask them for help.

"It's like this, Senior Su… when we visited the Firefly Tribe, Chief Li asked me for help. He originally wanted me to ask the Goddess, but I felt we couldn't involve her in our worldly matters, so he wanted me to ask you two for help instead."

"As you already know, the Boar Tribe was attacked by the Lion Tribe just recently. Luckily for us, the Goddess came at the right time and interrupted their plans, saving our tribe. But… but the others were not so lucky, as we are not the only ones being terrorized by the Lion Tribe. In fact, they have already destroyed dozens of tribes over the past few months, growing stronger with every tribe they defeat."

"Normally, we wouldn't have to worry about the Lion Tribe, since they are ranked lower than us in terms of strength. However, they have been getting help from the Dragon Tribe, causing their power to increase significantly."

"We don't think the Lion Tribe will stop anytime soon — at least not until they dominate and destroy most of the tribes out there. Thus… the Boar Tribe… and the tribes that we have visited the past few days... would like to humbly request for help from Senior Su."

Qin Liangyu spoke as she slowly kowtowed on the floor, begging for their help.


Su Yang did not immediately respond. In fact, Tang Lingxi was the first to speak.

"Can you tell me something? If you find the Lion Tribe a threat but cannot defeat him alone, why don't you just ask the other tribes to help? Since you all have the same interest, it would be wise of you to combine your strength and fight the Lion Tribe together."

"Indeed, there is that method… but..." Qin Liangyu shook her head and said, "Not every tribe is friendly with each other. In fact, most of them despise each other. The tribes we have been visiting these past few days are an exception since they have a friendly relationship with the Boar Tribe already."

"As for the other tribes, they would rather die than to shake hands with the other tribes — even if it meant the destruction of their entire tribe. It would simply be easier to defeat the Lion Tribe alone than to unite the tribes and fight together. Furthermore, even if the tribes that are willing to cooperate, they are all smaller tribes without much power. "

Chapter 440 It Would Be a Waste to Kill Her

"I understand the situation and can see why you are feeling troubled," said Su Yang a few moments later, and he looked at Qin Liangyu with a serious expression.

"Of course, I am willing to help you with your troubles. However, exactly how do you want us to help you deal with the Lion Tribe? Do you want me to ask the Lion Tribe to stop terrorizing the other tribes peacefully, or would you rather I slaughter everyone from the Lion Tribe so that they will never be able to harm another tribe ever again?"

Su Yang spoke with a grim light in his eyes, his gaze on Qin Liangyu as sharp as swords.

"T-That's…" Qin Liangyu was taken aback by his response and became speechless.

After a moment of silence, she managed to force a few words out of her throat and spoke, "I-I will believe in Senior Su's judgment. Whatever you decide to do, I will support it unconditionally."

Hearing her words, Su Yang showed a smile and turned to look at Tang Lingxi.

"What do you think? How should we deal with this Lion Tribe?" he asked for her suggestion.

"If it were up to me, I would simply slaughter all of them, as that would be the most efficient and easiest method," said Tang Lingxi with a nonchalant expression, almost like she could take away lives without blinking her eyes.

"However, she requested for your help, and you are also the one who decided to help her, so the choice is yours ultimately."

Su Yang nodded and turned to Qin Liangyu to ask, "What is the extent of their prowess? Do they have any Sovereign Spirit Realm experts?"

Qin Liangyu quickly shook her head and spoke, "The Lion Tribe has 7 Heavenly Spirit Realm Warriors and around 30 Earth Spirit Realm Warriors."

Su Yang closed his eyes to ponder.

Although their numbers are not as large as even an ordinary Sect within the Eastern Continent, they make up for that number by having a large number of powerful Cultivators. Hell, not even Elite Sects would have so many Heavenly Spirit Realm experts.

A moment later, he opened his eyes and spoke, "I understand. However, before I help you with the Lion Tribe, I want to see why they are doing what they are doing. I want to know the reason for their terrorizing acts."

"You wish to go to the Lion Tribe?" Qin Liangyu looked at him with a surprised face.

Su Yang nodded. "Can you lead the way?"

"Un… I will bring you there." Qin Liangyu nodded.

A few days later, Qin Liangyu brought Su Yang and Tang Lingxi to the Lion Tribe.

"There's almost nobody here." Tang Lingxi said after sensing only a few individuals within the settlement.

"Where could they have gone?" Qin Liangyu could feel an ominous feeling looming in the air when she sensed the heavy atmosphere in the area. It was almost like she'd walked into an invisible battlefield.

"Who are you? And what business do you have here at the Lion Tribe?" One of the people inside the settlement finally noticed them and approached the gate.

Qin Liangyu looked at Su Yang, as she did not want to reveal her identity right before the enemy's base, especially when the Lion Tribe wanted to destroy their tribe. That would be akin to wrapping yourself as a present and sending it directly to the enemy's front door and telling them to kill her.

"My name is Su Yang, a wandering traveler. I have some business with your Chief. Is he here right now?"


The guard looked up and down at Su Yang and inwardly snorted in disdain after seeing his handsome appearance.

"The Chief is not here right now. You can come back later."

"Oh? Where did he go, then? I have urgent matters with him, so I don't mind going to him." Su Yang said with a calm expression.

"Sorry, but the Chief won't be able to speak with you even if you find him. After all, he's…"

"H-Hey! That's Qin Liangyu, the Chief of the Boar Tribe! What is she doing here?!"

Before the guard could even finish his words, another guard approached them and revealed Qin Liangyu's identity.

"What?! The Boar Tribe's Chief?!" The other guard immediately raised the spear in his grasp and pointed it at her.

A few moments later, a few more guards appeared, and they all stared at Qin Liangyu as though she was a rabbit on the verge of being hunted.

"Hahaha! Who could've expected that the Chief of the Boar Tribe would willingly come to our base?! She simply doesn't want to live!"

"Capture her! Once the Chief comes back, he will surely be ecstatic to see her in our grasp!"

Seven people from the Lion Tribe immediately surrounded Qin Liangyu and the group.

"Hey, who are these two? And what should we do with them?" One of them spoke as he looked at Su Yang and Tang Lingxi.

"I don't care who they are, but if they are with the Boar Tribe, kill them! However, leave that pale beauty alive! I have never seen someone as beautiful as her before! It would be a waste to kill someone like her without having some fun with her first!"

The guards salivated just from imagining their hands touching Tang Lingxi's smooth-looking skin. They simply cannot wait to have a taste of her body.

"How troublesome…" Su Yang mumbled in a calm voice, clearly unfazed by their situation.

"What should we do now, Senior Su?" Qin Liangyu asked him as she subtly closed their distance.

"You can start by closing your eyes." Su Yang said to her.

"Huh?" Qin Liangyu looked at him with a puzzled expression.

However, before she could even react, a dreadful aura surged from Tang Lingxi's body, causing the atmosphere there to turn heavy.

"A bunch of lowly savages that are not even worthy to glance at me dares to have such vulgar thoughts of me…?" Tang Lingxi mumbled in a cold voice, her expression grim.

"Come with me." Su Yang suddenly grabbed Qin Liangyu by the waist and jumped away to distance himself from Tang Lingxi.

"W-What's happening, Senior Su?!" Qin Liangyu asked him in an anxious voice.

"Well… it's going to get a little bit bloody here." Su Yang said.

Immediately after he said those words, Tang Lingxi moved.

Chapter 441 Asura God's Curse

Out of the seven people from the Lion Tribe that surrounded Tang Lingxi, five of them were only at the True Spirit Realm while the last two were at the Earth Spirit Realm.

As someone at the Heavenly Spirit Realm, Tang Lingxi could kill all of them in the blink of an eye even with her hands tied behind her back. However, because of the disparity in their strength, the guards were unable to see Tang Lingxi's true strength and therefore underestimated her, being completely oblivious of the danger they are currently in.

"Your boyfriend is quite the coward! He abandoned you without a thought! Hahaha!"

"Why don't you come with us? We won't leave you alone for a second!"

The guards laughed out loud after seeing Su Yang distance himself from Tang Lingxi, thinking that he was running away.

"First of all…"

In the midst of their laughter, Tang Lingxi took a single step forward and disappeared from the guards' views, almost like she'd turned into a ghost.

"He's not my boyfriend, but my husband."

Tang Lingxi suddenly appeared behind the Earth Spirit Realm expert and grabbed his arms.


By the time the guard even realized that he was caught by Tang Lingxi, his arms were violently ripped from his shoulders, causing his body to shudder from shock.

"Disgusting…" Tang Lingxi casually tossed the detached arms away with a disgusted expression.

After throwing the severed arms like they were trash, Tang Lingxi grabbed the guard by the head and also ripped it off his body with ease, instantly killing him.


Qin Liangyu felt the urge to puke after seeing the brutal scene before her. Although she has seen a fair share of blood and gore, she has never seen anyone as brutal and bloodthirsty as Tang Lingxi. Instead of a Goddess, she looked like someone being possessed by an Evil God.

As for the other six guards from the Lion Tribe, they all stared at Tang Lingxi with a terrified expression on their faces, looking like they were seeing a monster.

"What's wrong?" Tang Lingxi turned to look at the guards and slowly walked towards them.

However, every step Tang Lingxi took towards the guards, they also took a step back.

"Why are you distancing from me? I thought that you wanted to touch this body?" Tang Lingxi's eyes were as cold as ice, and her dreadful aura haunted them like a nightmare.

"W-W-W-Wait a moment… T-There must have been an understanding…" One of the guards suddenly spoke in a trembling voice.

"A misunderstanding? I don't think so."

Tang Lingxi continued to chase after them.

"Consider yourselves lucky, since you get to touch my skin when I rip all of your limbs out of that useless body…"

"R-Run! She's a fucking monster!"

The six guards immediately turned around and began running away in six different directions.

However, with her superior cultivation and movement technique, Tang Lingxi easily caught up with one of them and quickly grabbed his arms.

"P-Please spare me! I-I have a wife and children — Ahhhh!"

As though Tang Lingxi couldn't even hear his words, she tore his arms out of his body like the previous victim.

The guard quickly fell onto the ground, and that's when Tang Lingxi raised her legs before stomping his head, causing it to explode into a bloody mess.

Immediately after killing that guard, she chased after the next one.

A few moments later, Tang Lingxi's arm pierced a hole in the guard's chest, ripping his heart from his chest, before crushing the heart, causing it to explode like a tomato.

"It appears that the Asura God's Curse is active even though she's in a different body…" Su Yang mumbled to himself as he calmly watched Tang Lingxi tear her enemies apart like a beast.

"Asura God's Curse…?" Qin Liangyu, who heard his mumble, showed a puzzled look.

"She belongs to a family with a very unique and powerful bloodline that allows her to easily dominate anyone under the heavens. However, very little things in this world are actually perfect."

"Although she has a tremendous amount of strength due to her unique bloodline, that blood also curses her body with the Asura God's Curse, which will make the person uncontrollably bloodthirsty if they are provoked."

"This is why nobody is willing to provoke a person from the Asura God Clan, as it always leads to a blood bath."

However, Tang Lingxi is not actually in her own body, and Hong Yu'er's body does not contain even a single drop of Asura Blood, so it makes no sense for Tang Lingxi to be affected by the curse at this moment.

'Does the Asura God's Curse actually affect one's soul instead of their blood?' Su Yang silently pondered to himself as Tang Lingxi continued to slaughter the guards with extreme brutality.

Sometime later, the screaming in the area stopped, and Tang Lingxi returned to Su Yang's side.

However, her appearance was anything but graceful, as her face and robe was stained with blood, making her look like a sinister evil Cultivator.

"I'm sorry that you had to see something so unsightly, darling. It has been a very long time since anyone has dared to provoke me in such a manner, so I got a little angry. And I didn't think that the Asura God's Curse would affect me while I am in this body." Tang Lingxi said to him.

"By the way, before I killed the last guy, I asked him where their Chief was…" she continued.

"He said that the Chief is currently leading the Lion Tribe to the Boar Tribe for war, and that they left three days ago."

"What?!" Qin Liangyu exclaimed loudly.

"The Boar Tribe is in danger! I have to get back now…"

Qin Liangyu suddenly dropped to her knees with despair on her face.

"But even if we head back now, it will be too late. The Lion Tribe should have arrived at the Boar Tribe by now…"

"It's over… the Boar Tribe does not have the power to resist the Lion Tribe… They'll be completely wiped out!"

Chapter 442 Lion Tribe's Invasion

"Calm down, Chief Qin." Su Yang said to her, whose face was filled with tears at this moment.

He then retrieved the flying boat from his storage ring and continued, "If we travel with this flying boat, we can return to the Boar Tribe within minutes, so don't give up hope just yet."

"R-Really?!" Qin Liangyu looked at him with red eyes and spoke, "Please, save my Boar Tribe! I am willing to do anything in exchange for your help!"

Su Yang nodded and hopped onto the flying ship with the two of them, before they rushed back to the Boar Tribe.

Meanwhile, a few hours ago at the Dragon Tribe, Qiuyue had finished reading all of the scrolls in the hut and was prepared to return to the Boar Tribe.

"I hope you found whatever information that you were looking for, Goddess." Chief Long was standing outside when she left, almost like he was waiting for Qiuyue to be finished this entire time.

"I have everything that I need. Thank you for the information."

"Are you leaving now, Goddess? If I may ask, where will you be going?" Chief Long asked her.

"I'm returning to the Boar Tribe. Do you have any problems with that?" Qiuyue looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"I wouldn't dare." Chief Long quickly shook his head, and he continued, "However, this humble one would like to escort the Goddess back to the Boar Tribe."

"Why would you want to do something like that? I don't need your escort." Qiuyue refused his offer.

"I happen to have some business with the Boar Tribe, so I will need to visit them sooner or later," said Chief Long.

Of course, his reason for following her to the Boar Tribe was only an excuse. Chief Long actually wanted to be there to see if Qiuyue would be intervening with the Lion Tribe's invasion.

"Do whatever you want, but I won't be waiting for you," Qiuyue said as she jumped into the air before soaring towards the Boar Tribe.

Meanwhile, on Su Yang's flying boat, Tang Lingxi casually began removing her blood-stained robes, revealing her sublime body and perfect skin.

"Are you sure that doesn't break your promise with Hong Yu'er?" Su Yang asked her with a smile on his face. Of course, his eyes did not look away and stared directly at her slim figure.

"I only promised her that I would not jeopardize her purity. Showing a little skin to her fiance won't do such a thing. Unless you are going to pounce at me right now, it will be fine." Tang Lingxi smiled back at him.

A few minutes later, right before the flying boat reached the Boar Tribe, Su Yang and his group noticed a red light shooting into the sky before exploding with brightness.

"What's that?" Su Yang asked.

"T-That's the Boar Tribe's emergency signal! They are in danger! It must be the Lion Tribe!" Qin Liangyu exclaimed after seeing the signal, her face filled with worry.

Meanwhile, inside the Boar Tribe, it was a chaotic scene with the people from the Boar Tribe desperately defending themselves against the Lion Tribe.

There was blood splatter everywhere, and corpses from both tribes littered the ground.

"Have you gone crazy, Chief Shi?! We have the Goddess's protection! How dare you attack us while the Goddess is here!" Lebao shouted as he fought against the Chief of the Lion Tribe.

"If your Goddess was here, why hasn't she intervened yet?! The answer is as clear as day — she doesn't care about protecting the Boar Tribe!" Chief Shi roared with laughter as he stuck Lebao with his strength at the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm.


Lebao cried out in pain after being struck, feeling some of the bone in his body shattered from the impact.

"You are a fine warrior, Lebao! One of the best in the Boar Tribe! It makes me wonder why haven't you already made Chief Qin your woman and become the new Chief of the Boar Tribe yet." Chief Shi spoke.

"If I were in your shoes, I would have long conquered her and made her my woman!"

Chief Shi suddenly stretched his hands and continued, "I know that you like her, Lebao. Abandon the Boar Tribe and join my Lion Tribe! If you do, I will make Qin Liangyu your woman!"

"W-What…?" Lebao looked at him with a dazed look. "You want me to betray the Boar Tribe…? You are truly out of your mind!"

"Of course, you can refuse. However, just remember that if you refuse, I will kill you here and take Qin Liangyu for myself instead. It is hard to find a woman of her quality around this area, after all."

"You will never get away with this!" Lebao roared as he rushed at Chief Shi while ignoring the pain in his body.

"By the way, I have been wondering, where is your Chief, Qin Liangyu? I haven't seen her since I got here. Did she, by any chance, run away by herself, leaving the rest of the Boar Tribe to fend us off while she escapes?"

"Hahaha! Unlike you cowards that can only borrow the strength of others, Chief Qin won't do something like that!"

"It doesn't matter if she's hiding or running away, because as long as she's in the Southern Region, I will find her." Chief Shi spoke in a grim voice as he slowly retrieved the large axe behind his back.

"W-Where did you get that Spiritual Weapon?!" Lebao trembled in fear after sensing the sinister aura emitting from the black axe in Chief Shi's grasp.

"You like it? It's a little gift from our friends, the Dragon Tribe. It's called the Black Dragon Axe — a Heaven-grade Spiritual Weapon."

"Bastard…" Lebao growled with red veins in his eyes.

"You should be proud, since you will be the first person I kill with this Black Dragon Axe!" Chief Shi slowly raised the axe into the air.

"Don't worry, I will take care of Qin Liangyu for you. I will also enjoy her body in your stead. Goodbye, Lebao."

Chief Shi gazed down at Lebao with a malicious grin on his face.

"I'm sorry, Chief Qin… I won't be able to keep my promise…" Lebao mumbled and closed his eyes.

"Die for me!"

Chief Shi shouted as he swung the axe with great force.

It was at this moment a sharp voice resounded from the sky—


Upon hearing this familiar voice, Lebao opened his eyes and looked up, expecting to see Qin Liangyu's face.

However, what he saw was not Qin Liangyu, but the back of a tall figure, who was standing between him and Chief Shi, almost like a mountain.

"W-Who the hell are you, you bastard?" Chief Shi's eyes widened with shock when some random young man blocked his Black Dragon Axe with a small black dagger.

"That's a decent weapon you got there. You won't mind if I take it after I kill you, right?" Su Yang spoke with a calm smile on his face.

"You will kill me…? Hahaha!"

Chief Shi jumped back and created some distance between them as he laughed.

"You are only at the third level of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, while I am at the ninth level. What can a pipsqueak like you do to me?! Don't get cocky just because you blocked my weakest attack by surprise!"

"Then why don't you hurry up and show me your strongest move?" Su Yang responded with a nonchalant voice.

Chapter 443 The Goddess Has Returned!

"Wait a moment… that dagger in your hands…" Chief Shi suddenly noticed the domineering aura coming from the Black Scorpion in Su Yang's grasp.

"You also have a Heaven-grade Spiritual Weapon?"

"If some loser like you can have one, why wouldn't I also have one?" Su Yang said.

"Hahaha! Although it surprised me a little bit, it will not change the results of this fight! Even if you have a Heaven-grade Spiritual Weapon, you will not be able to defeat me! The disparity is simply too big between us! However, if you give me that weapon and walk away from this place right now, I can spare your life," said Chief Shi.

However, Su Yang merely smiled and said, "I have to agree with you on one thing — that the disparity between us is too big."

He then pointed the Black Scorpion at Chief Shi and continued, "Even though you are at the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, you had only achieved that power from eating spiritual meat your entire life. It's like a skinny man stuffing himself until he is fat and then gain some strength due to his extra weight — it's not true strength."

"Meanwhile, I cultivated one of the strongest cultivation techniques under the heavens, allowing me to have an extremely pure and rich spiritual energy. In fact, compared to the Heavenly Spirit Realm Cultivators in the Eastern Continent, you are barely stronger than those at the early stages of the Heavenly Spirit Realm whilst being at the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm. It's actually quite laughable how arrogant you are despite being so weak."

"Y-You little fucker…!" Chief Shi's face flushed with redness and covered in bulging veins by the time Su Yang was finished insulting him, his body shaking from rage. He has never been insulted in such a manner before, and by a junior no less.

"If I don't cut you up and feed you to the dogs, I will not be Chief of the Lion Tribe! Die!" Chief Shi suddenly rushed at Su Yang with the Black Dragon Axe glowing a dangerous light.

However, before he could even take two steps, Chief Shi suddenly stopped moving and began trembling in fear, almost like he was afraid to move.


Seeing his strange behavior, Su Yang raised an eyebrow, and then he looked up at the sky, where two figures were staring at them in the air above them.

It was Qiuyue and Chief Long.


"It's the Goddess! She has returned!"

When the people in the Boar Tribe noticed Qiuyue's presence, be it the people from the Boar Tribe or the Lion Tribe, all of them stopped fighting and bowed to her.

The entire place turned dead silent almost instantly after her arrival. Nobody there dared to speak and waited for Qiuyue to speak first.

"What are you going to do about this, Goddess?" Chief Long asked her.

Qiuyue glanced at Su Yang before looking at Chief Long and said, "I have already told you that whatever happens between the tribes is none of my business or concern, so I will not intervene."

"I see…" Chief Long sighed in relief after hearing Qiuyue's words.

But when the people from the Boar Tribe heard her words, despair appeared on all of their faces, almost like they were abandoned by their God.

"No way…" Even Qin Liangyu couldn't believe her ears, and she turned to look at Su Yang, who remained nonchalant.

"Hahaha! Did you hear that, you guys?! The Goddess will not interfere with us, so we can go all out!" Chief Shi shouted out loud, and the people from the Lion Tribe roared with excitement.

"Qin Liangyu! I will give you one last chance before I destroy your tribe! If you obediently come with me and become my woman, I will leave the Boar Tribe only half-destroyed! But if you refuse, I will not only completely destroy this place and kill everyone here but I will also destroy you — mentally and physically! Ahahaha!"


Qin Liangyu bit her lips until it bled, feeling absolutely powerless in this situation.

"What about you, Su Yang?"

In the midst of the noise from the Lion Tribe, Qiuyue suddenly continued speaking.

"What are you going to do?" she asked him.

"Do I really need to answer that question?" Su Yang smiled.

A smile also appeared on Qiuyue's face, "Then do you want some help?"

"No need. I can deal with something like this all by myself."

"W-What is going on here?" Chief Long watched the developing situation with a puzzled expression.

"Hey, Axe Boy, before I decide whether I should kill all of you or spare your lives, why don't you tell me your reason for invading the other tribes?" Su Yang asked him.

"Reason…?" Chief Shi raised his eyebrows. "I have a few that come to mind, such as wanting to dominate the Southern Region, or wanting the Lion Tribe to become the strongest tribe out there. However, if I have to pick one reason that truly matters… that would be… because I love to destroy things! Hahaha!"


"Then what about you guys from the Lion Tribe? Are you also doing this simply because you want to destroy things?" Su Yang then asked them.

"Of course! Why else would we be doing this?!" All of them roared with enthusiasm.

"I see…" Su Yang closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

When he opened his eyes a moment later, they flickered with killing intent, and his body surged with a powerful aura that was filled with the feeling of dread.

'W-What is this aura that's coming from him?!' Chief Shi could feel a dangerous feeling coming from Su Yang, and his instincts told him to turn around and run away.

"Hey, what are you waiting for?" Su Yang suddenly said to him in a calm voice that did not match the killing intent in his eyes.

"I have been waiting for you to display your strongest attack this entire time. How long are you going to keep me waiting? If you don't attack me before I kill you, it'll look like I am bullying the weak and powerless."

"Y-You…! Since you want to die so much, I will gladly fulfill your wish!" Chief Shi roared with all of his might, and his aura surged with a tyrannical power, making it seem like his body grew in size.

"Taste my Black Dragon Axe, you insignificant little bastard!" Chief Shi shouted as he pounced at Su Yang.

Chapter 444 Where Did This Monster Come From…?

Chief Shi jumped high into the air and pounced at Su Yang with the Black Dragon Axe emitting a tyrannical aura.

"Dragon Shattering Strike!"

When the Chief Shi swung the Black Dragon Axe, it was as though an invisible pressure had suddenly appeared in the Boar Tribe, causing the people there to feel as though they were being forced to their knees.

Seeing the large axe diving straight at him, Su Yang raised the Black Scorpion in front of his face and prepared to block Chief Shi's strike.

"You think you can stop my Black Dragon Axe with your puny dagger?!"

When the Black Dragon Axe was almost in front of Su Yang, his eyes flickered with an otherworldly light, and his aura exploded to an immense level.


The Black Dragon Axe and the Black Scorpion collided with each other, causing a shock wave that pushed everyone around them away and covered the place with dust and dirt.

A few moments later, when the dust settled and the people there were able to see their figures again, they were all shocked by the result of their collusion.

"I-Impossible!" Chief Shi exclaimed as he stared at Su Yang with wide eyes.

Forget about overpowering Su Yang, he didn't even manage to push him back even after using that much strength! It was almost like he'd struck an immovable mountain with his bare fists!

Chief Shi slowly walked backwards, distancing himself from Su Yang, who merely stood there with a calm expression.

"Was that your strongest attack? It appears that I have overestimated your strength." Su Yang spoke with a mocking smile.

"I do not know what little trick you'd used to block my move, but I am willing to bet that you have used all of your strength just now and that you will not be able to block another one of my attacks! Die for me!"

Chief Shi tightly gripped the Black Dragon Axe and rushed at Su Yang again but with an even stronger aura around him.

However, just like his previous attempt, Su Yang easily blocked his attack with a mysterious power that he cannot fathom.

It felt like he was fighting a wall — one that he cannot break.

"I do not believe that you can keep defending!"

Chief Shi roared, and his muscles grew larger and bulkier. His arms were almost as big as his head at this point, and his body was emitting a fearsome aura that was filled with killing intent.

A moment later, he pounced at Su Yang again.

"Mountain Severing Strike!"

Chief Shi cleaved the Black Dragon Axe with all of his might, and the axe made a sound that resembled a dragon's roar.

However, Su Yang did not move this time. In fact, he stood there defenselessly, almost like he was intending on taking the strike with his body.

"Hahaha! Did he finally use up all of his strength and cannot lift even a finger now?!"

Although the Lion Tribe warriors were shocked when Su Yang blocked two of their Chief's attacks just now despite the disparity between their cultivation bases and felt a bit nervous for the future, they laughed with relief when Su Yang stopped moving.

However, the laughter stopped a moment later, when Chief Shi also stopped moving.

He was only a few steps away from Su Yang, yet he suddenly stopped advancing and stood there stiffly, almost like he's turned into a statue.

"Looks like it's finally taking effect." Su Yang said as he slowly walked to stand in front of Chief Shi.

"Wha… What have you… done to… me…?!" Chief Shi squeezed these words out of his mouth, as he was having difficulties breathing, like there was something clogged inside his throat.

"It's simple, really." Su Yang pointed to Chief Shi's left abdomen, where a tiny one-inch cut existed.

This insignificant injury that would normally not even be considered a scratch for Chief Shi had somehow rendered him unmovable and powerless.

"My Black Scorpion is coated with a deadly poison that is strong enough to kill Cultivators at the Heavenly Spirit Realm even with a small scratch like that. It happened during your first strike at me, and it's finally taking effect now."

"Very soon, the poison will spread throughout your body, spoil your blood, dissolve your bones, before finally destroying your body from inside-out."

Su Yang spoke in a gentle voice as he paced around Chief Shi's body that was beginning to turn black.

"Since you are at the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm and have a strong body because of the spiritual meat you have consumed throughout your life, you will have a few more minutes to live before the poison kills you."

Su Yang stood before Chief Shi again and stared at him in the eyes with a serious expression.

"In these few minutes, I will have you watch helplessly as I slaughter your tribesmen."

"You… you monster…" Chief Shi growled in a low voice, trying to suppress the pain in his body that was growing increasingly more painful.

Su Yang ignored his words and turned to look at the Lion Tribe's people, all of whom were staring at him with a horrified expression on their faces.

" The Chief has lost! R-Run away before he slaughters all of us!"

The Lion Tribe began scrambling about. All they had in their minds at this moment was to escape from Su Yang, whose presence was even scarier than the Goddess, Qiuyue.

However, before they could even make it outside of the Boar Tribe, Su Yang used Nine Astral Steps to follow and slaughter them.


Chief Shi screamed in pain and sorrow as he watched his men fall lifelessly onto the ground. Not only did he have to deal with the pain from the poison that was quickly destroying his body but he also had to deal with the pain of losing his tribesmen. It was a feeling that nobody there could imagine.

'W-Where did this monster come from…?' Chief Long watched the scene from above with a horrified face.

Chapter 445 Black Dragon Axe

'It's over for the Lion Tribe. They won't be of use to the Dragon Tribe any more.' Chief Long sighed inwardly.

He then glanced at Su Yang, feeling perplexed.

'This young man… he's obviously related to the Goddess. But what is their relationship?'

As much as Chief Long wanted to dive into the action and protect the Lion Tribe, Qiuyue's divine presence beside him prevented him from moving even an inch.


"Spare me!"

"Please, I will do anything you want!"

The Lion Tribe's people begged for Su Yang's mercy, but alas, he ignored all of their screaming like they ignored the pleas from the dozens of tribes they have destroyed.

And by the time Su Yang finished killing the last person from the Lion Tribe, Chief Shi's entire body was nearly covered in black, looking like he'd been burned in hell's fire.

"Don't worry, I won't go out of my way to kill the rest of your people currently inside the Lion Tribe."


Chief Shi stared at Su Yang in the eyes, his gaze filled with hatred, grief, and regret.

"Why… are you… doing… this…?" Chief Shi used the last drop of energy in his body to ask him.

"Why, huh…" Su Yang calmly spoke with a smile on his face, "It's simple — because someone requested for my help, and my nature does not allow me to ignore a cry for help from a beautiful lady, especially when there are tears in her eyes."

Chief Shi's eyes widened with shock and disbelief. He cannot believe that Su Yang's reason for slaughtering an entire tribe was merely to satisfy a woman.


Chief Shi suddenly screamed, before coughing a mouthful of black blood and collapsing on the floor.

After Chief Shi died, Su Yang casually yanked the Black Dragon Axe out of Chief Shi's hands and tossed it into his storage ring.

However, before he could move, a figure descended from the sky and landed right before him.

"Excuse me, young man, but I believe that axe belongs to the Dragon Tribe. I'd appreciate it if you could return it to us." Chief Long said to him with a friendly expression.


Su Yang slowly turned around and looked at Chief Long in the eyes and spoke, "Are you certain about that? If the axe belongs to the Dragon Tribe, then why was it in the hands of the Lion Tribe — the Chief, no less?"

Chief Long's eyebrows twitched upon hearing Su Yang's words, and he spoke, "Yes, because I was the one who lent him the Black Dragon Axe. Please, it's an irreplaceable treasure for the Dragon Tribe."

"It's unfortunate that your friend had lost such a valuable treasure." Su Yang said. "Next time, don't lend things that you cannot afford to lose to others, especially if they are not the trustworthy kind."


Chief Long was speechless. The only reason he had lent Chief Shi the Black Dragon Axe is because he was certain that he could retrieve it with ease. But alas, not even he could expect that someone like Su Yang would appear in this place and time to blatantly steal the Black Dragon Axe right before his presence.

However, with that being said, he truly cannot lose the Black Dragon Axe, the Dragon Tribe's heritage, much less to a stranger like Su Yang, even if he has to take some risks.

Chief Long then turned to look at Qiuyue, who was his only hope to retrieve the Black Dragon Axe, and spoke, "Goddess, although I do not know your relationship with this young man, he has blatantly stolen something important from the Dragon Tribe. Can you please do something about this?"

After a moment of silence, Qiuyue responded with a calm expression, "I won't intervene with your business. I thought that I have already made this very clear."

Chief Long's eyes widened with surprise. Does this mean she wouldn't intervene even if he tries to get the Black Dragon Axe back from Su Yang by force? Aren't they companions?

He then turned to look at Su Yang, who was also looking at him with a mysterious smile on his face.

"It appears that I have received approval to retrieve my Black Dragon Axe from you by the Goddess," said Chief Long. "This is your only warning. You may be exceptionally talented and even managed to defeat Chief Shi, but you are not my match."

"I just killed someone with the same cultivation base as you. What makes you think that you can do any better than him?"

"Although I am also at the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm just like Chief Shi, our abilities are not even close to being equal, so it's best if you do not underestimate me by comparing me to that weakling, Chief Shi." Chief Long spoke as he released his cultivation base, causing an immense aura to appear.

"Hmm… I guess you are slightly better than him. However, if you want to even have a chance to take the weapon back, you'll need to be at least a Sovereign." Su Yang could feel an invisible pressure trying to push him to the ground, but he remained calm and stood there without even budging an inch.

"You talk big for someone who only managed to kill Chief Shi because of your little tricks. Now that I know about the poison coated in that weapon, you will need more than that to defeat me..." Chief Long said with a confident grin on his face.

"Is that so…?" Su Yang looked at the Black Scorpion in his hands.

A moment later, Su Yang retrieved his storage ring and stored the Black Scorpion inside, dumbfounding Chief Long and the people there.

"What trick are you trying to pull this time?" Chief Long frowned.

"There is no trick here. Since you claim that I cannot defeat you without the Black Scorpion, I am going to defeat you without it." Su Yang responded with a calm expression.

"Hahaha…" Chief Long couldn't help but laugh at Su Yang's arrogance.

"That arrogance will be the death of you!" Chief Long shouted before suddenly rushing forward.