
Yosei No Kuni

After all the girls lectured Jason about asking a girl what their age is, Jason apologizes and then tells the girls it is almost time to go back to the estate. Before they transport, he grabs Lucy by the waist and pulls her into a kiss and then says, "I have something I would like to discuss with you before we leave. Do you mind sparing a moment for me?" Lucy blushes and then nods. Jason then says to the rest of the girls, "Lucy and I are going to go on a short walk. Once I return, we will head to our new residency." and then he and Lucy walk out the door.

As Lucy and Jason walk along the street, Jason, says, "Lucy. I am thinking about renaming the Heartfilia estate."

Lucy quietly asks, "What are you planning to rename it to?"

Jason says, "I would like to name it Yosei No Kuni. What do you think?"

Lucy says, "It sounds pretty. What does it mean?"

Jason says, "It means land of the fairies."

Lucy says, "I like it. I think my mother would have as well. Are you going to change anything about the estate itself?"

Jason could hear the sadness in her voice and he then said, " I plan on changing somethings about the outskirts, but as far as the main points of the estate, the parts that mean a lot to you, I will not touch."

Lucy nods with a small smile on her face and says, "Thank you. The only thing I am worried about is the garden where my mother is buried."

Jason says, "Know that, I would never disturb the garden where you mother is laid to rest. If there is any other part of the estate you want left untouched, you need alone say so."

Lucy now how a warm smile on her face and then she says, "Let us return to the others, so that we can go home."

Jason nods, grabs Lucy by the waist, and then teleports to the room where the rest of the girls currently are. All the girls gather everything they need, and Kohaku jumps up to Jason, and they teleport to their new residence.

They teleport right outside the main entrance, startling another gardener was started by their sudden arrival, again. The head maid came out the front entrance, bowed, and said, "Welcome back."

Jason looked at the head maid and said, "Did Mr. Heartfilia leave the premises yet?"

The head maid said, "I am not sure. I have not seen him in many hours."

Jason nods and says, "Go gather all of the staff and have them meet me here. I will wait."

The head maid bows and runs off. Jason then turns to the girls and says, "This is to be our new castle. That is how I will refer to this place from now on. I will also, with Lucy's consent, be changing the name from the Heartfilia estate to Yosei No Kuni. It means Land of Fairies. All members of Fairy Tail are welcome here as well as those we deem allies."

All the girls started to talk about what they heard as Jason wait for all the staff to arrive. after waiting for about twenty minutes, all the staff had gathered in front of the castle. Jason said to them, "We have purchased this estate from Mr. Heartfilia. We did not purchase the staff. If you wish to stay and work here, I will not turn you down. If you are loyal to this land and its occupants, those of you who wish to stay can stay. Things are going to be vastly different from me in charge of these lands, I hope you think they are for the better. I will say this though, those of you that wish to remain here, there will be a couple of rules you will have to follow. First, anything you see or hear shall remain confidential. There are powerful enemies that have yet to show themselves and I do not want them to know the true capabilities of my army and my girls. Second, if you decide to leave, after you have been here for a period of time, you will have your memories erased from this moment all the way until you decide to leave these lands. And third, this estate will no longer be called the Hartfilia estate, this land shall now be called Yosei No Kuni and these residents will be called the castle of Yosei No Kuni. If you have any problems with any of these three rules please step forward, and you will be allowed to leave to questions asked and I will not have to erase your memories, but know this, if you stay, you are agreeing to follow my rules."

Jason waited for a couple of minutes as the staff talked amongst themselves. Five Minutes turned into ten minutes. Finally, Jason said, "If you wish to stay, please go back to fulfilling your duties, if you wish to leave, please remain where you are and after those that are staying have returned to work, you will be let back inside to retrieve any personal items you may have inside, and then allowed to safely leave unharmed."

Jason watched as his staff started to slowly return to work. ten minutes later, there was none that wished to leave. He then turned to the girls and said, "Go ahead and find the rooms that you want. Tomorrow, we will be returning to the guild and if there is anything you wish to buy for your room or the castle, we can do it at that time. "He said with a warm smile on his face.

All the girls got excited and headed off to explorer the castle, dragging Lucy along asking her to give them a tour. Jason chuckled to himself and then thought [Bone Dragon's Undead Army} and his army appeared before him.

Jason then said to his army, "While I am here at this castle, you will be free to roam free, as long as you stay in these lands. I will also have you patrol while the whole family is here. I leave it to my leaders of each group to decide who patrols what. Kon, you will fall under the leadership of Zirconis. Fu Zhang, you will oversee the death Vulcan, and Michael you will oversee the death cyclops. Deploy them as you see fit. Also, I want you to search the castle and my lands and see if Mr. Heartfilia is still here. If he is, apprehend him, without killing him and bring him to me. I also want you to let me know of any and all intruders that enter our land. If you need more soldiers, u may create them, but you will not kill humans to add to my undead army unless I say so. There are two big empty mansions up the road, you may use those as residents. Zirconis, Fu Zhang, I know you and the rest of the dragons will not fit in the residents, I own all the way into the mountains. Please find a place that is comfortable for all of you. If you need anything, please let me know right any."

Zirconis, Fu Zhang, and Michael bow and say, "Yes, my liege." and then turn to start to put their underlings to work. Jason walks into the house to explorer it as well. Jason finally meets up with the girls and they show him around the castle. Lucy showed them the master bedroom and Brandish made the bed big enough for all of them to fit into it. Then they went to eat supper and to take a bath. Aquarius and Verenestra had separate baths as they were not part of Jason's girls, yet.

After their baths and Aquarius dried off and returned to human form, they were all sitting on a couple of couches in one of the many living rooms talking about some of the things they wanted for their rooms and good ideas about things to get for the castle.

Jason turns to Verenestra and says, "I wish to call you Star from now on if you would allow me." trying to sound as polite as possible.

Verenestra askes Jason, "Why do you wish to call me Star?"

Jason says playing to her vain side, "Because I think it sounds pretty and it is the last four letters of your name slightly rearranged. Verenestra sounds like a buff warrior god, not a beautiful Fairy Princess like yourself. I do not think your name fits."

Verenestra thought about it for a second, smiled, and said, "Very well. I shall be known as Star from now on."

Friday is laughing historically on the couch opposite of me, and all I do is a nod at Star.

A little while later, I get a mental communication from Michael, 'My liege, there is someone approaching your castle, shall we intercept and detain?'

Jason sends a message back saying, 'Intercept, yes, detain, not yet. First, find out why they are here.'

Jason stands up and says, "I am sorry ladies, but it seems we have a guest. Let us go greet them at the door." The rest of the girls stand up and follow Jason.

Michael sends him another mental communication saying, "My liege, it is a female blond, and she says that she must speak to the person that now resides in this land."

Jason sends back, "Very well allow her to come, we shall meet her at the main entrance."

He then turns to the girls and tells them he and Michael had discussed. A lot of the girls did not know that Jason could communicate telepathically with his army but, after everything they have seen Jason do, they are starting to get used to him being able to do amazing things.

They reach the main entrance and a blond woman with a white dress with blue and gold accents on it and black boots were standing there. Jason automatically knew who this was and thought to himself, 'Well, this could be interesting.'

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