
Do gods Really just drop anyone into anybody's body

Hashirama opened his eyes in confusion, he was pretty sure that he recently took his last brea- *Arrrrrrgh* He screamed as the memories suddenly assaulted his brain.

His name was Hashirama Senju but the thing that changed was that he lived in musutafu city and this world as he can deduct from his painfully aware memory barrage has a hero vs villian system and people instead of having chakra only have one or rarely dual abilities its like they have been stuck on only one Taijutsu- All might, Ninjutsu- Endeavor

Genjutsu- Sir nighteye

Hashirama felt very awkward seeing the memories of a fifteen year old quirkless boy who was bullied due to not having powers, He sensed the grief as if he had personally experienced the pain and suffering and he was saddened by what he saw.

The boy had no parents and he was brought up by his grandparent who was a board member in the city council so one could say that he didn't have any problems in the financial department.

As Hashirama got up from the bed he was lying on he noticed that it was easier to move than he remembered and his joints didn't hurt, it was just like him in his prime full of energy and vigor.

His room was very spacious with light coloured themes and a lot of posters of what he remembered as this world's strongest Hero ALL MIGHT,

Hashirama smiled seeing someone else with the same burden as him, to others it may feel that being the strongest or hailed as one is all sunshines and daisies but he knew how difficult it was to shoulder the responsibilities of multiple lives who would willingly follow you which could even lead them to their demise. It was infuriating but as time passed Hashirama had learned how to become a leader and choose wisely, he was not the strongest man just because of his mokuton, people may see him as a vanilla person but in reality while staying in Madara's company he too learned some tricks.

Anyway as he walked out of his room and took a few steps he came face to face with a old gentleman in a butler suit who on spotting him called out "Ah, Young sir you are awake, I was just reaching for your room; Master is in the dining hall and is awaiting your arrival please proceed at your earliest convenience" After saying that 'my father is calling me' in an overly sophisticated manner usual from the man from the memories he got to know that the butler's name was Jeff short for Jeffrey Besos, he had worked for the family for the larger part of his life and in the memories he is known to be a loyal servant.

He descended the stairs that led to the dining hall and was greeted by a large table made of high quality wood which could probably host 20 people but currently it was

mostly empty as the only person using it was an old man with a white moustache reading the newspaper with glasses on his nose.

The man noticed him coming down and motioned him to sit on the chair opposite to him. The maids instantly served him food which was bacon and eggs a usual for this Hashirama.

The old man after finishing his bite asked Hashirama if he was feeling well because yesternight Hashirama had gone to sleep way early than routine. The old man may look strict but he loved his grandson very much.

Hashirama ponders if he should tell the man about his QUIRK if you could even call it that and decided that it would be good to tell him as soon as possible.

"Grandpa; I have awakened my quirk!" Hashirama said in a quick breath. Nobody moved, the silence was deafening and the tension could clearly be felt in the atmosphere. It broke after the Old man put down his fork with a klink and with extremely serious tone asked Hashirama

"Are you sure" Hashirama nodded just as seriously and extended his hand to grow a tree branch from his hand to make a small ring which extended itself to old man's pinky finger.

The old man sat baffled watching it all happen, his grandson had really really awakened a quirk and looking at it he also seemed to have good control of it. The old man decided in his mind and said to Hashirama

"Get ready we are immediately going to Dr ibiki for a quirk initiation test. Hashirama nodded and speedily got up from his seat and took off to his room to change, from the memories he knew that the old man didn't like tardiness.


Reaching the door of Dr ibiki's checkup room which took them about 10 minutes after going through all the formalities Grandpa knocked on the door and a voice called us in.

Dr ibiki was a bald man with a tall body but not overly buff just a standard shinobi build.

He motioned us to sit on the chairs and proceeded to ask several questions about my sudden quirk awakening.


"14 years old"

"No, I didn't take any quirk enhancing drugs"

"No, I didn't feel any pain and just slept a little longer"

After answering several more times Hashirama sighed as Dr ibiki stopped seemingly satisfied and said to grandpa

"Mr. Senju it seems like a probable case of post-era awakening, as you know 80% of us awaken quirks at the age of 4 rest who don't generally remain quirkless for life but among those some fortunate people awaken theirs after a traumatic experience or extreme panic, but it is extrememly rare to awaken after coming of age, so his case" He said looking in my direction "Is a bit peculiar, but no worries it might have been a genetic mutation that by chance awakened its quirk gene"

After giving his final reports to grandpa he took me to a white chamber called quirk testing chamber and asked me to demonstrate my quirk

I simply grew a large tree from the tiles of the chamber and looked in the direction of Dr, from the technique of reading lips taught to us in clan days he was saying

"Hmm a plant based quirk pretty powerful and no need of soil pretty good" He motioned me to do some more test like control that tree from a distance and so.

After a few tests he said to come out now the test was over, Dr typed something in the computer which Hashirama found very fascinating even after knowing it from memories. He asked me what I wanted to call my quirk and without even thinking I named it as before Mokuton.

He printed a paper and gave it to grandpa with other report and said happily congratulations Mr. Senju your grandson has awakened a potential eight quirk.

(A/N: Quirk potential rating 1-10 All might 10 endeavour 9)

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