
Chapter 31: Teenagers are Complicated

While Ryuko was debating if accepting Rumi's request is worth it, the others were having their own things to do.

Kirishima was currently in a bad mood, and he didn't get into those easily.

"Old man, what are you doing?" Kirishima raised a brow at a small old man that was trying to hit him.

"That brat Toshinori sure found a real gem." The old man snorted.

"Gran Torino, no disrespect. But if Yagi-san can only think about you as my trainer, then I have nothing to learn from you." Kirishima said sternly, yet politely.

"You've got balls kid, then how about this?" He suddenly sped up all over the place and let out a mean hook on his face.

Kirishima just stood there and Gran Torino felt his fist almost fracture at the hardness of his face.

"Bro..." Kirishima could see his movements as Alex drilled it into them that having great spatial awareness means they can fight better.

"Fuck! What the hell are you made out of!?" Gran Torino held his fist as he teared up.

"Youth and manliness! Now, please excuse me. I'd like to polish my proficiency with the six powers." Kirishima peaced out.

"Toshinori... Who taught this kid?" Gran Torino can't believe that Toshinori found a chad.

"I guess I can entrust One for All to him. I thought that Togata would be perfect, but I was wrong." He sighed, but he smiled right after.

__UA Support Building__

Currently, Momo, Izumi, Melissa, and Mei were going for a trip on their favorite rocket ship.

Which is their mobile armor, except Izumi and Melissa were the only ones with it.

"I can't believe I'm going to I-island! And to meet with David Shield of all people!" Mei's eyes were shining brightly.

"Yeah, daddy and mommy already told me that the plane's ready." Momo nodded at them.

"Daddy could've arranged us a private jet, but I guess Momo's jets are better." Melissa shrugged.

'Uwaaah, rich people are just built different.' Izumi and Mei thought.

And even the quite eccentric Mei is shocked by how rich people talk.

"That's flattering, but I'm glad that you think that the jets of the Yaoyorozus are nice." Momo smiled.

'Uwaaah, they're entering their ojou-sama mode.' The two were getting sick of it.

"Anyways! I hope we can get some help from daddy! Just like the inspiration of our suits, Tony Spark created tons of them!" Melissa was excited.

"That... Can I even help with this?" Mei suddenly got cold feet.

Their exo suits are the zenith of engineering. It can't be compared to current tech at all.

"You can do it, Mei. You were able to make some great 'babies' with nothing but basic equipment and shoddy funding." Melissa patted her on the back.

"Yeah, this honestly wouldn't have been possible without a lot of things. Alex, David, and Allmight helped us a lot." Izumi smiled.

"Umu, it is quite embarrassing, but Alex is the one with the funds in our group. My allowance can't compare." Momo nodded.

"Guys..." Mei hugged them and they packed their bags for their trip to I-island.


After a boring time patrolling, Alex was currently with people that needed some help.

"Toru, your stance is all wrong. I can feel it." Alex noticed and she was shocked.

"What? How can you know? You can't see me..." She blinked and he closed his eyes.

"Your knees aren't bent, you are trying to copy me too. Women have different centers of gravity.

Your back is too tense, you're clenching your fists too hard, your breathing is too quick, you aren't engaging your core. Should I continue?" Alex gave her a stern talking to.

"H-how?" Everyone else were completely gobsmacked.

"Here, let me fix it." Alex suddenly grabbed the air and they heard a yelp.

They couldn't see it, but Toru was sweating and blushing like a tomato as Alex rubbed her legs, back, and arm to make her more relaxed.

'H-his hands are so rough and strong...' Toru bit her lip as Alex manipulated her body.

"There, it goes for you guys too." Alex pointed at Tokoyami, Denki, Sero, Rikido, and Jiro.

Mashirao and Mezo had decent forms, so Alex will be beating them to the ground in order to gain experience.

The teens flinched when he called them out. They didn't expect him to be extremely strict.

"Hey man, why do I even gotta do this? I'm an emitter type that specializes in mid-range." Denki complained.

Alex then smacked him with the pimp-slap. "Foolishness, Denki, foolishness. Might controls everything."

They straightened up when Alex slapped Denki like a pimp with his bitch ass hoe.

"Without power, you cannot protect anything. What will you say to parents, kids, wives, husbands with families you got killed because you're too weak?" Alex squinted his eyes.

Denki started hyperventilating as he imagined it. Everybody gulped and they nodded grimly.

"You've already experienced it once. Wouldn't you say that the ones who were stronger saved you?" Alex gave them a reality check.

"I'm sorry!" Denki groveled and he gritted his teeth.

"Don't be sorry, be better. Now sweat and cry tears of blood in order to be a hero. Allmight sacrificed everything to maintain peace.

No wife, no children, no family, nothing. He basically has nothing so he could be a hero that everyone needs. Are you prepared for that? If not, then just quit." Alex almost glared at them.

They went quiet for a good minute. "Now, I'm not saying to sacrifice everything. But you do have to give up something for this job. Ochaco might not look like it, but she wanted to be a hero for the money." Alex shrugged.

Everyone couldn't believe it. They thought that their group was a super secret group trained by the government or something.

"You aren't at UA to just be a student, always remember that." Alex finished and a fire was lit inside them.

'Damn, I went too far. I guess my passion never died.' Alex never went half-assed on things.

It was the reason he became a wizard in the first place.

"Alex is right, it is our destiny to be the protectors of the masses." Tokoyami nodded sagely.

'I wouldn't say it's destiny... But I guess he's just edgy?' Alex almost cringed.

"Oh! We have to do better, we need to catch up to you guys." Rikido did a guts pose.

"Yeah, we can't just rely on our quirks." Jiro looked at her ear jacks.

"Don't be disappointed in the cards you've been dealt with, Jiro. The only person that can realistically beat me here without using my quirk is Tokoyami." Alex pointed out.

"Yet I can beat him with just a couple of tools. Even just a strong flashlight will cripple him. It's not all about the quirk, it's how you use it." Alex nodded sagely.

"Yeah, even my tail is just an extra limb that's not even that useful. But with martial arts, I can do more with it." Mashirao agreed.

"You truly are wise, Alex." Mezo nodded at him.

"Come on, we don't have all day." Alex smiled at them.

After grueling training, everybody went home except Tokoyami and Toru.

"Hmm? Why are you guys still here?" Alex was curious.

"I believe that fate's machinations introduced you to me." Tokoyami looked at him a bit too passionately for his liking.

"Uhhh, sorry man... But I'm not gay." Alex stepped back a bit.

Tokoyami stared at him hard and Toru laughed her ass off.

"You said that my potential is limitless, is that the truth?" Tokoyami asked him and he was unsure.

"Yes, you and Toru's quirks can be limitless. I doubt I can beat you with my normal transformations.

And in Toru's case, even be unable to if I'm correct." Alex shrugged.

"Are you for real, Alex?" Toru's heart beated in her chest loudly.

"You have no idea how strong your quirk is, do you? If Tokoyami controls dark shadow, then it can just cast a veil and create your own domain where you're in perfect control." Alex thought about a special move.

"That's... That's genius actually." Tokoyami went pensive.

"And if Toru can manipulate light instead of just turn invisible, then nobody can stand against you. You can just look at somebody and lobotomize them in an instant." Alex squinted his eyes.

He definitely didn't want to deal with someone like that.

The only feasible ways would be bending space, refractions, or materials strong enough to repel strong light.

But with gamma rays, Toru can just go Yusuke and fire spirit guns left and right.

"You... You give me too much credit." Toru fidgeted around.

"I'm not, because how can you see? It only means one thing. You're subconsciously manipulating light." Alex hypothesized.

Quirks can bend reality and physics to their will. But that's with super high-tier ones, like Momo's and Ochaco's.

"Tokoyami, fight with dark shadow. Control it to your will. I will stop you if you lose your hold of it." Alex instructed him.

"Toru, let's learn about your quirk and test its limits." Alex reached out with his hand and she held it.

"Un! Thanks for believing in me!" Toru teared up.

She always believed that she isn't good enough. That her quirk is just that, being invisible.

And she hated it too. She couldn't see how cute she would look in clothes like a normal girl.

She thought that she would be known as the exhibitionist hero. Stripping naked out in the open.

*+1000 affection with Toru Hagakure for believing in her. Status changed to her hero.*

'What? That's crazy... I guess she's a high school girl. And a teenager having a crisis is nothing new, but still.' Alex smiled wryly.

He then searched for the necessary materials for Toru to learn. And he'll be damned if he can't turn her to an equivalent of an omega-level mutant if he was right.

And after Tokoyami made some progress in controlling dark shadow, Toru was still asking Alex about light manipulation.

"Aren't your parents going to worry? It's already late, Toru." Alex reminded her.

"Uwaah! Look at the time..." She was surprised, but her voice sounded reluctant.

"Let me get you home." He scooped her up and he flapped his wings to enter the skies.

"Wow..." Toru looked around. She then stared at Alex who was navigating the city.

"Hmm? Why are you staring at me? Is my hair weird? The wind is quite strong when flying." Alex asked and she just continued staring at him.

"Uhhh, Toru?" Alex didn't know what was going inside of her mind.

"Alex... I know Mirko's your girlfriend... But I really like you. You're smart, handsome, strong, kind." Toru said softly.

'Damn, why am I attracting minors left and right?' Alex almost winced.

"I'm pretty observant, I also know that Izumi and Mina likes you. The others too, I know they trust you." Toru chuckled.

"Don't tell that to Katsuki, she'll slug you." Alex laughed.

"Can I... Can I stay like this for a bit longer?" Toru asked him and he held back a frown.

He wasn't an idiot, he could hear the emotions in her voice.

Disappointment, longing, hurt, and hopelessness.

'Hah, didn't know that I'd be worrying about a teenager's crush about me. Not to mention three of them.' Alex sighed.

"You know, I'm not as good as you think Toru. I'm three-timing Rumi." Alex revealed.

"W-what!? You're cheating on Mirko!? Are you crazy!?" Toru was absolutely shocked.

"No, let me rephrase that. Rumi isn't my only girlfriend." Alex shrugged and Toru's head almost exploded with that information.

"D-do they know?" Toru managed to squeak out.

"Yeah they do, we even go on dates and stuff together." Alex started sweating a bit.

"That's... That's quite something." Toru went quiet.

"You must have been disillusioned." Alex hoped that she would lose her crush on him with that.

He didn't want to rope in more teenagers to his complicated love life.

"So you're saying I have a chance?" That is until she hit him with a fast one.

"Huh?" Alex stared right at her invisible face. "Huh?" Toru was blushing madly as he hovered in the air.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.

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