
Self-proclaimed Lady Xue's

S City Hospital, room 201...


" Sister! You awake!" A loud bang and fake surprise tones making the beauty of the world frowned in displeasure. Xue Ming sighed and take her ash-grey eyes away from her book that she gets from the nurses.

" Something?" Xue Ming asked indifferently as she closes the thick book and put it down on her lap. Her cold penetrating eyes struck Xue Ning's heart froze.

After calming down, Xue Ning pretend to be nervous and went to ask cautiously, " Big...big sister? Are you alright? Do you remember me?"

Looking at that pretentious face of Xue Ning, Xue Ming almost rolls down to laugh, but she masks it with the frown. As the saying from this world, two-person also can play this game, no?

" I'm sorry, miss. I think I do not remember you. Are you my friend or something?" Xue Ming trailed her questions off. Feeling that Xue Ming expression was genuine and not faking it, Xue Ning stop pretending and proudly displayed her stand as Big Lady of Xue's.

" Tsk, friend? Since when a child of mistress being friends with me, the Lady of Xue's?" Xue Ning laughed as she takes the side chair to sit. While crossing her slender legs over each other, she didn't realize Xue Ming's fingers form a shape of meditation state and aimed at one of the chair legs. After being satisfied with her mischief, Xue Ming took back her fingers and acted as if nothing happened.

" Oh, then why are you here? To rub over your position of a big lady of a wealthy family on my face? Or to show off how well your life after these two years?" Xue Ming leans on the bedpost and stares lazily at this proud young lady. Tsk, is this how all socialist of capital acted? Spoiled and bratty!

Xue Ning stunned as her face contorted uglier than before. This sight of her almost choked Xue Ming in her own laugh.

" You...! You remember?! How dare you play ignorant in front of me?! You court death!" Xue Ning's shriek in anger as she sat up to swing her slender hand down to that hateful stunning face. Before the slap land, a big hand clamped Xue Ning's wrist in a tight clutch.

" Who dares to stop me from teaching this...b*tch...! Big...big brother?!" Xue Ning's words become smaller as her face getting paler than the sheet. Her hand trembled at the sight of other sharp ash-grey eyes that staring death on her.

Xue Lang takes his stare back to his twin sister, " are you alright, Sis?" Xue Lang asked worriedly as his hand still clutching at Xue Ning's arm. His gaze softens at the sight of Xue Ming's pale face. When he heard that his twin sister awake, he rushed out with his military jeep, cutting all traffic to arrive at S City as fast as he could get.

Xue Ming chuckled softly at the sight of her twin brother, Xue Lang. She truly admires 'Xue Ming' for having siblings as loving as them. Xue family only had one wive and 3 children, while another one is a mistress with 2 children. If her memory served her right, this mistress was her father mistake when he still a hot-blooded young man.

However, one day, this mistress come knocking at her house and disturb the peace of loving family of five. Hell broke loose as her mother, Ming Yun fainted. Her father, Xue Ann going mad when Ming Yun asked for a divorce. After coaxing Ming Yun almost a year, finally, the mistress live at outside and never step into the house again. Xue Ann never agreed to marry the mistress and let them fend off on their own. He gave them money, but the mistress demanding that as a father, he can't be so irresponsible for not acknowledge his own children.

Under the pressure from both sides of women family, Xue Ann finally married the mistress but never acknowledged her as his wife. Xue Ann truly lives for his ruthlessness as he never once care or love his other children. As the result, the two children become greedier and start causing trouble around to let the Xue family knows how wrong their decision for abandoning them.

" Big...big brother! You...you let me go! Brute! You let me go before I scream!" hearing this threat, Xue Lang ash-grey eyes finally focused on Xue Ning.

" Scream? Do it! I'll let you scream as much as you like until you satisfied. Later on, I'll let you know how high the sky was, and how deep the ocean can be. Xue Ning, I still not settling the matter of your wrong doings two years ago. Don't let me caught you, or else, you will regret it. Get lost!" Xue Lang flung Xue Ning's hand away, making the petite girl yelled as she slammed on the ground. Xue Ning gets up from her sorry state and limping over to the door. She turned around and scream loudly at the twin.

" B*stard! You will regret this! I'll make you suffer as much as your b*tchy mother had in the past!!" Hearing this sharp words, Xue Ming's ash-grey eyes turned sharp and bloodthirsty as she stared dagger at the leaving Xue Ning.

" That b*tch! How dare she...?!" Xue Lang tried to go out to chase after Xue Ning but halted halfway as Xue Ming called after him.

" Let her be, brother. Karma is b*tch. I'll settle the score sooner or later for today and the past things." Xue Ming sighed and look at this tall brother of her. Handsome, bulky, and strong. So good to have a brother, huh. Lamenting, Xue Ming laughed it off.

Xue Lang harrumph, annoyed. " You're too soft, sis! I know what happened last time was their wrongdoings, but no witnesses or evidence from that incident. Even with military helping to find the evidence, it's still not enough to prove our accusations towards them. As if all the trails from the incident vanished from the thin air."

Thinking that his position still lows in a military base, Xue Lang can only sigh as he looked at his twin sister.

To soft? Heh, if the past 'Xue Ming's maybe yes. But the present her...hehe, naive if they still can get away unscratched from my wrath!

Xue Lang went towards bedside to sit on the chair, but Xue Ming's warning came far too late as Xue Lang's butt touched the chair bottom before fell down as one of the chair legs broke in two.

" F*ck! How come the chair broke?!" Xue Lang quickly stands up, but to saw how Xue Ming tried her best to not laughing out loud. Xue Lang grits his teeth in shame but made decision to sit at the bed. Count him for being unlucky today.

Well, at least the chair still was broken, no?

" How do you now? Good?" Xue Ming asked. Xue Lang nodded grudgingly, still annoyed at what happened earlier.

" so far so good, nothing much just father passed away right after the accident happened." Xue Lang voice trailed off as he observed Xue Ming's expression. But, nothing showed on the face. The only thing Xue Ming do was bow her head slightly, and stay silent. Base on the last memory of her, Xue Ming's father condition was severe. If he still alive, then he will fall into a vegetative state.

" oh...then, Xiao-Qi? How was she these years? Still mad at me?" Xue Ming asked for her younger siblings, Xue Qiqi. She still remembers their last fight as Xue Qiqi went out from home at the same night before the accident. Xue Lang face turned unsightly as he sighed.

" these years...Xiao Qi condition is not that well. She blamed herself for the accident happened right after your big fight. She...she...tried to commit suicide again two months ago. And now being held at psychiatry hospital for extream depression and self-blame..." Xue Ming's face turned pale as she tried to left the bed.

" What did you say?! Why the hell you let her stay at those horrible place?!! You...!" Xue Ming grabs hold on Xue Lang's uniform collar in a tight grip. She snarled hatefully as she ready to give a good beating to Xue Lang.

" Sister, calm down!! She's alright now. I'll bring her out today. The procedure has been taken care off last week by myself." Xue Lang quickly explained as he saw how mad Xue Ming was. Her eyes turned red with bloodlust in those ash-grey eyes. He also scared at this sight of her violence.

Since when sister temper becomes worst?! Is this still his softhearted sister?

" You discharge me out now! I'll follow you to take Xiao Qi's back. I cannot believe how much suffering she faces this year! You as her brother, how dare you put our sister in there?! Just you wait for me to get well and teach you a lesson!!" Hearing this threat, Xue Lang shuddered. He firmly believes his twin sister will do as she said and trash him good.

F*ck me for my shitty luck!!


Sorry for the bad grammar. Have a nice day~

SoybeanTheBlackCatcreators' thoughts
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