
Chapter 35: Internship

(3rd Person POV)

Jōichirō was looking through the list of nominations for him given by Aizawa. After crossing out a bunch of names of the pro hero agencies names from the list, only three remained.

Flame Hero: Endeavor, Shield Hero: Crust and Rabbit Hero: Mirko.

'If I go to the Endeavor agency then I would be stuck in between three family members of my girlfriend for a whole week, I don't need that at the moment.'

Looking at the other two names he thought 'I don't know anything in detail about these two, other than that Mirko likes kicks, and Crust is an emotional man, he did cry when All Might retired after all.'

Placing the list down, Jōichirō supported his jaw with his hand and looked out of the window just to blankly stare at the clouds in the sky.

After a couple of minutes later, he sighed and crossed off Endeavor and Mirko's name, then circled Crust's name. Tapping on the paper he spoke out in a whisper "Don't know what I should be doing after graduating. Do I become a hero or just vanish into the background after graduation? I need to seriously think about it."

Done with the important thing he needed to do, he got up from his table and laid down on his bed. Without sleeping he started to think about non essential things that could occupy his mind for the time being.

*Ring* *Ring* .... *Ring* *Ring*

Hearing his phone ringing, he picked it up and looked at the caller ID and a small smile appeared on his face.

Without any delay he answered the phone "Hello. What can I do for you Ma'am?"

[Jōichirō, how many do I have to tell you not to call me Ma'am.] Fuyumi replied in an irritated tone.

"Then do you want me to call you Sensei~,? Kinky." Jōichirō asked her with a mischievous smile on his face.

[Jōichirō Saiba!] Fuyumi just growled out his full name, with some anger in it.

"What is it, Fuyumi?" Jōichirō asked.

[Have you decided where to intern at?]

"I do."

[Is it with my father?]

"Not at all."

[Okay good. Thanks.]

"What for?" Jōichirō asked her with confusion.

[If you were going to join my father's agency, then Touya was going to bring Shoto and you to the school.] Fuyumi told him with a hint of relief.

"That's a good thing right? The kids will love Shoto and me."

[It is good. But I didn't want to show my young boyfriend to my colleagues here at all.]

"Oh. So you don't love me as much as I do huh?" Jōichirō asked her in a sad tone, just to mess with her.

Fuyumi, knowing full well what he's up to said [Yeah, I'm embarrassed to tell my colleagues how much I love my boyfriend.]

"Ohhhhh! You are supposed to console me, you know?"

[That won't work with me. Now, on to the serious matter. Who did you choose?]

"Crust. He's a good guy from what I know from the information I got."

[Oh..... mmmm the Shield Hero, right? He's a good hero, dad praised his selflessness and his work ethics.]

"Oooooo... Your dad praised someone?"

[He does like some of the Pro heroes you know? Like the Hawks, Mirko, Crust, Erasure Head and counting.]

"I didn't know that."

[Yeah, dad won't say this to anyone either. Anyway, why did you choose Crust?]

"Mmm, I don't know. It was him or Mirko and from what I know, she's like a battle junkie."

[True, he likes to fight the villains without restraint, dad told us about that.]

"Okay, enough about me. What's up with you?"

[Mmm... nothing much, same old same old.]

"You don't have any new admirers, or single dad's who are proposing.... "

[Jōichirō, don't joke around.]

"Years ma'am."

Like that they kept on talking until Fuyumi fell asleep with the call still connected. Jōichirō, fell asleep after disconnecting the call, not before recording her snoring, just for the fun of it.


In the bustling subway, the students of Class 1A were gathered around Aizawa, who was there to send off his students for their internship "You've all got your costumes, right?"

"Yes sir." Everyone replied.

Obviously, wearing them in public is prohibited, and don't lose them either."

"Goot iiiitt" Mina replied, by stretching out the word.

"Don't stretch out that "got it", Ashido and be sure to mind your manners! okay, let's GO!" Aizawa told them.

Jōichirō, looked at his friends and said "Alright, my destination is the other direction. So, all the best."

"Thanks, and all the best for you too." Momo said.

"Sure." Then shaking hands with her and bumping fists with Tokoyami and Shoto, Jōichirō went towards the train that would take him to his destination.

After an hour of travel in the train, he reached his destination, walking around for a little bit he found the hero agency of the Shield Hero: Crust.

Getting into the agency, he found the receptionist and introduced himself "Karna, from U.A. for the internship."

Looking at him, the red head said "I will inform Sir Crust."

Picking up the phone she called to the office of Crust that was upstairs and after saying her piece, she spoke to Jōichirō "Sir Crust will see you now, his office is on the third floor, you can use the lift."

"Thanks." Thanking the red head, Jōichirō went towards the lift and pressed the third floor button.

When he reached the third floor, he was greeted by a well-built man with black hair combed backward, with a streak of grayish-white hair running down from the center of his hairline. The back of his right hand had a layer of crust, probably due to his Quirk.

Looking at Jōichirō, he said "I'm Crust, the Shield Hero. I'm delighted that you chose to intern with me."

"The pleasure is mine sir." Jōichirō replied.

"Then come with me for the patrol after changing into your hero suit. I'll wait." Crust told him with a smile that never left his face from the beginning.

"Yes sir." Nodding at Crust, Jōichirō moved towards the changing room that was pointed out by his sidekick.

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