


3 days have passed since the entrance exam as I am now lifting a huge dumbell with both of my arms in my training room beneath my house, a perk of having a broken power where you can use power from a character from a manga, World Customiser where you know, he can customise anything so I decide to customise my living place and make many safety countermeasures since I am sure, both heroes and villains will investigate about me or the villains will try to barge unto my house.

As for the dumbell, it looks like that huge dumbell that Zoro used for training since I am not like the main character who suddenly get power up when he is about to die or have some old man who will guide the main character to create or increase his power level.

Of course, the Saitama's training routine is done in this room but with me wearing a heavy attire wiry being press by the room gravity by 2 times.

It is hard but I did not complain as my power comes with my stamina and endurance. Because the more powerful power I use, the more it drains my body.

So many solutions have been by me to counter this drawback. The reason I do this kind of exercise is that I want to suddenly make my body feels pain or feel very tired after using my powers.

Also, I did not want to rely too much on my power, sure there are many characters like Garou, Bang, Baki, Kenichi or Jin Taejin who purely used martial arts, but when I used their characters, my body will feel the ache a little when I use their movements since you know, a single kick swing can destroy a mountain.

I will be able to do that but still, I make my body stronger then maybe I can increase the input of my strength that combined with the characters.

"Master. You have a letter." A cat enters my training room as I look at Paimon(AN: I play Genshin Impact. Mainly the reason I did not daily update this book with me having online classes.)

"Is it from UA?" I put down the dumbell and stares at the cat who looks like Fou from Fate Grand Order with him having Paimon's voice from Genshin Impact.

"Yes." She replies as I open the envelope with a hologram of a number one hero, All Might appears with his hero form.

"Wait a minute, All Might can only stay in his hero form for about 3 or 4 hours, though now his hero time can increase due to my healing magic that did not heal him completely. But still, there are many students and this recording will take about 5 to 6 minutes to be recorded, every class has 20 students so does that mean the reason he keeps getting weaker is that in the anime is because he keeps having to be recorded for commercial and something like this.

That is what you got when you become the number 1 hero. Every single thing either food, watch, smartphone, figures, laptop or even drink will be advertised by you since the sales will increase since everyone like the number 1 hero. A fanatic fan of All Might like Nighteye and Izuku will surely buy them since you know, fanboys."

"Surely right now, many people will make me their enemies or call me arrogant due to my attitude toward Monoma, but like the heck, I care, unlike the wimpy nerd, Izuku, I did not let myself to be bullied by the others.

Every person who has powerful quirk will brag that they have a quirk and more powerful than the others. For example, Bakugou 's arrogance of proclaiming his quirk is the strongest, never he know his childhood friend, Izuku got a stronger quirk than his.No, rather quirks, since Izuku will receive quirk from his predecessor.

So it is not wrong for me to act arrogant become a jerk like Gilgamesh since I am sure right now, my power is the strongest than that quirk.

Whether it is speed, I can match it with the speed of speed for conduit, strength, Kryptonian's strength, elemental attack, look at Rinnegan, creation, Arc of Embodiment and lastly stealing quirks, bad luck for you since that only applies to quirks.

Speaking of Gilgamesh, the character from Nasuverse, maybe you know, use Kaleidoscope to travel through multiverse.

I will do that if I ever got bored with this world. The heroes should feel grateful that I decide I become a hero rather a villain since I know every one of the heroes dark past, I am looking at you Endeavour.

Dabi is Touya Todoroki you fool.

Yeah, I am not going to tell Shoto or any of Todoroki family members yet about that though if I ever meet him, maybe I can troll him by saying his name.

That is a perk when you have all the knowledge of this world though there issue butterfly effect because of me.

Like All Might may or may not able to not reset back to his skinny form when he fights All For One or the villains will fasten up their plan to defeat All Might.

" Whatever. I can just handle all those problems easily if those ever happen."

Anyway back to the projection of All Might who is wearing a yellow jacket with a white shirt underneath it, he smiles brightly as he is about to deliver my result to me.

"Greetings there, Young Higurashi. Congratulations for you have passed the UA High School written and practically exam brilliantly. Not only that, but you have also beaten my record in the practical exam by gaining 120 points. You must be wondering how you were able to get those point right? Simple. A Hero must help others in need. As you also received about 50 rescue points. And the villain's points you have collected are 70 points which in total make you able to have 120 points in the practical exam. You are officially the top scorer of the practical exam and the entrance exam. Once again, congratulations, young Higurashi. Come Young Higurashi, this is your hero Academia." The recoding ended making me smirk as I know that Bakugou right now is fuming in anger hearing he placed below me." I thought in my head.

And sadly that is true.


In a room, a certain ash blond-haired boy has just finished watching the recording of All Might informing his UA entrance exam while he is happy that he enters UA High School, he is still pissed about one thing.

His ranking in the practical exam as he sees his name in second place with 77 points with no points of rescue points.

Rather all his points mainly consist of Villain Points which make him piss as he looks at the first place of the practical exam.

Higurashi Kaito, the only person who dares to cross path them and the one who always beat him albeit he is quirkless.

Unlike Deku, Kaito is quirkless but is strong enough to win against him who has a quirk.

And unlike Deku, Kaito beat up people who dare to bully him whether they have quirks or not.

And in that entrance exam day, he and Kaito cross path again with them both say they will get first but now, it seems Bakugou has lost to Higurashi Kaito again.

Because in the first place is Higurashi Kaito with a whopping 120 points, a lot more than his ts.

Sure his villain points are 7 points more than Kaito's 70 villain points but his rescue points are 50 points which kinda irked him.

"Do not tell me that he focuses more on Rescue Points with destroying those robots? How was he able to do 2 things at the same time? I mean, his Villian Points also is high. Do not tell me he has a quirk that can duplicate many things at the same time or he is fast enough to do both things at the same thing." Bakugou thought in his head until he spots a name that he unable to believe is there.

"Izuku Midoriya, at the 8th place. That Deku is among the Top 10. What the actual fuck?! Did that weakling get a quirk? No, it is not possible. He did not have a quirk he does, he will tell the whole school. Unless he decided to keep secret about it. How dare Deku hide this from me?" He grits his teeth as he smiles sinisterly when he thought about the nerd who has the balls to hide this fact from him.

"I kill him the next time I meet him." He thought as he laughs evilly waiting for that day to arrive before someone slap his head.

"What the heck with that evil laugh? Have you finally lost your mind?" Mitsuki asks her son who glares at her.

"Shut it Old Hag. I am just happy that I get to enter UA High School." Bakugou reply to her mother question.

"Heh. Guess even my son who looks like a freaking villain and has the villain attitude manage to enter UA High School huh?" Mitsuki says as she smirks seeing Bakugou feels angry seeing this.

"The heck that is supposed to mean huh?!" Bakugou asks his mother who just pat his head many times.

"This call for celebration. I will cook your favourite food as a congratulation for entering UA Hogh School." Mitsuki says as she walks out from his room.

"Make sure they are spicy," Bakugou says to her mother who just replies "Yes" to her son demand.

Meanwhile, in a certain room full of All Might posters and figures, a green-haired boy is crying with his mother hug him from behind as Izuku Midoriya, manage to enter UA High School.

A fact that no one believes in as Izuku who is known for quirkless that make others to not believe him to be able to enter UA High School.

When Izuku's phone made a sound as they are a notification from his favourite her, All Might or rather his real name, Toshinori Yagi.

"Meet me at Dagobah Beach tomorrow morning. I got something to tell you." He read the message.

"Alright, All Might." He replied before celebrating with his mother by eating katsudon.


I am right now sketching my hero costume which now looks like The Exorcist attire forms Twin Star Exorcist where I design it to adapt to my body size and you know, hot and cold resistance.

"2 days before I attend UA. I am in class 1A which means that I will replace someone in that class. Either that guy who talks to animals or the short pervert. Whatever they just side characters. Nothing so important about them anyway." I thought in my head as I walk outside of my living place to search for a ramen stand.

Searching for that place is not as hard as I spot one and I walk into the stall.

"Welcome young man." The owner greeted me as I smile back to him.

"Hello, owner-san."

"What are your orders?" He asks me.

"3 huge bowls of spicy chicken ramen," I reply as he smiles while proceeding to make them.

"You must be very hungry huh?" He asks me as there is no other customer besides me.

"Yes, and you know, the drawback of my quirk which makes me very hungry," I say to him before 2 people enter the stall which makes me almost so it out my drink seeing Izuku and skinny All Might enter the stall.

Izuku meanwhile flinches and almost freak out seeing me as I smile widely seeing them.

Trolling time.

"Ho. Well well, look who is here, hello there Mr 8th place." I greet him which make him like he is about to shit in his pant seeing me every time.

That is why I call him a wimpy and coward boy.

"H-Higurashi. W-what are you doing here?" He asks me making me look at him like an idiot person.

"Obviously to eat ramen Deku," I reply with me looking at him as I smirk seeing him.

"Who knows you have got a quirk huh?" I ask him.

"The others will be completely surprised hearing this since you are quirkless. That is what probably the others thought."

"I am a late bloomer, Higurashi." He replies making almost snort as I know the skiing blond man is the reason he has a quirk right now.

"How long are you going to stand there? You enter this place to eat right?" I say to him as he nods and quickly takes a seat with the skinny blond man sitting beside him.

"What do you 2 want?" The owner asks them.

"1 bowl of Miso Ramen," Deku says.

"Me too." Skinny Might says as I raise my eyebrows hearing that.

"Hey, Deku, who is that person beside you?" I ask him as he starts to panic with him mumbling his answer where I did not understand what he says.

His mumbling maybe matches the speed talk by the speedsters from the DC universe.

"Dude. Talk properly. I am unable to understand what you mumble." I say to him.

"I am his trainer. Toshinori Yagi is my name." Skinny Might says saving his successor from embarrassing himself.

"Oh. Then Yagi-san, are you a hero?" I ask him as he flinches for a second before shaking his head.

"Unfortunately I am not. Rather I work at a hero agency." He replies.

"Hmm. I think I know which hero agency you work at." I smirk as I sense panic from both wielders of One For All.

"All Might right?" I ask him.

"Y-yes." He replies.

"As I thought. I mean anyone who has their hair like All Might and eyes like All Might will work at All Might agency. I bet you are a fanatic fan of All Might to have the same hair and eyes like All Might." I say to them as I can see You nodded his eyes very quickly while skinny might cough out blood when I pointed those before he clams himself.

"You are right young Higurashi." Skinny Might reply as I start to pay attention to my ramen who just arrives.

"Itadakimasu," I say before starting to devour all those huge bowls of ramen.


Looking at Higurashi who placed first in the entrance exam, I start to get nervous due to him intimidate me with his way of speaking.

Besides, he gives me the same vibe as Kacchan.

Until I remember what All Might says to me the previous days.

Flashback POV

"I-is this really Higurashi All Might?" I ask the number one hero who nods his head.

"Yes, as you can see it is indeed Higurashi Kaito, the one who places first in the UA Highschool entrance exam." All Might says to me.

"H-he has so many quirks. That black flame, his enhance speed, lightning attack, clones and lastly become an armoured giant that reaches the same height as Mount Lady. How is this possible? Not many people have many quirks like him."

All Might meanwhile grimace hearing that as he knows one person who has many quirks. No, rather stolen quirks.

" Listen young Midoriya, the reason I visit you today is that I want to tell you that if you want to become the number one hero, you must increase your training and need to learn quickly how to use One For All properly without injuring yourself." All Might says to his apprentice who nodded his head.

"When you enter UA Highschool, you will encounter many friends and at the same time competetors which is good for you since those will increase your fighting spirit along with the determination to become a hero." He says to me as I nod my head.

"What is his quirk All Might?" I ask All Might who want to reply but sadly shake his head.

"I am afraid I am unable to tell you that." All Might says making me slump my shoulder.

"Hahaha. Do not falter young Midoriya as you can ask him later since both of you are classmates." All Might says to me.

"So, want to go have lunch? I am starting to get hungry." All Might ask me as I nod my head.

To eat with my favourite hero, it is a dream come true for me.

"I-I know a place. That place serves delicious ramen." I say to him.

"Then lead the way Young Midoriya." All Might says to me as I lead him to a ramen stall that is not far from here.


Looking at Higurashi who has done eating all of his 3 huge bowls of ramen I take a deep breath and is about to open my mouth before I see he has disappeared from my view making me blink my eyes many time seeing he has gone in front of my eyes.

"Eh? Where is Higurashi?" I ask as the owner now is counting the money that is left on the at the bowl of Higurashi's ramen bowls.

"Guess he has some important business. Luckily he pays me with the same amount of the high bowls." The owner says as I still did not snap out from my daze.

"What is wrong Young-Midoriya?" All Might ask me as he is busy slurping his ramen.

"N-nothing," I reply as I sit back and start to slurp my ramen.

Never Izuku notices that a purple figure is looking at him as Kaito just smirk seeing the confused expression on Izuku's face.

Kaito now is outside the ramen stall not too far from the place he eats ramen.

He disappears from the nerd to just see his stupidity expression as he did not want to get interviewed by a mumbling nerd.

"Now for the finale." Seeing Izuku now is drinking the soup from the bowl, I command Star Platinum to use one of its movement.

"Star Finger," I mutter as Star Platinum's index and middle finger extend and hit Izuku on his head making his face to be dip into the ramen bowl making All Might freak out seeing his successor's head now is in the ramen bowl as he quickly pulls his head from making him drown because of the Miso soup.

He then slaps him many time as Izuku is still in trance because of the sudden rush inhaling a large amount of miso soup at one time.

Not to mention, the feeling of someone flick your back head still stung as he wonders if there are bees that sting his back head.

Meanwhile, Kaito is laughing very hard right now as he sees this.

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