
Chapter 23-Midnight Talk

(LIGHT IT ON FIREEE Y!)screamed Keizo

(of course my Warrior).said Yuuto as he did a feral grin

Then the building went up in flames as Yuuto laughed like a manic again then he stood next to Keizo as the two of them watched the building burn down.

Shin-ji looked down at the ground then he said muttered something that the other two couldn't hear.

(I swear the two of you have Pyromania).muttered Shin-ji

(What was that leader).said Yuuto

(Nothing now let's go).said Leader

(Ok).said Keizo

Then they went back to the base.

Ten minutes later~~

Keizo kept talking and talking all the way until they reached the base. Then leader sat on the couch and stopped talking but then he started talking again.

(It's official you are an idiot. How the hell were you held as a kid)said Shin-ji

(Bold of you to assume I was held.)said Keizo

(Also don't deny it you idiot).said Keizo as he smirked

(I swear you being an idiot must run in your family).said Shin-ji

(It doesn't but you love me anyway Shin~.)said Keizo

(You are a literal child).muttered Shin-ji

After the two of them stopped calling each other idiot they looked up and saw someone standing in the doorway with an I'm done look on their face.

(What are you both doing it's almost midnight).said Rei

(Ah Rei would you be a dear and go smack this child on the head for me).said Shin-ji

(WOULD SHE WHAT!)Keizo did a dramatic gasp and stared at Shin-ji

(My love how could you I thought you loved me).said Keizo

Then he did a dramatic gasp and fell to his knees in front of Shin-ji and started sobbing.

(Aw of course. Not. How could I do that to your precious lover my dear).said Rei as she started laughing

(The two of you are complete children and you both are also idiots. I swear Yuuto is the only person that is mentally sane here besides myself.)said Shin-ji as he got up

(Also your not sobbing now get up or your on chore duty for a week).said Shin-ji

(Fine mother dearest).said Keizo

Shin-ji then shot Keizo a look then he got up and said he was going to see what Yuuto was doing.

Two minutes later~~

Keizo stood outside Yuuto's door then he knocked on the door. Yuuto opened it and looked at Keizo.

(It's midnight wait why are you still awake).said Keizo

(I could ask you the same question but, I couldn't sleep when I was in the room. So I mainly drew to keep my mind busy.)said Yuuto

(Oh that explains why you told us to bring all your art supplies that day).said Keizo

(Yup but, why are you awake?).said Yuuto

(Me and Shin had a bit of a discussion and I wanted to see you).said Keizo as he looked down

(That's alright my warrior let's go in my room so we can talk).said Yuuto

Yuuto grabbed Keizos hand and he blushed as their hands made contact with each other. Then Yuuto closed the door then he sat down on the chair and Keizo took a seat on Yuuto's bed.

Three minutes later—————

(So what happened with you and Shin-ji my warrior?)said Yuuto

I will never get tired of this nickname. He's so cute I just wanna make him mine forever.thought Keizo

(Oh umm well me and leader were being dumb and we started calling each other idiot and then he called me a child. But, it wasn't an insult or anything if your wondering.)said Keizo

(Oh that's alright my warrior).said Yuuto

Keizo blushed but, he muttered something that sounded like mine.

(Did you say something Kei. I couldn't hear what you said.)said Yuuto as he looked at Keizo

(Oh um no I didn't say anything d-I mean Yuuto).said Keizo

Keizo tried to make his cheeks stop turning red but he started blushing and he saw Yuuto smile at him. Oh my dragon flame he's adorable.thought Keizo as he softy smiled.

Yuuto looked at Keizo and when he saw the man smile Yuuto thought he was coming down with a fever as his cheeks started to get warm. And he thought that Keizo looked attractive and so did Rei as well. Maybe I should try asking Tanako what this feeling is.thought Yuuto

Keizo stood up and looked at one of Yuuto's drawings and asked about it.

(What's this drawing Yuuto it's so beautiful. The colors go together and everything).said Keizo

(It's a drawing I made months ago. It's actually based on the moonlight as when I first arrived here is when I first saw the moon since I was in that room for four years).said Yuuto as he looked down

Keizo stood up and gave the man a hug.

(Don't worry about that man. You have all of us at the warriors resistance and together we will kill shadow once and for all).said Keizo

(Thank you for everything my warrior).said Yuuto

(It's no problem Yuuto).said Keizo

Then the two of them talked until it was 1:00 am after Keizo left Yuuto's room and Yuuto started thinking about his feelings about Keizo and Rei.