
Miss Zombie: A K-pop Idol

They were surrendered by people attacking them as if they wanted to eat them all. They were their prey and they were just scared especially that one girl who was covered by bl**d all over her clothes, and face and was scared for their lives, that bl*od wasn’t hers but theirs who were coming to attack her and the people who were with her. She tried to look at the people who were standing beside her but couldn’t because her attention was on their hunters. She could tell that she was surrounded by muscular and handsome men, but does it matter if they are handsome or not at the point where she and they can die anytime? No. It was tense and very chaotic that she struggled to breathe and held something sharp for the attackers to protect themselves. A girl lazy girl who isn't doing anything for her future gets herself into a messed up situation, an apocalypse with none other than some K-pop idols, and American singers. But it is somewhere her fault that she is stuck with them. After all, it started with a kiss. But there's a secret she needs to keep from everyone else. Will she be able to come out of the mess? If she does then will her life be the same as before even when she made the popular people fall in love with her? Will she even meet them after she gets out of the apocalypse? She ends up being popular, Miss. Zombie. Filled with Love, Drama, Adventure, Comedy, Sweet romance, thriller, and horror.

Tesbie · Fantasía
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44 Chs

She'll be MY daughter-in-law

"Hey hey, Calm down, Kid." Ezra patted her shoulder like an elder would do with a kid who is pouting. "I am not a kid!" Tiara yelled at him. 'I am 894 years older than you, dumbo. Only if you knew!' She thought, rolled her eyes, and puffed her cheeks. "Call him and talk to him about this thing. It's a matter of our lives, Can't you understand?" Tiara said in a calmer voice but still, irritation could be spotted in her voice. "Yaahh! okay. I am calling but if he doesn't pick it up then I am not calling again." KR agreed to do as she said and pulled his phone out of his pocket to call the president.

The dialing sound came from the phone as he put the call on speaker. It kept ringing and with each dial which went without any sound of a human voice coming from the phone, Tiara's heart shrank at the thought of the bombs but she heard the click sound from the phone. "Annyeonghaseyo." - 'Hello' A strong deep voice came out from KR's phone and they started to talk in Korean. "Hello, I am sorry to disturb you this late." KR apologized genuinely to the president. "It's alright, I understand your condition in that place." The president said softly. "Why did you call me anyways? Is there any problem?" He asked and worry could be traced in his voice. "No, We just saw the news about doing blasts in Aglos. So, We just wanted to know about it." KR tried to keep himself calm but he sounded worried. "Yes yes, I was about to talk to you about it tomorrow morning but you got to know about it through the news beforehand. They are preparing the atomic bombs to launch but it will take a little time and other people and I decided that we will launch the bombs after 1-2 hours you all get out of there safely." He explained their plan to take them out and blast. "Oh... okay." KR wasn't sure about their plan and was scared about all the bomb things. "Don't worry, There are people from 3 different countries and not to mention one of the biggest American groups is with you. So, I don't think anyone will try to mess up the plan and harm you and I am also supporting you." The president said and let out a small chuckle out of his mouth. "Yes… I understand. I should hang up now, Thank you for everything you are doing for us." KR said and exchanged greetings with the president before cutting the phone call.

"What did he say?" Ezra asked KR after he cut the call. "He said, we will be out of there before that as it will take time to prepare the atomic bombs." KR explained to them and then looked at Tiara who looked at peace now. "Okay, Thank you for listening to me." Tiara thanked KR and bowed her head a little and went back to her place on the other side of the room.

It was around 11 in the night when everyone went to sleep except Tiara. It was the perfect time to overthink everything according to her, She repeated everything, every choice, and every scene since she came to Aglos in her mind and soon colorless blood started coming out of her eyes making their way to her chin before falling down. She was trying to hold the sobbing sounds back not to disturb anyone or reveal herself crying. She bit her lips and closed her eyes to stop herself even trying to switch her mind from overthinking things which weren't in her hands but she couldn't. She couldn't stop herself to do so and a single sob came out of her mouth but she gripped her mouth by her palms to not to make another sound. Little did she know that she disturbed two people's sleep and one of them was Vin.

He rubbed his eyes in order to look in the dim light and then his eyes wandered around the room until his gaze fell on Tiara's crying figure grabbing her mouth tightly. He sneakily stood up and went to sit in front of her to confront her. His hands reached Tiara's shoulder to make her realize his presence. "Are you okay?" He asked her when she raised her teary red puffy eyes to meet his intense worried ones. "I- I am not." She answered him honestly between her soft low sobs while he took a seat beside her resting his arm on her shoulders. "You can share." Vin said in a husky low deep voice and Tiara started to cry even more.

Vin took her into his embrace between his arms letting her wet his shirt with her tears. He patted her back to comfort her but didn't say anything because he didn't know what should he say when he didn't know what was bothering her. Tiara took her good time to cry in his embrace letting all her tears out which were there since yesterday. He wasn't disgusted, angry, or trying to push her away from him but the worry was there on his face, sadness because she was sad and crying, curiosity to know the reason for her sobs. He wasn't pushing her away but pulling her close to him to let her know that he was there for her making her feel safe with him.

After 14 minutes she calmed down and pulled herself out of his arms grip slowly. She looked at him wiping her tears away with his thumb's pad while he was worriedly looking at her trying to figure out the reason for her crying. "You want to share?" Vin asked her if she wanted to share the reason which made her cry again but this time she was in control to speak. "I-I.. don't know what I am doing… I killed all those people with my own hands." She pulled her both hands in front of him to show them perfectly to him. "Do you know how hard it is? I know some people think that it's very easy for me to do this just because I don't cry or I am doing it without any stop but it's hurting me… It's burning my soul from the inside! I-I can't-" She said softly in a low voice between her sobs and then cried. Vin saw her condition and understood what she meant to say and how she must be feeling then he rubbed her back with his big soft palms.

"It's okay. We are doing it too." Vin tried to stop her and pull her out of her guilt. "You say… they are already dead, right?" He repeated her words and comforted her. "I-I am heartless." She said. "No no! You are not! You have a golden heart… you shared your snacks with us… you saved us… you are guiding us." He was trying his best to calm her down but there were language boundaries for him that he was trying to break but he stuttered. It took a few more minutes for Tiara to calm down again and then looked at Vin who was still staring at her with the same worry in his eyes he had before. "You mean it?" She asked him, innocently. "Yes." He nodded and gave him his reassuring smile and she did the same, at least tried to because hers was a broken smile. "Sleep now." He cupped her cheeks with his palm and looked at her puffy red eyes. She nodded lightly and then he stood up to go to his place to sleep again while she did the same.

Joy stopped the recording which he started the moment Vin wiped her tears and asked her for a reason behind her crying. He looked at Tiara's laying figure with a sad smile. 'I won't let anyone think you are heartless. Thank you for everything you have done, Little friend.' He spoke to Tiara in his mind and sneakily went back to sleep.

Next morning. Time: 9:38

Everyone woke up and was taking baths while the woken lady, Mrs. Kim was preparing food for everyone as she already took a bath. Tiara and Mrs. Kang were sleeping while Tiara was Mrs. Kang's small spoon in the cuddle because they slept side by side yesterday night. No one woke them up because Mr. Kang knew his wife isn't an early bird and on the other hand, no one wanted to spoil Tiara's sleep because they thought she need extra sleep due to yesterday's events.

Mrs. Kim was taking glimpses of sleeping figures on the floor from time to time because somewhere she wanted to join their little cuddle party and sleep as well but she felt relieved after looking at Tiara's peaceful resting baby face.

It was 10:24 when everyone was enjoying their breakfast and Mrs. Kang came out of her dream. She slid herself away from the little sleeping figure slowly not wanting to disturb her sleep and looked at her face and caressed her head softly removing her hair strands from her face.

"Mom, You should fresh up and eat with us." KR said n Korean while shoving another bite of food into his mouth.

"Yes…" She said and continued to caress her head like a mother would do. "Don't you think she is an angel sent by god to save us and be with us through this hard time?" She asked them still gazes fixed on Tiara. "You believe in angels and gods?" Sam asked her with a surprised yet displeasure look. "Yes, Don't you?" The old lady looked at him raising her eyebrows. "I can believe in Gods but angel? Never." Sam answered her with honesty. "I don't believe in this stuff as well." KR said and nodded. "Same." Joy shrugged. "Me too." Vin agreed with his friends and then they looked at JJ who was processing their conversation. "I… believe." He said and shook his head slightly not agreeing with them.

"End this conversation already. I am happy that she is with us or else I don't know what would have happened to us." Mr. Min scoffed at everyone. "Of course, We would have ended up in different rooms starving to death." Mrs. Kim said and let a small chuckle out of her mouth. "I agree with you, Wifey." Mr. Kim agreed with his wife and Sam scrabble his nose after seeing his parent's lovey-dovey scene in front of him.

"Do you remember I always wanted a daughter, Namgil?" Mrs. Kang asked her son, her palms were still on Tiara's forehead while she looked at KR. "Yeah? So?" He raised his eyebrows at her, confusingly. "Looks like, I got a daughter I always wanted." Her gaze shifted to the baby face beside her and a smile formed on her lips. "She is exactly how I wanted my daughter to be. Cute, strong, cheerful, intelligent, beautiful, small, and loveable." She explained with a bright soft smile. "But she can't be your daughter, Mom." KR sighed. "Exactly, She has her own family and she doesn't know our language as well." Mr. Kim said softly, he wasn't seeming surprised like others because somewhere he wished for the same thing as well. "I know, but she can be my daughter-in-law and she can learn our language or we can learn hers." She said cheerfully, getting everyone dumbfounded while Mrs. Kim and Mr. Min were uncomfortable with her sudden confession.

"Mom! Do you even know what are you talking about?" KR yelled at his mother and Mr. Kang seemed unbothered while Vin was processing and seeing everything happening in front of his eyes, shocked. "Of course, I am your mother. I know about this stuff very well." She said proudly. "I can't do it." KR replied to her in an irritated tone. "But why?" Mr. Kang jumped into their conversation. "Not you too, Dad." He palmed his face. "Come on, We all saw the way she acted cute in front of you back at the agency's room and you didn't even shove her away." Mrs. Kang reminded him of their moment. "It wasn't something like that. She was blushing because of him!" KR stated the facts and pointed to Jose, who was dumbfounded as well and looked at KR with confusion wondering what was going on and what are they talking about. Jose pointed to himself raising his both eyebrows at KR. "Me?" Jose mouthed and asked if they were talking about him.

KR shook his head in denial and told him it was nothing. Jose nodded before looking back at his brothers. "But still, You both seem close." Mr. Kang said remembering how he is the one who talks to her mostly. "It's nothing like that. I don't see her like that. I don't have any feelings toward her." KR said annoyingly and sighed. "But why? She is perfect for anyone. Beautiful, caring, respectful to people around her, strong, got a perfect curvy body, can manage everything, and even knows how to cook!" Mrs. Kang stated a whole list of how can anyone fall for her. "Mom, I still can't like her!" KR yelled at his mother to stop her nonsense. "Why?" Mr. Kang gasped.

"Don't tell me you aren't interested in girls!" Mrs. Kang raised her voice on him. "It's not like that…I jus-" KR was about to say something but was cut off by his father. "Are you gay?" Mr. Kang asked him curiously. "No no, Don't do this! I want my grandchildren!" Mrs. Kang said and started to sob. "Ugh! Stop it. I am not gay! I don't like her that doesn't mean I am gay for god's sake!" KR stood up, ready to go out and run from the chaos created by his parents.

"You don't even like her a little?" Mrs. Kang asked with a soft defeated voice. "Mom, I already have a girlfriend." He said in a low voice shocking his parents. "Wh-What do you mean?" Mr. Kang asked him, surprised. "Why didn't you tell us about it?" Mrs. Kang threw a question at him as well. "I didn't want to let anyone know about it because it would have only risen chances to let the media know about my relationship as well." He said in a loud irritated voice before storming off from the room.

They all took a heavy sigh as other TR-X members were avoiding their parent's gazes to run from their questions. Mr. Min glared at Mrs. Kang before parting his lips. "There was no chance for her to say yes to marry him anyways." Mr. Min said sarcastically. "Huh?" Mrs. Kang was confused about what he meant and then she sat straight removing her palms from Tiara's head. "Yeah, I mean even if he agreed but there was no chance for her to say yes." He explained confidently. "Why's that? We all saw the way she was acting in front of him, She was very close to him. I have a feeling that she likes him." Mrs. Kang said in a loud voice, arguing with Mr. Min.

"No, I think she likes my son. Didn't you see the news or know why was she in the agency in the first place?" Mr. Min said calmly and asked her while she knitted her eyebrows in confusion and looked at him with a questionable look. "Because she kissed my son." He said proudly and pointed his index finger to Vin while he blushed and looked at Tiara's sleeping figure.

"But she told us that she didn't want to… It was just something she needed to do out of fear." JJ said and tried to stop the little argument between them but Vin glared at him stopping him from spilling the facts as it hurt him a little. "We shouldn't jump to a conclusion as Tiara may have a boyfriend already." Sam said with a sigh while his mother glared at him. 'First, You didn't give me a reason to even begin arguing with them and now, you are telling us she has a boyfriend? You got some guts there!' Mrs. Kim mentally talked and scolded her son for not even sharing a moment with her like KR or Vin did and then humphed in irritation which made Sam confused. The little figure moved a little beside Mrs. Kang before letting a soft groan from her mouth before sitting straight.

Her eyes were half open with sleep in them. "What time is it?" She asked, rubbing her eyes with her same soft sleepy husky voice which took everyone aback. "Uhm… 10:50." Sam answered her after looking at everyone to answer her. "O-okay… were you all talking about me?" Tiara looked at them and let a small yawn. "Yes." Sam answered her instantly which got her attention and her eyes were fully woken now. "Yes, We wanted to wake you up." JJ cut Sam off before he could tell her about the parent's argument about her. "Ah, okay. You already woke me up when you called my name." Tiara said coldly and rolled her eyes before standing up to go to the bathroom.

"She is rude." Sam commented and pouted while Mrs. Kim glared at him. 'I wish I could spank your ass right here.' His mom wasn't happy about his behavior and took Tiara's side mentally.

After a while, Tiara came back wearing new clothes and looking fresher. She ate the food cooked by Mrs. Kim and she signaled her that it was very tasty, putting a wide smile on her face. She was about to finish her breakfast when she heard a phone ringing. "Oh, It's mine." She said and went near it to look who it was. Her eyes fell on the caller id and a big gasp came out of her mouth indicating that it was from someone whom she didn't expect to call her at all.