
The lore of Jaserplaz

"Professor! The experiment is about to begin."

"Thank you for reminding me."

"You better make sure that this experiment is worth it. We spend over 10 millions dollars for this project of yours."

"Don't worry general. This experiment will change your life."

"You better count on it. So explain the project, you have not shown it once until now. "

"I have been trying to fuse the monsters to find what would you call a hybrid. All of them failed until I found a match...."

"split it out then! You know that I am not a very patient person from experience."

"well here we are."

"..... A enderman and a blaze? But won't they not fused? Since both creatures are from two different dimensions."

"Of course I took this into consideration, plus I already said both are suited right from the start of this conversation or did that information not enter your puny mind."

"Grr.... You have forgotten why you were here in the first place have you?"

"Don't remind me of my family. You better keep your promise about my family being safe at all times."

"No worries doc. You know i'm a man of my word."