
Minashi Namikaze-Uzumaki [ONGOING]

The Fourth Shinobi War has lasted for years. The Shinobi Alliance lost their shinning hope when Naruto Uzumaki died and his tailed beast stolen from him. But not all is lost. He left his last unpredictable idea to the only person he trusted to pull it off. The only other person besides Kurama that had always been at his side. His twin little sister. Minashi Namikaze-Uzumaki. This is her story. Follow her as she travels back to fix the elemental nations with the only pieces of Naruto that she has left.

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10 Chs

Messing with the Hatakes

The now child groaned and held her head.

"Kami. That never hurt when Ino did it." she muttered.

"Ino?" Inojiro asked softly.

"Your granddaughter." Minashi smiled softly. Inojiro beamed. Minashi rolled her eyes before they followed the now middle aged Hokage to his desk. He pulled out forms before getting to work.

"For now we will leave your family name blank. We'll say that our meeting came to the conclusion that you did have amnesia. Which from Inojiro's report of your blank mind minus a few stray memories to give us your name, would be suitable for half truths."

"Hai." the two blondes agreed.

Sarutobi grunted as his annoyed eyed looked to Minashi. "You will be able to play this part?"

"Hai. I had an Uchiha for a teammate. I know how to keep a straight face and keep quiet or answer with one word answers. Eventually I'll allow my personality to show as I adapt to my situation." she shrugged. "Which isn't far off of the truth really. I never met Sakumo. I like him though. I've yet to meet Kakashi." she paused and grinned. "I might mess with him a bit though to show my ability to open up."

Inojiro snorted and Sarutobi's lips twitched. He had a feeling that even without her twin brother around she'd be a handful on her own.

"Alright. I'll order blood tests to have them cross references against our shinobi database to search for relatives. It will allow you a few days for the results to turn up. I'll be sure to keep them hidden for a while. Once enough time has passed for the suspicion of you being a spy has passed, I'll let Minato and Kushina know of your relation to them."

"Thank you."

"Also, with your request to be under the Hatake Guardianship, you will also have to be submitted to therapy session with Inojiro."

Minashi narrowed her eyes at him.

Sarutobi didn't flinch. Really because she just looked like a ruffled kitten now. It took all his training not to laugh at the adorable sight. Inojiro wasn't as trained. He coughed and covered his mouth to hide his smirk and laughter.

"Minashi, I am Ordering this for your own health. I know you didn't show me what became the future, but I can see the pain and sorrow in your eyes child. You need to talk about it to help you heal."

Minashi's shoulders sagged. "Hai Hokage-sama." she muttered.

Sarutobi nodded pleased. "Good. Now on another note, I would like to consult with you in the future. But meeting with a child all the time will be suspicious."

Minashi snorted and without even a sign or poof of smoke a second Minashi stood there, but instead it was her adult form. She sliced a sharpened nail over her palm before latching it over the Clone's wrist. It flared a bit of chakra before settling and relaxing back into a lazy slouch.

"Blood Clone." the four year old state.

"I am just as durable as Boss. We also have a telepathic link just in case I need further instructions for decisions. Us clones tend to be more impulsive than Boss. But with serious matters we know to contact her to come to a better decision. As a Blood Clone, I also bleed and have a copy of her signature that I can use and control." She suddenly shimmered and shifted to shrink down into a small one tailed golden fox.

"Due to my contract with the Foxes, I've learned how to in some ways shape shift to a degree. It more like a special Henge Jutsu from the Fox realm." Minashi hummed. "I was actually planning to do that later. I thought it would be a good way to follow and save Sakumo when the time came. It would also give me a reason to attach myself to you."

The hokage raised a brow. "How so?"

"Sakumo is a kind man that respects all creatures. If I showed my curiosity and intelligence to him, I'm sure he'd allow me to come back with him from the mission. Especially if I saved his team and mission from failing. Foxes are curious creatures. I'll use that to get to you and offer protection. A Secondary Blood Clone can be at your disposal for ANBU if needed. Or I'll leave one with the Hatake and henge into my adult form to take the mission if I find it needed."

Sarutobi and Inojiro just shared a glance and looked at the fox that had moved onto her lap and the child that was now petting it with a raised brow at it.

"I'm not your groomer." she grunted at her own clone.

"Nope. But you know you enjoy it." it snickered.

With a grunt and a small pop, the clone disappeared and a muttering four year old remained. Minashi looked up to find the Hokage and Inojiro staring at her in amazement.

"What?" she muttered.

"Did you create that?" Sarutobi asked curiously.

Minashi shrugged. "I spent years with the reanimation of the first four Hokages. Tobirama was especially helpful in perfecting it. But Him and Pa-Minato, were the ones to drill Fuuinjutsu into my head. Granted I already had a basic start from Ero-Sannin, but I am a Fuuinjutsu Mistress." Minashi blinked when she realize she had rambled again. "Yes. I created it, but not on my own."

Sarutobi nodded then continued to fill out her papers. A few minutes later he handed them over to her and she scanned them over. Everything but the medical parts and a picture were filled out. That and her family tree.

"I'll look into the Uzumaki branches and see if we can find a line that isn't too far from Kushina so that she can be seen as a close relative for you. So you will have to hold off on 'remembering' that for the time being. Also, since you are in the body of a child, to be able to get a standing in the village and a rank, you will have to attend the academy."

Minashi groaned but was ignored.

"Please do not graduate any further than within a year." Sarutobi almost begged.

"Hai hai." Minashi hummed absently as she picked at her nails. Sarutobi let out a weary sigh. He could feel it in his bones that she'd only do that because of his future self that she held respect for.

"Alright, I'll send for Sakumo soon. Is there anything else we need to discuss before you go back to playing a child?"

Minashi glanced up at Sarutobi. "One more thing."

Sarutobi hid his own groan, but was startled when instead he had a blond bundle almost snaked around his neck. Her smaller form shook as she buried her head into his neck.

"Thanks Jiji." she whispered through her tight throat.

Sarutobi smiled softly as he returned her sudden hug. "No thanks needed. Just live the childhood you didn't get to for now. You have allies. Let us help where we can."

Minashi hummed in agreeance and sat back in his lap. "Speaking of, i'd eventually like to get Ero-Sannin and Baa-chan in on the secret."

"Who? Sarutobi blinked confused.

It took Minashi a moment to remember that Sarutobi didn't know who she was talking about.

"Ah, sorry. Jiraiya and Tsunade." He raised a skeptical brow at her.

"They let you call them that?"

Minashi snorted. Sarutobi sighed and made the decision that it was something he could inquire on later. Instead he nodded to her original statement.

"That can be done. I'll have to let you convince my wayward student to come home."

Minashi snorted as she snuggled into his robes. "No problem there." she mumbled. "Ah, I promised Oro-chan to save him from himself." she mumbled as exhausted pulled at her. "Need to be intriguing to keep him away from Danzo and Human experimentation." she yawned before giving up the fight.

"Thank you." Sarutobi whispered into her hair but she was already succumbing to the darkness of sleep.

Sarutobi gently rearranged the child on his lap to be covered by the white Haori of his robes. He smiled down at her. He couldn't believe that a twenty five year old was really trapped inside this tiny body. Not until he had seen her eyes when they returned from her mindscape. They were not the eyes of a child.

Sarutobi looked to Inojiro.

"I do not need to tell you that this doesn't leave my office."

"S or SS-Rank Secret?" Inojiro asked instead.

"SS." Sarutobi hummed. "At least her true origins. The status of her tenant and her soon to be background will just be S-Rank. When blood tests come back the latter will drop off that list."

"Hai Hokage-sama."

"Now, to inform Sakumo of his new ward. I believe the Hatake household will get very lively here soon." Sarutobi smirked before returning to his Hokage face. Releasing the Privacy seal, his ANBU returned.

"Send Hatake-san in." he ordered.

A moment later, said silver haired man was standing before him once again, minus one little blonde child. Sarutobi puffed on his pipe as he regarded the man that hadn't taken his eyes off the blonde child since he reentered Sarutobi's office.

"Inojiro here has confirmed that at the moment Minashi-chan is without her memories. While investigating her mind carefully, we were able to identify her first name and that she was being sent to Konoha for protection."

Sakumo's shoulders dropped in relief. "From who?" he asked curiously.

Sarutobi hummed as he set his pipe down without disturbing the still sleeping child. "She doesn't know. Her memories are blurry. We were only able to get her name before we were kicked out by-" Sarutobi paused for dramatics. What? He had to get his entertainment somewhere. "Hatake-san. What I'm about to reveal is an S-Rank Secret." Sarutobi didn't need to remind his ANBU that this applied to them as well.

"Hai Hokage-sama." Sakumo said formally with a shallow bow.

"Minashi-chan somehow has come into the possession of the Kyuubi."

The room froze.

Sarutobi felt his lip twitch, but resisted the urge to smirk. Instead he bit the end of his pipe.

"That would explain the massive chakra signature." Sakumo said softly with eyes wide. "It protected her from the enemy, but must have recognized our Hitai-ate."

Sarutobi hummed. "That is our guess as well. We don't know how she got it, but Inojiro reported that her mind showed signs of trauma. With this she has probably only temporarily lost her memories. Your Mission will be to watch her. When her memories look to have returned, bring her back for another Mind scan."

Sakumo sagged in resignation. "Hai Hokage-sama."

"With that, she will be in your care." Sakumo nodded at his Hokage and looked back down at the now named child. Minashi. "Your first part for the mission is to take her to the hospital and get her blood drawn." He tossed Sakumo a scroll. "These are orders to have her cross referenced with all of our shinobi and citizen. See if she was sent here because someone knows something we don't."

Sakumo's eyes widened. "You think she has a relative here?"

Sarutobi hummed as he looked Sakumo over. "We caught a flash of red in some of the blurry images. It seems that the reserves she has are possibly paternal." He answered evasively.

Sakumo understood immediately. Uzumaki survivor. Went unspoken between them.

"I will take her there immediately."

The Hokage nodded and with some skill they handed off the sleeping child who now clung to Sakumo's flak vest.

"Hospital first. Supplies next." The Hokage ordered. He then smiled. "I do not suspect her as a spy. It doesn't mean I don't want her watched. It's more for her protection if my assumptions are correct."

"Thank you." Sakumo felt a weight off his chest.

"She is your ward now Sakumo. I'm already having the information processed. Once her medical check up is done the paperwork will be complete. Now, dismissed."

Sakumo nodded and with a shunshin, he was gone. Sarutobi glared at the leaves on his floor.

"Really? Every time. What is it with my shinobi leaving a mess behind?" He grumbled as he went to start the paperwork for his newest ANBU operative Fox.

Inojiro smartly ignore the hokage's grumbling and dismissed himself through the door. No need to make the Hokage any angrier.

Sakumo carried his sleeping bundle through the Hospital following the nurse that would complete the Hokage's order. His eyes drifted down to the small child clinging to his chest even in her sleep.

Minashi. He had a name for her now.

Sakumo's thoughts wandered even as the nurse took the blood sample from the sleeping child. He watched the nurse react to the child's rapid healing before leaving. He took that as his own dismissal. He knew the results would be sent to the Hokage. He hoped though that she'd get to stay with him no matter the results. He could already feel himself getting attached to the quiet child.

As he made his way through the village, he felt her stir. Bright Cerulean blues looked up at him innocently.

"Hello Minashi-chan. You slept through your blood test. Did the Hokage say that we are going to test to see if you have any relatives in Konoha?"

Minashi nodded quietly and Sakumo gave her a soft smile. "Until then you will stay with me. With that, you will need items. So how about we do some shopping?"

Minashi stared at him for a moment before she gave a small smile and a hesitant nod. Sakumo smiled in return and carried her into a store run by a Civilian couple. It had everything from civilian clothes to Shinobi wears in the back. It was a store he would often shop in, for Kakashi. Setting Minashi down, Sakumo watched as her big blue eyes scanned the child section they'd stopped in.

Minashi wandered around the girls section until she spotted orange. She rushed to it and beamed. It was an orange yukata dress trimmed in black. Smiling she grabbed it. Snagging a black sleeveless shirt for underneath, along with black leggings, she continued her search. She paused a bit later when she spotted a white jacket with orange stripes up the sleeves. Snagging it, she paired it with an orange tank top and black shorts.

Sakumo hovered a little behind her. Taking in her selections and sizes, he followed behind her grabbing a few extra pairs of clothes for daily wear. After grabbing her sandals to wear they checked out and headed to the Hatake Compound finally.

Minashi was back in Sakumo's arms with all her new clothes seal into the scroll wrapped in her arms.

"Minashi-chan, I have a son about your age. His name is Kakashi."

Minashi tilted her head like a curious child. "Kashi?"

Sakumo chuckled. "Kakashi."

"Kashi." She repeated faking her innocence of getting it wrong.

Sakumo snorted. "Sure. Kashi. Now I'm sure you heard my name from the Hokage. But I'll re-introduce myself. I'm Hatake Sakumo."

Minashi was quiet for a few beats as they walked through the markets.

"Saki." Minashi said suddenly and Sakumo almost tripped even as his face flushed.

"No Minashi-chan, it's Sa-Ku-Mo."

Minashi giggled and clapped her hands. "Saki-chan!"

Sakumo wilted as he heard giggling from a pair of passing women. "Minashi-chan~" he whined to her softly. She just giggled and Sakumo relented. If it made the quiet child giggle, then it was worth it. "Fine." He sighed.

Picking up the pace, Sakumo hurried back home. He knew Kakashi would be worried by now. He was supposed to be home by dinner. It was getting late into the evening.

He slipped past his barriers and into the house.

"Tadaima!" he called out. A quick patter of feet later as he set Minashi down, and Kakashi was before them.

"Tou-san, Okaeri." Kakashi said as he came around the corner.

Sakumo felt Minashi suddenly hide behind his legs as his son popped around and froze at the sight of the little golden doll.

Kakashi tilted his masked face to the side. "Tou-san, why do you have a doll?"

Sakumo hid his snort and instead placed a hand on Minashi's head and pulled her to the front. She still buried her face into his thigh, but an eye was peaking out to look at Kakashi.

"Kakashi, this is Minashi. I found her while on my last mission. She was sent to Konoha for protection. Hokage-sama has awarded me guardianship until relatives can be found. Minashi, this is Kakashi. Remember we talked about him?"

Kakashi crossed his arms as he looked the girl up and down. She looked to be just shy of his five years of age. He sniffed the air to catch her scent, but she was still too far away.

"Kashi?" a soft voice mumbled and Kakashi twitched.

"Yes Minashi-chan. Kakashi, my son."

Slowly the Golden child stepped forward and looked at Kakashi with a hesitant but curious look. Kakashi felt himself freeze though. Those eyes. They were so pretty. He felt himself blush when she gave him a small smile.

He didn't realize how close she was until her scent invaded his nose through his mask. Sunshine. How though? How can someone smell like sunshine?

He saw her own nose twitch as her head tilted at him curiously.

"Inu?" she asked before smiling. "Inu-chan!" she grinned and even as he blushed he bristled.

"I do not smell like a dog!" he growled, but Minashi just giggled. Kakashi saw something spark in her eyes as a shiver went down his spine. He took a step back and he watched her grin turn foxy like the whiskers on her cheeks. Following his instincts, he bolted.

"Inu-Chan!" Minashi giggled as she chased after Kakashi. He snarled and dodged her first lunge, but he suddenly felt his legs swept out from under him. He yelped and was suddenly trapped on the ground with legs locked around his arms and chest while Minashi nuzzled his head of silver hair.

"Inu!" she giggled and pet his head.

"TOU-SAN!" Kakashi cried out. "Get this weirdo off of me!"

Sakumo blinked as he watched the once quiet child attach herself to Kakashi. He didn't miss the taijutsu she'd just displayed. Or the speed. Sakumo leaned in the doorway as he watched emotions flash over the child's face. He wondered if the girl had a pet that had a similar scent and feel as Kakashi. Sakumo blinked at that thought and held back his laughter as his son continued to struggle to get out of the girl's hold.

Meanwhile, Minashi was just basking in Kakashi's scent. I was missing the scent of paper and blood, but it was still his.

"Alright, I think that's enough Minashi-chan." Sakumo chuckled as he grabbed her collar and extracted her from Kakashi. Kakashi scrambled to his feet and glared at her. Minashi just gave him a foxy grin. His two coal eyes glared at her.

"Kakashi, it's late and it's been a long day. We'll talk more in the morning. Minashi-chan, let's get you settled into a room." He placed the small girl on his hip and walked Kakashi to his room before moving to the next room down and setting Minashi in it. He showed her around it and parts of the compound they used most before letting her settle into the futon to sleep.

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