

"First of all, we have to talk about your manners. I am the Alpha of this pack and your mate so mind the way you talk to me Omega. Do not repeat what you just did outside there especially in front of my pack members or else there would not be mercy for you" Alpha Cidar said to Athena

"I didn't mean to disrespect you, I was just trying to tell you your fault so you could correct it next time. And my name is Athena not Omega. Thanks" Alpha Cidar could not tell if he likes her boldness or dislikes it..from what he is seeing she behaves like an Alpha female

"We couldn't host a welcome party for you as we all were not expecting your presence, you could have just stayed back like Claire said till I come get you then there might have been a welcome party for you so know that it's no one's fault but yours. You are going to be staying here with me in the Main pack house and there would be no room for refusal" he finished

"I want my parents released right now as they will be staying with me here or less I will stay with them at their place and nothing, not even you would be able to stop me. So if you want your Omega near you, you should comply to all my wishes as I am not even comfortable staying with you already" deep with Athena, she was already feeling tingles inside of her being alone with her handsome alpha

"I will comply to this but the next time you don't follow my orders I might just rip your throat out" Alpha Cidar was getting riled up by the omega's disobedience

"We both know you cannot rip my throat out or even let single harm come close to me because whatever harms me equally harms you. We are connected Alpha. You know that" she smirked

“There is something you should know, I’m very well sure that you knew of my presence when you were in the human world. You had a boyfriend Darvis Montes. He’s a Alpha werewolf who has been trying to get on your good side so you become his thereby making your powers belong to him too. He really was excited when you accepted him after waiting for so many years..he must be fuming in his pack so by now every pack should have known of your return. You did a good thing making sure you were never touched intimately by anyone” he smiled satisfactory, Alphas and their pride

“I d-didn’t even know about that. I thought he actually liked me for me and not whatever powers I might possessive ” Athena didn’t know how to feel about the information she just got

“The full moon is approaching very soon, I hope you know what it’s all about and what mates do during that time” he said while avoiding Athena’s eyes

“Huh? I am a novice about all these, if didn’t take me away from my pack in the first place then I would have known everything about us werewolves. Claire didn’t tell me anything about all these. Tell me yourself then, what happens during the full moon?” she asked

“All I can tell you is to get you energy prepared because it’s going to be a long night for us, you can ask your mother about it. I have mind linked my gamma, he is going to take you to your parents now, he’s waiting outside for you so you should take your leave now, I need to get busy” he said already handling his paperwork

‘Such a jerk’ Athena thought as she took her leave to go to her parents.

Along the way, she saw so many children giggling and playing, some were learned. She also came across some women washing clothes, everyone seemed at peace

‘Maybe he’s not a bad Alpha after all’ thought Athena

Along the way she saw Claire with an older man and also a younger man. She decided to approach them

“Hi Claire” Athena waved

“Athena there you are! This is my family. My Alpha, Adion and my son a Beta Amarog” she introduced and I felt so guilty for being the reason she was not always with her family

“I’m so sorry Claire, because of me you couldn’t always be with your family. I am sorry, it’s nice to meet you Alpha Adion and you too Amarog, I hope we can be friends” Athena said

“Sure we can, I am more than happy to be friends with our Luna” Amarog happily said which brought a smile to Athena’s face

“It’s alright Luna Athena, my mate also had time for us. She visited from time to time and it was a pleasure for us to hand you over to Claire in other for you to be safe in the human world, so do not worry about it” Alpha Adion said which made me nod in relief

“Where are you heading to dear? Do you have time to come join us over for dinner in our house?” Claire asked, I would have accepted if I was not going to see my parents

“Thanks Claire but surely I will come over some other time. Right now I am going to see my parent. Alpha Cidar appointed him to take me to them” Athena said pointing at the gamma who was waiting for her a bit far from them

“Alright baby, have a nice time with them. I will see you around” Athena nodded and left to see her parents after waving to them.