

What profits

Life is a market where you sell for profits.

Do you know we are responsible for our predicament?

We do wrong things all day thinking we are doing good and we keep asking God for forgiveness,

The journey begins

My name is Bamsemma Azuka

I'm from Delta State Nigeria.

In the journey of life


We have only one God which we all know.

He created us in his own image send us down here to market.


There is a king who's name is called king Gazzu,

The king believes on his marketing, doing his things the way it pleases him, he rules over 27 kingdoms under the city called Obu-aka,

I'm the king of this kingdom I have the authority over you, I have the authority to give and take, I can as well delete anyone who stands against my throne.

(King Gazzu) Hey you go, ring bell over the city announce to them, the king is giving opportunity to every citizen first thing tomorrow morning.

The citizens gathered the next day and he offers the opportunity,

( King Gazzu ) the money is not enough to give you all but I will be giving this opportunity every 31days till I help you all, today I'm giving 100 people this opportunity.

(The King) I'm giving you this 10,000 each to support you, to keep my kingdom growing, I don't want to be rich alone, i want you richer than me,

Take make profits make this money which I know you can make more than 25,000 in 7days with this, so I give you 31day to return this same about which I'm giving you today, you may now go.

The journey to the market.

The opportunity has been giving to the 100 people you all wait for the nest 31 days.

The 100 people who received the opportunity, ( watch them , one of them is called benefit)

(Benefit) I most make sure I return my own before the next 31days,

(Nliwa) I let me now buy and flex from inside,

The journey begins.


Some of them began to trade, buying and saying making some much money,

At a time many of them said I think I'm done I have to leave the city to another where I can flex and enjoy my money,

(Benefit ) please let us the first hundred people have union so we all will be meeting every 7days to encourage our self's on how to step up,

I have so much ideas which I can't use alone I will like to share with you all.

No one responded to him and work away.


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