
10 Months Later

School had ended, summer had come and gone, and now it was fall. This meant colder temperatures, this also meant it was almost time for the UA entrance exam.

The deadline to sign up for the exam was tomorrow and since Izuku wasn't waking up it seemed that he would miss it. Currently Hatsume and Bakugo were in the room with Izuku. "Do you still blame yourself?" Asked Bakugo.

Hatsume looked over at Bakugo and nodded, "How can I not? If it wasn't for me Midoriya wouldn't be in a coma."

"You can't keep blaming yourself Hatsume. Deku wouldn't want that." Explained Bakugo. "You've been coming over every day for the last 10 months, go build something. I know you haven't been doing that as of late."

"I know, but still." Hatsume then stretched causing the bones in her back to crack. "I'll start building again when he wakes up."

Suddenly a loud growl echoed in the room, it was Hatsume's stomach, Bakugo laughed, "Deku once said that you hardly eat. Come on, let's go down to the cafeteria."

"But.." Hatsume tried to protest, but Bakugo would have none of it.

"Let's go, he'll be fine, trust me. If anything happens they'll call us." Hatsume didn't want to leave, but she was hungry and Izuku always made sure she was eating right.

Hatsume sighed, "Alright, let's go."

The two then walked out the room and began to head towards the stairs. But just as they were half way down the stairs a loud boom echoed throughout the hospital followed by a shockwave that knocked the two off balance.

Catching themselves on the railing they looked at each other, "What was that!?" Asked Hatsume.

"Like hell if I know!" Yelled out Bakugo.

"Midoriya, we need to go see if he's alright." Said Hatsume as doctors and nurses ran down the stairs.

Bakugo agreed, "Let's go."

As they ran up the stairs they quickly made it to Izuku's room to find him gone from his bed. To their surprise they found him standing up and awake. Hatsume couldn't believe it, "M-Midoriya?"

Looking up Izuku was confused, "Hatsume? Where am I? And why am I wearing a gown?"

Bakugo smiled at the sight of his friend, "You're in a hospital idiot."

"Kachan? Why am I in a hospital?" Asked Izuku even more confused.

"You don't remember? About that night?" Asked Hatsume.

Izuku thought about it, "The last thing I remember was being at the hut when it was raining, then a loud sound."

"You were hit by lightning." Explained Bakugo.

Izuku's eyes went wide, "Lightning!?"

"And you were in a coma." Added Hatsume.

"A coma? How long was I asleep for?" Asked Izuku.

Hatsume and Bakugo looked at each other, "10 months." Said Bakugo.

"T-Ten months!" Izuku laughed nervously. "Ten months….oh god, dad, he must be... worried... sick…." Izuku struggled to get those last few words out.

"Midoriya, are you alright?" Asked Hatsume as she slowly approached him.

Suddenly Izuku felt his legs give out from under him. Running over Hatsume caught him before he hit the floor, "Bakugo, call the doctors!"

Nodding Bakugo opened the door and yelled out that they needed help. The nurses were the first to arrive and they were just as shocked to see Izuku awake. They quickly put him back on the bed and called for the doctor.

Mitsuki and Masaru were also called and were in the hospital within minutes. Running into the room they found Izuku awake and alert laying on the bed. Mitsuki was almost in tears, "Izuku…"

Izuku smiled, "Hey auntie, long time no see." He said as Mitsuki went over to hug him, Masaru quickly followed.

After a few seconds the two broke the hug and turned to the doctor, "How is he?"

The doctor looked at his notes, "In all honesty he is completely fine. Which is odd for someone who was in a coma for 10 months. Izuku hasn't developed any abnormalities at all."

"Does that mean I can go home?'" asked Izuku.

"Well in all honesty, yes. But I would like to run a few more tests before you go. Just to be safe." Said the doctor.

"No offense doc, but these beds are uncomfortable and I'd really like to get up and move now." Said Izuku.

"Izuku, you shouldn't rush this. We have to know for sure that you're alright." Said Mitsuki.

"I know that but I feel fine really." Said Izuku, really wanting to leave.

"Come on Midoriya, just stay for a little while longer." Pleaded Hatsume.

Izuku sighed, "Alright, but only if I get something to eat, I'm starving." He then looked at Hatsume. "I'm surprised you're here Hatsume, I thought you'd be working on an invention right now."

Bakugo smirked, "She's been coming here every day for the last 10 months. She's never missed a day."

Hatsume had a slight blush around her cheeks, "That's cause I was worried alright. Besides, I needed someone to talk to about my ideas. No one else would listen so you were perfect."

Izuku smiled, "Thanks Hatsume, as soon as I'm out we'll head back to work on a new baby."

"Really...Alright..." said Hatsume in a monotone voice.

Izuku found it strange, Hatsume never acted like that. He then looked around at his friends and family, and couldn't help but smile, 'For 10 months they've been worrying about me. Sorry about that guys, I promise I won't make you worry again.'

However that's when it happened, a nurse was coming into the room holding a large folder filled with papers, when all of a sudden the nurse tripped. The nurse fell forward and the papers flew into the air. Izuku's eyes widened when he saw this, but he saw it differently.

He didn't know it at the time but green lightning appeared in the irises of his eyes. Looking around he noticed that everyone and everything was moving slowly, even the papers. 'W-What's going on?' he asked himself as time shifted back to normal speed.

Everyone turned to the nurse, helping her up, they began to pick up the scattered papers. Izuku shook his head, 'What was that? Everything was moving slow?'

After another hour of testing Izuku was given the okay to leave, he was told to take things slow and if he felt weak or faint to return to the hospital immediately. As they were leaving, Izuku promised Hatsume that they would go down to the hut again tomorrow to start working on a new baby. Now home it was late and the sun was already set but strangely enough Izuku didn't feel tired, "Must be because I've been asleep for months. I know, I'll go down to the beach, it has been a while."

Grabbing a jacket Izuku snuck out of the house, now on the street Izuku began to jog. After an hour Izuku made it to the beach, "Am I slower? Man, I need to get back to the groove of things."

Jumping over trash and metal, Izuku finally made it to the hut. Opening the entrance he looked inside to see that the glass roof was gone, replaced by a metal sheet. "Well at least I won't get struck by lightning anymore."

Izuku looked around and noticed that things were a lot cleaner than before. "I guess Hatsume really did clean up." He then looked at the workbench to find several weird looking devices. "What are these?"

"I sure did." Said a voice from behind Izuku. "Although, I'm still not finished, take this pile of scrap for instance."

Turning around Izuku found Hatsume standing by a tall metal scrap pile. "Hatsume? I didn't think you'd be here."

"I could say the same to you. Couldn't wait to make some babies?" Asked Hatsume.

Izuku laughed, "I couldn't sleep. So what is this anyway? They look like some sort of monitor." Picking one of them up Izuku held it up, the device was circular and had several wires coming out of it.

"Those are health monitors. They track metabolic rate, heart rate, blood pressure, can scan your blood for abnormalities, and has an internal battery that's powered by kinetic energy." Explained Hatsume.

Izuku raised an eyebrow, "Wow that's amazing, I'm surprised you managed to condense all of that. Why'd you build it? You usually build more support gear stuff for heroes."

Hatsume looked away, "I built it for you." Izuku flinched. "While you were in the hospital your heart kept giving out. I saw you die multiple times Midoriya, so I came up with that idea. I figured I could see how you were doing even when I wasn't there. Unfortunately all of the prototypes kept short-circuiting when I placed them on you. Guess I still need to improve on it."

Putting down the device Izuku looked at Hatsume, "I see, thanks for that. But as you see, I'm fine now Hatsume, there's no need to worry."

Hatsume grabbed her arm, "Yeah, I know."

Izuku walked over to his friend, reaching out he grabbed her hand and placed it on his chest, rather his heart. "You feel that?" Hatsume nodded, "Good, that tells you I'm still alive Hatsume. Ever since I woke up I could feel something off about you."

Hatsume laughed nervously, "How'd you guess?"

"Your eyes for one, and the way you talked. You're normally so happy and excited, but now, it seems like you lost that." Explained Izuku.

Hatsume stayed silent, after a few seconds she sighed, "It was my fault. If I would have cleaned up those chemicals earlier you wouldn't have been in a coma. It was all my fault."

Izuku's eyes widened as he backed away, "Hatsume…"

Hatsume expected Izuku to start yelling, so she closed her eyes and braced for anything. However instead of a lecture, Izuku flicked her on the forehead. "Ow,"

"Hatsume you are the smartest person I know. How could you be so dumb?" Asked Izuku.

Hatsume placed her hands over the area where Izuku flicked her, "W-What?"

"This all happened because I was hit by lightning Hatsume. That wasn't your fault. As for the chemicals, I should have put them away before we left that night. None of this was your fault, alright? So I'd like my old friend back." Said Izuku.

With water starting to well up in Hatsume's eyes she straightened herself up and smiled, "Right!"

Izuku nodded, "Good, now come on I'll walk you home. It's getting late."

Hatsume began to walk towards Izuku, but as she did, the pile she was standing beside suddenly began to creak and tip over. Turning around Hatsume watched as the pile began to fall right on top of her. "Hatsume!" Izuku yelled out as he flexed his legs to run forward. He tried to get her out of the way but Izuku wouldn't make it in time, he was just too slow.

However, that's when it happened again, everything around him slowed down. 'What, it's happening again? Why is this happening? I'll think about that later, right now I need to save Hatsume! Come on Izuku , get there!'

With green lightning coursing around him Izuku zoomed towards Hatsume, picked her up, and got her out of the way of the falling metal.

The hut was filled with the sound of metal clashing, Hatsume put up her hands out to protect herself but then found herself in Izuku's arms. "Huh? How did you do that?"

Looking at Izuku her eyes widened, "W-What the hell? Midoriya, you're sparking!"

Izuku looked at himself to see green lightning jumping off of his body. "Hatsume, I think something weird is happening to me."

"You can say that again." Said Hatsume as the hut was lit up with green lightning.

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