
Chapter 1: Teiko Middle School

"Teiko? This is a big gamble," the young man said

standing at the bustling entrance, trying to contain his inner excitement. His voice was low and filled with exhilaration.

His name was Akira Shirogane, and he had spent twelve years in this world.

Despite his white hair and youthful appearance, he possessed the wisdom of a person well over 30. 

Transmigrated from another world, he had initially believed he was about to begin a new life as a corporate slave.

However, everything changed when he met two friends of the same age named "Seijuro Akashi" and "Daiki Aomine." Something about this world felt off. 

At first, he thought he had landed in the universe of "Kuroko's Basketball." But when he heard about schools like "Seigaku" and "Hyotei" in Tokyo, he grew perplexed. 

His confusion deepened when he learned about a recently established school called "Teiko," which had existed since he was nine years old. It sent shivers down his spine. 

Was this truly the world of Kuroko's Basketball, or had he found himself in the realm of Prince of Tennis? 

All his doubts were dispelled in his interactions with Akashi. He had been dubious when he heard Akashi and Aomine were playing "tennis."

It wasn't until he played tennis with them throughout elementary school and later discovered schools like Yamabuki, Fudomine, and Rikkai Dai that he began to feel at ease.

He realized that he was indeed in the world of Prince of Tennis, but it had been infiltrated by Akashi and Aomine, who had an unbridled passion for tennis.

This was difficult for him to grasp. 

Furthermore, he inquired and found that the most famous students in their age group included Seiichi Yukimura and Genichiro Sanada.

If he merely wanted to play tennis, he could have just joined the tennis club at Rikkai and had a good chance at consecutive championships. 

But then, Akashi handed him an admission letter to Teiko, and Shirogane heart sank.

He had never selected Teiko, this recently established school, as his preferred choice.

Akashi must have used some inexplicable means to manipulate it. 

Akashi almost asserted, "You can only attend Teiko with me." 

He had wanted to maintain a relaxed attitude, but Akashi had shattered that notion. 

Perhaps it was retribution for the things he had done in his childhood, particularly in this era.

At the moment, Rikkai should be the strongest junior high school, boasting an unprecedented winning streak.

As for other schools, he could only say their backgrounds were lackluster, and there were not many notable individuals. 

Tezuka? Undoubtedly powerful, but Seigaku didn't let him shine. 

Atobe? Currently, he was just average. 

These promising talents either hadn't fully matured or were held back due to environmental constraints.

Moreover, the formidable third-year students had graduated from middle school.

Considering the level and situation of Rikkai University's players, it didn't make sense for him to win the championship. 

Could the other schools even compete for the championship? 

It wasn't a matter of skill; the odds were slim. 

Yamabuki? Fudomine? Rokkaku?

Were these schools going to challenge the current Rikkai?

The seniors who had dominated in previous years had already graduated, and the next two years of the national competition would be dominated by Yukimura and Sanada. 

Without surpassing Rikkai, they couldn't even dream of winning the national championship.

Furthermore, having just one standout player wasn't promising.

What was the use of being outstanding by oneself? Even if one was extraordinary, they could only win a single match, and tennis consisted of five matches. 

Even Nanjiro had struggled with middle school teammates he considered "incompetent."

Since Akashi had infiltrated Teiko, Shirogane had yearned to prove himself. It wasn't that he didn't want to compete, but he genuinely lacked the skill. 

He and Akashi and Aomine had a decent level of tennis, but what about the other teammates? Could they keep up?

Where could he find high-level teammates with potential?

Recruiting Tezuka?

Approaching Akutsu? That was a laughable idea.

Besides, they weren't even in the same location, didn't know him well, and had no reason to heed his call. 

Unless other Miracle Era members were here and had all transitioned from basketball to tennis, like Akashi.

Therefore, Shirogane believed that entering Teiko with the aim of winning the national tennis championship was indeed a daring gamble. 

Yet, it seemed like fate was on his side, delivering an unexpected surprise.

"Hey, could you please move out of the way?" A young man with fiery red, short hair glared at him with a fierce expression.

 "Uh, who are you?" Shirogane was taken aback when he saw the name hanging from the backpack in the other person's hand.

Kagami Taiga, Kuroko Tetsuya's current teammate? What was going on? 

Could it be that not only Akashi and Aomine but the other Miracles had truly come to Teiko?

"Do you play tennis?" Kagami asked abruptly. 

"Huh? Are you okay? Why would you suddenly ask that?" 

"Never mind, just curious. You seem like an exchange student." 

"I am indeed from the United States, and I play tennis. Can you step aside?"

"Never mind." 

He stepped aside, gazing at Kagami's back with a bewildered expression. 

(Could it be) 

Kagami was here now, and the possibility of other Miracles appearing left Shirogane feeling overwhelmed.

Switching from basketball to tennis players was simply bizarre!

The power of the Miracle Era in Kuroko basketball was unparalleled, with a somewhat "fantasy" foundation.

However, when it came to the world of Prince of Tennis, things were uncertain.

Tennis skills in Prince of Tennis were on another level compared to Kuroko's Basketball. 

Take Akashi's Emperor Eye, for instance; it was just on par with Tezuka. But what was Tezuka's condition?

In the back, any formidable opponent could be overwhelmed. 

Zone? The ability to enhance power, jumping ability, speed, vision, and reaction to 100%? 

Even rigorous training and seamless technique were relatively common, and it was all about "fantastic" moves or "other dimensions." 

In a nutshell, Yukimura's five senses could suppress any of the Miracles, not to mention the various "other dimension" moves that high school students in Prince of tennis had mastered. 

"Let's see how it goes step by step," Shirogane mumbled, deciding not to dwell on it further.

After all, having someone was better than nothing. As long as he worked hard, he could bring out the best in himself.

When it came to tennis, Shirogane wasn't joking. He didn't want to lose; he had the ability and the "talent" for it.

There was no reason for him to lose to other players in the same year, even if it meant facing Yukimura and Tezuka.

As for what would happen in the subsequent tournaments, he would take it step by step.

At worst, he would spend his three years of middle school as a highly-regarded background character and then regroup in the training camp.

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